Earthbound :: The Green Grass of Winters (Part 4) (End)

Nov 21, 2008 21:48

Now for the sappy conclusion of the infamous rapefic. Puri will sweep up the tissues from playing Tony now.

Title: The Green Grass of Winters
Author: Shamanic Shaymin/Jeansama
Fandom: Earthbound/Mother 2
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, graphic sex, masturbation, angst, rape.
Ships/Characters: Jeff/Tony
Finished?: Yes

((Jean = Jeff
Puri = Tony))

Hearing those soft cries nearly sent Jeff over the edge, Tony's hair muffling a soft groan. "Tony!" A hand placed over the hand at his waist, gripping softly.

"OH! Jeff...! Jeff!" His hand turned frantic, and Tony bit his lip as he tried to restrain himself. He... he wanted to see Jeff come!
"T-Tony...! Ahh! Oh... god..." Jeff's body writhed against his own control, his hand gripping Tony's more tightly as pleasure rippled across his body, the movement of Tony's hand and his own heat rubbing against his the most perfect feeling. "Tony! Oh, Tony…!" Unable to restrain himself, Jeff thrust in time with Tony's hand, gasps and moans replacing ordinary breaths.

Jeff was happy. Jeff was finally happy. That in turn made Tony happy. He squealed at Jeff's sounds, the friction making his body come alive. Could there be anything more perfect?

"Tony." Jeff's voice was loving and adoring-such a tone would only ever be meant for Tony. His fingers tensed, catching gorgeous red locks between them, a soft whine slipping from his lips. "Tony... c-come with me...!" He gasped, somewhat embarrassed, his hand lowering to touch Tony's cheek.

Melting into Jeff's hand, a happy sigh drawn from Tony. "A-Anything... for you..."
"All I want is you!" Jeff pulled his face closer, brushing Tony's cheek with his, his breath pooling hot against those soft, red lips. "Faster... Tony...!"
"Jeff!" The redhead didn't know how much he could exert much longer. But he pumped his hand the fastest he was capable, tilting his head to meet Jeff's lips, kissing him in furious passion.
"Mmn... ohhh, I'm... going to...!" Jeff melted into the kiss, lost in the fervour of their love. The hand at his waist left Tony's, running over his backside and gripping as Jeff kissed him deeper still, fully intent to let Tony remain dominant over him.

Tony cringed suddenly-Jeff wasn't going where he thought he was going, was he? He paled in terror, keeping the pace and trying to keep Jeff focused on the kiss and not... not there!

For a second, Jeff felt the most horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, feeling Tony tremble so against him. He soothingly shook his head against Tony's lips. "I'm just... touching you..." He smoothed his fingers against the redhead's lower back, letting them trail slowly over a soft cheek once more, this time with more warning. He slowed the kiss to further reassure that he was being gentle and had no intention of touching Tony where he did not want to be touched.

"Please... Jeff..." He withdrawn from the kiss, burying his face in his shoulder. He was so scared already, and he wanted to stop the motion of his hands-the thought Jeff could crush and betray him with a single finger was too much for him to take.

"Tony..." Jeff's brows furrowed, and he withdrew his hand quickly at that, realizing that it would be an even slower road to recovery than he'd thought, if he couldn't even go near the area. He didn't want to scare Tony! "I'm sorry." He ran his hand up Tony's side, smoothing it over his chest as the other held his head to him. "I love you... it's okay..."
"I-I'm sorry Jeff!" Tony whimpered, forcing his hand to pump faster. "I-I'll make it up for you, as soon as I-!"
"Don't apolog-ize..! Ahh! Ah... T-Tony...!" Jeff gripped at Tony's hair, holding his side as the smaller boy recovered. His hips ached with need, Tony's movements pulling an emotional groan from his lips.
"Jeff! O-Oh... if I wasn't... like this... ah…!" Oh god he was going to cry again if these delightful sensations didn't return soon.

No! Don't say things like that, Tony! It's okay... it's MORE than okay!

"You're perfect!" Jeff held his face with both hands, urging Tony to look at him. "Beautiful.... I-I just want you to feel good..."
"JEFF!" Again, Tony was crying, bawling into Jeff's chest. He wanted it to be perfect, he... he wanted to make love to Jeff. Now he was so ravaged and ashamed that he couldn't be brought to be touched normally. It wasn't so much the sex that he wanted to BE with Jeff, to touch him, love him. Oh he felt vile. He ruined everything and now it's his fault!

Jeff knew. He knew what Tony was thinking, and it made his heart sink. No, Tony... it's not like that. This... this was already the most wonderful thing he could imagine.

"Tony... Tony, look at me!" He cupped his cheeks, looking into his eyes. "I love you, I love THIS... it's perfect to me." Kissing him gently, Jeff wiped away his tears with the tips of his fingers. "You're perfect!"
"But I'm..." His words were caught by his sobs. "So disgusting..." For what? The rape? The snot that MUST by now be running down his face? He accepted the kisses nonetheless, each gentle gesture meaning so much to him... "No, I'm not... I'm-really not..."
"Yes you are." Jeff hushed, letting his fingers gently trace Tony's cheeks. He didn't care that they were wet or flushed, and as much as it pained him to see Tony cry, it didn't make him any less beautiful. "You're pure... so pure..." He sighed, placing another soft kiss to Tony's lips. "An angel." A sweet, wounded angel.
"I-I'm not pure Jeff." Tony shook his head slowly, his voice no longer in hysterics. "They took me, and... I kept coming back." He swallowed a lump in his throat. "It hurt so much and-and it felt nice too sometimes-!" Immediately shrieking, Tony tried to take back the offending sentence. "But I was thinking of YOU! I was thinking of you the entire time and I wanted you so bad to come and save me! So-so they wouldn't-! So I wouldn't have so suck them anymore... I felt like I was betraying the only friend who cared about me, who I loved more than anything else in the entire world! Like I've thrown you away, Jeff! Like-Like I'm they're... ‘butt-boy’... h-how was I going to tell anyone this? I'd be all alone...!"

Hearing about Tony's torture sickened Jeff, but at the same time that particular detailed flooded him with warmth; that Tony had been thinking of HIM, that that had made something so terrible feel good.

"Tony..." Jeff's face twisted in sympathy, one hand gently holding the back of Tony's head, slipping into soft red curls, the other around his side and back in comfort. Jeff didn't have the ability to feel disgusted, ashamed... because Tony was none of that. None of that! "Tony, you don't have to think about any of that anymore..." Jeff's eyes were kind, gazing back into hazel-green with love. "Think of me..." He breathed, stroking those red curls. "Think of me...!"

Tony's thoughts dulled to a numb jumble after the constant break-downs. His hands were weak from exhaustion and could only trail weakly over Jeff's skin. He took the words of Jeff in a nostalgic echo, mesmerized. "Th-Think of you...?"
"Knowing that you think of me, especially if it's something intimate, it-makes me feel so wonderful, Tony." Jeff breathed, thankful that Tony had calmed down, desperately hoping that it would stay that way. Dipping his head with a slow movement, he brushed his lips to Tony's neck, kissing his skin gingerly.

"Mmm... I always think of you, Jeff." Tony sighed, the red on his cheeks again softening to a blush. "Every day..."
"You're not the only one..." Jeff whispered, letting his kisses become a little more passionate, his tongue flicking against soft flesh. He didn't care if Tony didn't make him come again... that wasn't important. Tony was so much more important than anything like that...

Tony closed his eyes, smiling from Jeff's affection. He was a mess, yes... but now he wasn't something to be cleaned up. No blood. No bruises. No beatings. It was as if he was a rabbit locked in an airtight cell and suddenly released to a lush field of thistle and clover. The cage would be there, but it would never shut again, the wires and cement crumbling into rich soil for violets to grow. Once in a while, the winter exposed its gashes and naked trees; the memories remain. In return, the snow melted into spring, and the ravaged forest blossoms into song. For the joy of living; the joy of beauty.

"I love making you feel good..." Jeff murmured, his voice rumbling against Tony's throat. There was nothing at all hasty about his affections, nothing demanding; he only wanted Tony, and what he was willing to give. "I want you to always feel good, Tony." Someday, Jeff hoped. Someday, if Tony could no longer ever worry again.... Jeff would strive for that day with all the patience and love in the world.
"Jeff...?" Tony's hands rested on the blond's shoulders in a gentle grip. "I want to protect you."
"You're so sweet." Jeff smiled. Shouldn't I be the one saying that? He buried his face in Tony's neck, holding him, softly bringing their chests together and feeling their hearts resonate, beating as one.
"I-I do. You've always been brave to me, Jeff." His nose brushed wheat-colored hair, a crisp scent lulling him to a peaceful sigh. "It's the least I could do for you. Jeff... you give me hope."

Sighing softly in agreement, Jeff pulled him a little tighter into his embrace, the feel of Tony's skin against his the warmest thing of all. "I just want to hold you like this forever."
"I always dreamed... our first time would be like this. And..." The redhead cupped Jeff's cheeks, facing him with a smile lit with inner glow. "...It has. It already has."
"Oh Tony..." Jeff felt light-headed, maybe even a little silly, and so warm that he wondered if he'd even need his blanket tonight. His eyes fell softly on Tony's, returning a sweet smile of his own. "I wouldn't have had it any other way."

Tony closed his eyes in euphoria when they widened in realization, bolting up on his knees as he fumbled with the sheets. "Your homework! You needed to-oh no! When is it due!? It's not tomorrow, is it? Oh, I shouldn't have-and your pants, they-!"

Jeff blinked, taken aback for a moment before he gave Tony a soft, incredulous look. "Tony, it doesn't matter." He tried to still him, wanting to keep him close. "It isn't due until next week, and I have clean pants..."
"Y-You're sure?"
"Serious." Grinning, he suddenly fell back, pulling Tony with him; landing with his back to the bed and Tony sprawled on top of him. "How would you like to snuggle up all warm, under the covers…"

Tony squeaked, though it was more of a laugh if anything; he turned his head and laid an ear over Jeff's chest, nuzzling against delightful heat. "Oh Jeff! Yes! I would... I would!"
"After you, then!" He chuckled in a gentleman-like tone, gently throwing the jumbled covers over them. It was messy, sure, but boy was it ever comfortable. Shifting, he made himself more comfortable, bringing an arm around Tony's waist and tenderly holding him against him.
Tony felt safe. He didn't even NEED to think about being safe. He was a person. Someone who mattered. Mattered especially to Jeff. Everyday, Tony would be there for him. To let Jeff know he meant as much to him as Jeff had thought of Tony all along. Fueled by this loving fervour, Tony snuggled under the blanket, heart light with thoughts of Jeff beside him; a dream already realized, sweet and real like candy.

"You're so warm." Jeff laughed, wondering how he had ever lived without feeling like this. He'd never sleep alone again if he could, he decided-there was nothing that compared to this warmth, this comfort… this overwhelming feeling of being invulnerable. "Tony...?" He murmured after a moment, his eyes having closed as his chin brushed Tony's soft curls.
"Yes?" Tony whispered.
"We'll be together like this... forever..." Jeff's voice was so quiet that he might not have spoken at all, sleep having almost entirely overcome his senses. His grip on Tony tightened a little, a soft breath of a sigh leaving his lips.
"I'm strong... because of you..."
"I'm glad, Tony…"
"Love you... love you so much…" Tony brushed a final kiss on Jeff's shoulder, fuzz overriding him as his dreams were taken over by sunset clouds.
"I love you too..." Jeff was already drifting into sleep himself, visions of snow and tall, white-speckled trees and hot drinks and Tony's sparkling, happy face all mixing together in a pleasant, hazy blur.

The End

pairing: jeff/tony, fandom: earthbound/mother 2, co-written awesome, character: jeff andonuts, rating: nc-17, character: tony

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