Yay, I wrote another Sonlaze~! *prances about throwing confetti* I know, I know. I'm supposed to have two more drabbles on here. XDD;;; But! This is for the 5th
sonic_couples challenge (Letters), and I felt obligated to make an entry~ ♥♥♥ How can I not, with a Sonlaze bunny hitting me there? So voila! A little drabble/ficlet for the challenge. Might write more, might not. But knock yourselves out~
Another fanfic duelly delivered. A writer's work is never done. (Points to those who get the reference!)
Title: A Lesson in Letter's Block
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Rush)
Genre: General/Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: A tad fluffish.
Ships: Sonlaze (Sonic x Blaze) hintage. Yay~!
Finished: Yes
Challenge #5: Letters
Addressed To: Sonic the Hedgehog
I thought you might know-it’s me, Blaze. I know it seems odd to receive a letter from me when I come from another dimension, but let’s not… I’m just hoping it reaches you somehow. One way or another. After what happened with Eggman Nega and Eggman and the Sol Emeralds, I’m convinced there’s something strange going on everyday.
Things have been quiet here, as it should be. I’ve felt rather peaceful myself, and it’s been a while since I’ve been this way. I’ve been thinking about what you said, and… again, I want to thank you. I’ve been turning it over, on the day of our farewell, how
Blaze paused, the quill feather pinched in thought as she struggled to figure out the rest of the sentence that didn't sound too embarrassing. Why am I even writing him in the first place…
It was silly, she knew. He wasn’t going to read her letter. But whenever she stopped right there and crumple the paper to a wadded ball, a twinge of obligation tugged at her chest. These were her friends. When the ball crackled black and smoldered to ashes, the trailing smoke raised like a wraith from the wastepaper basket, like a potted jar containing the newly cremated. With a heavier heart and growing further uneasy, the lavender cat pulled the desk drawer open, for anything to waft the stench of guilt away. Her stiff fingers drawn out another piece of stationary and two sticks of incense, pinching the tips lightly as a flame flickered homemade. She didn’t need matches.
The princess began to write, scribbling word to word what she said before and more. Almost as if she worried her sentences would steam and eventually burn, be it figurative or literally, she scrawled the quill furiously, letters and commas here and an occasional dip back into the ink-didn’t think much of it. Pushed everything, including time to reside in the letter, to become apart of it-just knew she had to write.
Her yellow eyes scanning over her eleventh paper, Blaze breathed a sigh of relief. At last, she had been satisfied with her results. But there was one thing left to do:
What I’m trying to say is I truly want to see you again. I’m being perfectly honest. However, knowing the circumstances, I don’t expect I’ll receive a letter back. But if you could write, then I know we’ve made contact-we’re going through somehow. Either way, whether this reaches you or not, and you’ve read this far, just know that I’ll be thinking of you. Whatever happens, take care of yourself, all right?
Say hello to Cream for me. If anything ever happens to her, whoever caused her pain will feel my flames.
Blaze the Cat
The princess dipped with the fullest ink and the fanciest, most comprehensible and beautiful calligraphy a signature could weave.