Movies and fic

Nov 10, 2009 14:59

Sat down and watched a couple movies with the kids the other day. Say Anything and Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.

I love Jon Cusak movies. The kids were asking if his sister (Joan Cusak) is in all his movies. I said no, but I think she's in most of them. I wonder if they try to make it that way on purpose or it just kinda happened that way?

NNIP was great. I liked it but I expected there to be a lot more music in it. There wasn't any more than usual for a movie where all the people are running around crazy in the middle of the night.

We all watched Gross Pointe Blank the day after that. Another JC movie, what can I say. Plus, Minnie Driver. Win-win.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit was after that. Can you see what I'm doing here? Kids need to see movies I term "cultural reference" movies. If you see, for example, Peter on Family Guy holding up a boombox to get Lois to come back to him, it's funny. But you're not gonna get the reference until you've seen the original scene in Say Anything. To most people who haven't seen the movie, it's just some weird dude holding up an out-dated piece of musical equipment. And seriously, everyone needs to see Roger Rabbit, if for no other reason than to hear Jessica Rabbit say, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."

So I've made a list and I'm recording to my DVR as they come on. There are definately some of these movies I want to buy, but if I waited until I bought them for the kdis to see them, they would already be grown and out of the house and I wouldn't be able to sit on them and make them watch what they are sure is the stupidest movie ever (Nan was refusing to watch Roger Rabbit but the first five minutes hooked her).

Just finished reading an excellent fic. SGA with some anger issues, transgender situations and Rodney being supportive. Yeah, it's AU but very well done.

Title: A Hundred Happy Things (30,000 words)
Author: busaikko
Betas: inkscribe, kaizoku, and kyuuketsukirui, who are kind and generous souls *hugs all around*
Fandom: Stargate:Atlantis (spoilers S4 especially 'Outcast')
Pairing/characters: McKay/Sheppard, Jeannie McKay, Madison McKay
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: All characters belong to copyright owners.
Summary: Harlequin AU (no Stargate). Kaleb's long gone, Jeannie's got a career, Madison has problems, Rodney's got Inner Power!, and Sheppard. . . is pretty much the same.
Warnings: reference to the verbal abuse of a child and physical violence; Ford and Jeannie misbehave

movie, pairing:mckay/sheppard, fic recs, my kids, tv:sga, cultural reference

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