Pokémon :: Kink Meme Bonanza!

Jun 05, 2010 08:35

Here's everything I filled out for pokanon so far. All of them are work-safe. :)

Title: Any Color You Like
Characters/Pairings: Morty/Eusine
Rating: G

Prompt: Morty/Eusine. Eusine dressed up as a Ho-Oh. Go anywhere with this.

He told Morty to wait at the Bell Tower today.

So the Gym Leader waited at its foot. Clearly he can't go any further than the first floor without the Rainbow Feather, and he wanted privacy for himself and his friend. It was deadly quiet in the Bellchime Trail; perfect for his ghosts to make mischief. So Morty let them out of their Pokeballs temporarily, calling them back when he heard the sudden crunch of leaves. He saw nothing, but he knew a familiar presence was nearby. But who?

Then he came. He landed in the air in front of Morty, and the Gym Leader guessed he must have arrived from the tower or the trees. Feathers lined the man's golden orange sleeves, absent of color in the shadows but shining a spectrum under the sun. He wore a long coat with a shade sweet as honey, and his breast boasted a lacy white cravat. His boots were long, sleek and black, effortlessly crushing the autumn leaves. A paper-mache face greeted Morty, shaped in the manner of a ceremonial Aztec mask with eyes round and black bearing into his soul. Its long beak nearly touched his nose, and its head was plated with a helmet with a mohawk of a row of curly yellow feathers. The mysterious bird lifted his mask, and Morty recognized the face inside.

"I've heard through the grape vine that it's almost your birthday." Eusine said. "I believer Suicune would be busy around my day of birth, and I didn't believe Ho-oh would come either. Knowing the God of Life, he wouldn't mind if I arrived in his place."

He was astounded by all the detail Eusine put into the costume. He hadn't expected much for his birthday, and the Gym Leader encouraged the monks and the rest of Ecruteak not to make a big fuss about it. But it was easily the best present he had in years.

"Thank you, Eusine." Morty smiled. "Those feathers... they can change into any color you want, right?"
"Of course."
"Let's go then. I'm looking forward to see what more surprises you have in store for me."
"Anywhere you want, Morty. Any color you like."

Title: Heaven's Light
Characters/Pairings: Darkrai/Cresselia
Rating: G

Prompt: Darkrai+Cresselia, idc as long as they're paired and not ripping out each other's spleens or somethng. would also prefer to stay away from the more hardcore kinks, plz

She wasn't going when it was dark, plain and simple. It was too much of a risk with no moon to guide her, and Cresselia preferred to hide in those nights. She paid no heed to her status as the Goddess of Dreams; she was fragile and she did not want to fight. It wasn't that she was cold, no. It was because she was afraid.

She yelped at the creature beside her, the creature with the single neon-blue eye. Judging from his appearance, the psychic type was no match against a ghost or a dark Pokemon, and Cresselia found herself vulnerable and cornered. She refused to speak to him, shrinking as she waited for the beatings to follow.

But the Pokemon wanted nothing to do with harming her. He held out a hand as if trying to explain himself, but when he saw that it frightened her more, he gazed at her in guilt. Realizing that she wasn't yet hurt, Cresselia slowly got over her anxiety and approached this creature of darkness. Why didn't he hurt her? Apparently, the creature was more afraid of hurting himself.

It was she who was soothing him now, reminding him that she meant no ill will. She asked for his name, and he looked at her in remorse. He was the God of Nightmares. It wasn't that he enjoyed the suffering of others, it was his way of saving himself. Cresselia's solution was to run; she could take a hit, but she couldn't bear to so much as lay a finger upon her attacker. Whereas Darkrai was fragile; if anything so much slashed him, he'd be mortally wounded no matter how much he lashed back. His power made up for his glass jaw, and he was capable of killing if he can. But he didn't want to kill. So he made them sleep. Nightmares were a way of telling others to leave him alone.

Alone. Like what Cresselia wanted.

The Goddess of Dreams smiled, telling him she was glad someone shared her feelings of fear and isolation. She kissed him on the cheek, telling him she was no longer afraid. Darkrai shivered, so moved that she thought he would cry. They parted ways with a vow to see each other again. Cresselia no longer feared the New Moon. To her, it meant that a friend was coming soon.

Title: Eternity's Slumber
Characters/Pairings: Sir Aaron/Lucario
Rating: G

Prompt: Sir Aaron / Lucario plz

No grudge. No war. No fear. No regrets.

Lucario was cold, cold but proud. He couldn't feel Ash's hand in his paw, but he appreciated the gesture all the same. He told him that he would be fine, comforted him before he faded to oblivion.

Sir Aaron had to be cold too. Colder for far longer than he should have. But that was gone from Lucario's mind now. It didn't matter anymore, he'd be joining him soon. He was tired from the excursion, but it was now like his body couldn't feel a thing, like he had become aura. He wanted to see Aaron badly, but he knew there'd be no rush. They had eternity to catch up with all the hundred and thousand years they missed, they could do anything together. Lucario's thoughts were still out-of-state as he passed from one world to the next, and at that time, he was already asleep.

His paw was still held and he felt that tender touch again. He laid his head on something warm and could feel the other hand pet him. He could feel the cape envelope around him and he smiled as he drifted to sleep.

Sir Aaron smiled too, stroking the sleeping Lucario in his lap as slumber joined him.

Title: Choco-love
Characters/Pairings: Sir Aaron/Lucario
Rating: G

Prompt: Lucario/Riley or sir Aaron. Either is nice. Bonus for including chocolate

They didn't need much in the world at all. As long as they had each other, it was all good.

The fog became home to Sir Aaron. Likewise it had for Lucario, and they could always find each other through their aura.

One particular endless day, they sat back to back. Aaron held a view of the castle, while Lucario faced the mountains and the Tree of Beginning. An ideal of yin and yang, the teacher and the student, the calm and the storm. In this afterlife, they were equal, as one.

Absently, Aaron searched his pockets, taking out a bar of plastic gold. It was a present from Lucario, and somehow since then, they found spares scattered inside the empty castle. More if you searched the Tree of Beginning. Lucario's ears pricked, but the Pokemon didn't turn around. He knew what he sensed, knew what he smelled, but he waited for his master's intentions. The aura knight smiled, knowing old habits died hard. He broke off a pieces, handing the chocolate to Lucario's paw.

With their blessings, they each took a bite.

Title: Scolding & Scalding
Characters/Pairings: James, Misty
Rating: PG

Prompt: James/Misty. Hot springs. Doesn't have to be porn, can just be cute.

"Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Please don't hurt me!"

She did anyway.

"What are you doing here!?" Misty screamed. "Get away from me!"

James winced, rubbing the handprint on his cheek. It didn't help that he was in the doghouse tonight for collecting bottlecaps instead of food for the starving Jessie and Meowth (bottlecaps were every bit as important as the most delicious cuisine! Jessie was crankier than usual and she wasn't willing to put up with his hobby this time. So while she and Meowth got to bicker over who gets the floor and who gets the sleeping bag, he's left out to shiver in the mountain cold. He thought he was in heaven when he found the hot spring. Oh how the golden gates tarnish with the arrival of the twerps, especially the Redhead of Doom.

"I don't want Pikachu!" he cried, his eyes welling up. "All I want is a nice warm blanket and a bed and a set of Snorlax-printed pajamas!"
"Yeah, I've heard that before." Misty snarled. "You can say hello to Starmie and another blast-off if you even dare touch me!"

Fair enough, he thought. They were in a hotspring, right? He'd never touch a girl in a hotspring! Not unless she had the Pikachu with her, but not in that way!

"W-We're talking about Pikachu, aren't we?" he stammered.
"YES!" she yelled. Quickly, she covered herself up with a towel. "No! I mean, yes! You know what I mean! Don't come any closer!"
"If you had Pikachu, that'd be great. Maybe Jessie would take me back."
"You're getting no sympathy from me!" she harrumphed, with a pause. "Really? What happened?"
"Jessie's at that time of the month--I mean, she's under a lot of stress." James replied sheepishly, pressing his fingers. "I was out for a long time, and I told her I'd bring back some food, and I got her the wrong thing, and--"
"What did you do this time?"
"Nothing! I was so excited about the bottlecaps I found I went straight back! I thought she'd be mad at me, but not THAT mad! I wanted to tell her I was sorry! But now I'm stuck with no Pikachu and no food and no place to sleep. Now I'm here and being attacked by the twerps is the last thing I need!"

As James buried his face in his hands, Misty's expression softened in pity. She may not like Team Rocket after all they had done to her, Ash and Brock, but they stuck around long enough for her to recognize they were human, too. If her temper was anything like Jessie's, it'll likely cool off by tomorrow and she'd be on good terms with him again. But as long as James was out here for being James, it didn't feel fair to punish him any further. Team Rocket had enough for one day; she'll worry about them tomorrow when they're up and going.

"Look, I'll let you stay here if you want." Misty said, stepping out of the hot spring. "At least until tomorrow. Okay?"
"Really?" James blinked. "I thought you--"
"Just as long as you don't sneak up on us and Pikachu." She said, drying herself off. "Good night, James."
"Um... good night." He watched in confusion as Misty disappeared until the shadows. Then he unleashed a deep sigh, sinking himself into the embracing heat of the hot springs. "This feels good~!"

Title: Curiosity
Characters/Pairings: Mew
Rating: PG

Prompt: What happened to Mew after it left with Mewtwo and the clones.

She had the freedom to see the world again.

It was a peculiar set of events. A woman with magenta hair died for her, and scientists have tied themselves in knots over something silly as her eyelash. She would happily play with them, but she didn't want to get hurt. The woman didn't want to hurt her too, did she? Either way, you weren't supposed to die while you were playing. Mew, who was so carefree, so innocent... she had to admit the experience opened her eyes a little. Made her seem as old as her actual age.

She didn't understand why her self-proclaimed clone wanted to make such a fuss. He built such fun machines, why did he want to wreck them? In an act of immaturity, she dismissed him as someone who didn't like to have fun. That clones in general didn't like to have fun and didn't respect the joy of its living creatures.

This cost them both. Again, this was a game Mew shouldn't be playing. Now another human was dead because of it.

Guilt tugged her heart and she could only watch as Pokemon and clone alike cried for him. Their love brought him back, and Mewtwo agreed. It was senseless to go on like this. But whether the humans and their Pokemon remembered what happened that night didn't matter to her. She promised Mewtwo and the clones a sanctuary and a haven, a place where they could think before they truly found a place in this world. It wasn't her expertise. If she tried to understand their affairs, she would only make it worse. She wished Mewtwo luck, hoping they would meet again, hoping they could play again. It had been so long since another Pokemon matched her in skill and cunning.

But for now, Mew would do what she did best, maintaining her curiosity about the world and its creations, beckoning to its call only when the need arises. Life goes on. When she's not exploring, she would retain her position at the bottom of the lake, curled up in a comfortable bubble like a newborn until the surface was ready to break.

Title: Aphrodisiacs
Characters/Pairings: Will/Karen
Rating: PG-13

Prompt: Will/Karen. Aphrodisiacs~

Karen was not falling for it.

Will did various things to try to catch her attention, but she would have none of it. For a trickster, his tricks were obvious unless they were in a Pokemon battle, and she wasn't just saying this as the Elite master of Dark-type Pokemon. It was a little easy to see what his expression was under that mask sometimes, and for all his attempts at wooing her, he kept his own face a mystery.

It was time she took manners in her own hands.

"Thank you Will." Karen grinned, accepting her wineglass. "You have a fine taste in drink."
"Thank you, milady." Will bowed, before raising his own. "Allow me to propose a toast. To the Elite Four!"
"The Elite Four!" Ka-chink! They took a sip.
"To you, milady."
"To you." Ka-chink!

She knew what he was thinking. Will knew what was on her mind too; he was psychic, after all. He turned his head, commenting on the scenery. But his fingers planned something else, taking a small pink vial and letting a few drops sink like smoke into the wine. Without his knowing, Karen switched the glasses. They toasted again and before long, their cheeks were turning red like the wine, and they began to laugh.

"My dear lady," Will grinned. "You know how to put on a show!"
"So do you." Karen replied, leaning over him and brushing her mouth with his. Will moaned in pleasure, enticed by tongue and trickery. She held his gloved hands, leading him into the bedroom before peeling the mask from his face; drunk or not, she respected Will's wishes, unveiling his true appearance only before her own.

character: will/itsuki, rating: g, i'm embarrassed, rating: pg, character: sir aaron, fandom: pokémon, character: james/kojiro, character: morty/matsuba, oldfic horrors, pairing: morty/eusine, character: darkrai, pairing: sir aaron/lucario, kink meme, character: misty/kasumi, rating: pg-13, character: mew, pairing: darkrai/cresselia, pairing: will/karen, character: cresselia, character: lucario, character: karen/karin, character: eusine/minaki

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