Pokémon :: Shocking Star

Jul 10, 2011 02:55

Good idea, Puri. You're writing a novel with a hurt/comfort relationship between two characters, so you look at a prompt requesting, "Flint/Volkner. Volkner's raped by whoever (not Flint) and Flint comforts him." What do the voices in your head say? "Doooooo it! Doooooo it! Doooooo it!" Fuck you, muses. Fuck you.

I certainly didn't expect my first Flint/Volkner fic to be like this. :o Either way, I give major thanks to the people who have read it over for me, considering the delicate subject matter and that I haven't written anyone from Sinnoh in ages. (Except for a quick review of Sunyshore City and Volkner and Flint's in-game dialogue from Bulbapedia)

Now I kinda ship Flint/Volkner/Jasmine. Aw.

Title: Shocking Star
Author: Puri
Fandom: Pokémon
Genre: Drama/Romance
Rating: R
Warnings: Rape*, bad language, alcohol.
Ships/Characters: Flint/Volkner
Finished: Yes

*DO NOT READ this fic if you are triggered by sexual assault. This is your second warning.

Volkner listened to plenty of good advice, and most of it was directed toward children and young women. Oh yes, he frowned, very good advice.

Maybe the man he met that one sunset was right. Emotions were frivolous things, and it hurt those who experienced them. Volkner didn't know Cyrus very well. Only that he had been available at the time, and that they weren't familiar enough with each other for the burden to be heavy. Cyrus felt disdain for everyone around him, so why should Volkner feel any less different? It was almost as if the pale individual had already known, and he added the Shining, Shocking Star's story to yet another reason why he craved to create own universe... whatever the hell that meant.

"Don't bother telling people how you feel." said Team Galactic's future leader. "They will probe and probe and they will break you."


"You're not coming?" He remembered Flint teasing him and flashing him the usual toothy grin before heading out the door, linking one arm around Jasmine's and the other lifting Buck onto his shoulder. "Whatever man. We'll be seeing you before sundown!"

As popular as Volkner was among the Gym Leaders, he wasn't the type for socialization or paparazzi, and even less, dating. That spotlight was reserved for Flint, who soaked it all up as if his own gigantic afro was the sun itself. Volkner chuckled; he was a little jealous of that bastard, and he wondered what it'd be like to be as uninhibited as he was.

Eventually, Sunyshore's guest from Olivine City had become worn down from the excitement, and escaped outside to catch her breath. At first, Volkner was reluctant to talk to Jasmine, and remained indifferent as she stammered. But he found they had a lot more in common they thought. Jasmine wasn't pushy, but he sensed a will in her that showed her title as a Gym Leader was no fluke either. They both wanted to get away from the crowd, the noise, the probing, and sought what really mattered to them... their own Pokémon.

"I heard in that some towns they use Electabuzz in place of lightning rods." she said. "The trouble is they eat electricity, so they tend go out of control and cause black-outs..."
"The last black-out in Sunyshore was my own. I was putting a strain on the Gym's power supply and that's when it happened. You don't need to worry though. I've got it taken care of. Besides, I only use Electivire for battles."
"Oh... um... I suppose different methods of electricity have its ups and downs. I take care of Amphy, and... sometimes he gets sick and I worry a lot about him."
"You have an Ampharos?" He raised his eyebrows in a moment of genuine curiosity.
"You mean Amphy? Why, yes! Of course!" Jasmine blushed. "Though he's not my Pokémon as he is the guardian of Olivine City. His tail keeps the harbor lit up so sailors don't lose their way. I guess Sunyshore and Olivine are alike in many ways, so I thought I'd stop by to visit. It's... amazing, don't you think? The way humans and Pokémon work together with electricity to make our cities a clean and safe place for everybody."

They stared at the ocean from the Vista Lighthouse, listening to the waves smash against the rocks. Jasmine wasn't talkative, and Volkner appreciated that; there were some things that were better shared in silence.

"Heeeeeey!" Flint shouted, waving to the pair from water-skiing. The two Gym Leaders smiled and greeted back, then turned to another and chuckled over the elite's flame boxers.


By the time Jasmine had boarded her Skarmory to fly home, Volkner stared at the sky for a long time. The encroaching gray clouds contrasted the sharp azure, blinding him before Flint nudged him on the shoulder.

"You know something?" the red-head chuckled. "I haven't seen you smile around a girl in a long time. You're friends now, right?"
"She's not my girlfriend." Volkner sighed, unamused. Here we go again.
"I know, I know!" Flint chuckled. "I'm your number one anyway!"

Flint turned to leave, and his expression softened.

"You know, buddy... I'm glad. You changed a lot after fighting the lead champ at the Pokémon League, and now... I can't believe it man. You're going to Unova. How cool is that!? You've got every right to be hyped up, man. I don't think I've seen you this excited for anything in a long time."
"Yeah!" Flint pumped his fist in the air. Then regardless whether anyone was watching, he pecked Volkner on the cheek. A light touch on the lip followed, along with tender traces down the neck.
"Flint, wait." Volkner stiffened, and his fingers clutched his friend's shoulders. "Stop."

The redhead withdrew, looking concerned. It wasn't the first time his friend had pushed him away from public displays of affection, but he was never like a Seviper who had struck out at him. At least not often. And it was the "not often" part that had Flint worried. "Are you okay?"

"Meet me at the Gym." Volkner instructed. "I'll explain everything. It has nothing to do with you or Jasmine, but it's got everything to do with your old girlfriend. You know... What's-Her-Face."
"What's-Her-Face?" Then Flint remembered, and it hit him like a burst of broken glass. "Oh. Her."


Once upon a time, What's-Her-Face dated Flint. She had shocking pink pigtails with matching star-spectacles, making her a poster child for the heyday of disco, neon polka-dots and 80s fashion. She was crazy and Flint loved her for it. They were together constantly, battling it out with their near-identical teams of Pokémon, laughing over the same old lame jokes, and partying until Veilstone City fizzled into darkness. They smashed mugs of frothing amber beer, Flint bragging that he could out-drink her, only to be driven home and consoled by a sober Volkner over the toilet. What's-Her-Face and Flint... the perfect couple. So perfect it made Volkner wretch. Jealousy, if he could call it that. But there was no denying that they looked good together, and Volkner wasn't about to get in their way of their happiness. Until one night when What's-Her-Face tilted her head at "the clown" left unconscious on her sofa...

"No," What's-Her-Face said, "I was never interested in that bozo to begin with. What I wanted was you. I could've sworn you were the real Elite Four member here. Why stay at your current rank? You could be much higher. Much higher than that friend of yours there, wherever HE is."

"Shut up." Volkner warned. But before the Gym Leader grabbed any of his Pokémon, What's-Her-Face had seized him by the arms and slammed him to the wall, yanking the belt out of his reach. She jabbed her fingers into the back of his throat. Volkner bit as hard as he could sink, fighting and gagging until she punched him square in the cheek, bruising the corner of his mouth and making it bleed.

"Go ahead. Turn off all the lights." What's-Her-Face grinned. "Flint's Pokémon are in his belt, and he's as wasted as an inseminated donkey. Neither of them can help you now, and you're nothing without your own team. We're going inside that bedroom and you will do exactly what I say. Got it?"
"Get the fuck away from me and Flint."
"Don't you worry, dear. I don't care about Flint. It's you I'm interested in."
"The police will charge you for this."
"Charge? Now that's an electric new pun coming from the Shining, Shocking Star! Go ahead and reach the phone. I assume the authorities will realize Sunyshore's prized Gym Leader has taken advantage of an Elite Four member's girlfriend because he was a drunken bastard, and Flint will never, ever, speak to you again. Consider your options, Volkner. You might as well shut up."


So Volkner shut up. He didn't say anything when he finally released his Pokémon, who had heard the entire thing and stared helplessly at him with horror. He said nothing about how he resented Flint for being drunk, for not doing a bloody thing to help him, not even to burst out of one of his Pokémon so Raichu or Electivire might have blasted open the damn door and saved him. But what good would it have done? All it would do was point out that Volkner had "violated" What's-Her-Face. What did she matter to him? Nothing. What did it prove if the truth had come out? Nothing. What would Flint have thought about him after the whole ordeal? Nothing. Long after Flint and What's-Her-Face's arguments ending with an explosive break-up, all Volkner could mutter was a nonchalant, "Good riddance."

He didn't care anymore. The battles. The Pokémon. The Gym. It wasn't that he was sad. He just felt dull, monotonous and listless. He was a success. So what? Good idea, What's-Your-Face. Maybe I will challenge the Elite Four to see what I'm made of there. What other reputation can soil itself by striving to be bigger, only to crash and burn?

One day, a dark-haired trainer from Twinleaf Town challenged him at the gym. Then Volkner got fed up with being bored.


"Volkner... I..."
"You don't need to say anything." The Gym Leader's face was gray and expressionless. His friend, on the other hand, trembled.
"That... bitch." Flint hissed. "How could she have gotten away with this? And I had no idea all this time even after--!"
"You couldn't have done anything to help me, even if you knew. She would've done the same thing to you."
"I could've protected you!" Flint cried, shaking Volkner's shoulders. "You're my best friend and I never should've let this happen to you! If I had listened to Buck, I-I would've dumped her sooner! He was trying to warn me about her, and--and I thought he was just being a kid, my 'lil bro and all... my god, Volkner! All that time, I thought you were just being anti-social, thought what you needed was just a little--how could I have been so stupid!? I'm the one that's put you through this! I never would've... I'm so sorry...!"

The red-head embraced Volkner tightly, sobs wracking his heaving body. Volkner traced his fingers down his friend's back to calm him.

"It's not your fault." the Gym Leader whispered. "What's happened has happened. She's none of our business anymore. We have to move forward."
"I-I know, yeah... but still! I'm so pissed off!"
"It hurts." There, he said it. It hurts.
"You must've been through a lot, not being able to tell anyone about it."
"Do you still promise not to tell anyone else about this? I don't want to be bothered by people asking me about my assault."
"I'm a man of my word! No one's gettin' any secrets outta me!"
"I'm glad." Volkner smiled. "No, really... thank you, Flint, for everything."
"Really, Volkner... I don't want you to go through that alone anymore. If you have anything that bugs you, especially regarding what happened, feel free to talk to me about it, okay?"

Volkner nodded, aware that a thin film of moisture had covered his cheeks since holding Flint. A relief, actually.

"I will never, ever, desert you, Volkner."
"I have your word." Volkner pressed his lips on Flint's forehead.

kink meme, pairing: flint/volkner, character: flint/oba, rating: r, fandom: pokémon, character: volkner/denzi

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