1sentence :: Sonic x Shadow

Dec 30, 2005 21:23

It's fiiiiiiiiiiiiinally done~! :o Only took me one month to finish 50 sentences, after all! Hahaha, I'm pathetic. XDDD;;; Anyway, read on~! I know I'm certainly uppity. ^^ I got a lot done today!

Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Author: Jigglypuff in Blue Ribbons
Pairing: Sonic x Shadow
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: G - PG-13
Warnings: Violence, death, angst, fluff, profanity & mild suggestiveness
Finished: Yes

1. Comfort

The black hedgehog flinched, as if the hand on his shoulder were a knife ripping him further to ruin--wanted it yanked out, and yet--his face turned away, his hand weak over the blue double's.

2. Kiss

It seemed there was laughter behind his lips--crimson eyes shot ablaze in astonish, Shadow pinned by him of all people--his eyes closed in acceptance, his hands sprawled over the blue hedgehog's back and pulling him closer--what goes around comes around, he won't let him get away.

3. Soft

Pillows were white and fluffy, and unfortunately, Sonic lost his--it wasn't fun going to bed without a pillow (much like trying to fly a kite on non-windy day), but at least there was Shadow, who had this tuft of fur on his chest boasting the exact two qualities--needless to say, Shadow was grumpy that morning, but Sonic definitely had a perky start.

4. Pain

Despite the burden on his back; despite the bruises that battered them both; despite the hell in his arm, the agony screaming at his shoulder--Sonic pushed aside the block of stone, tired but triumphant as the blue hedgehog heaved themselves from the darkness: "Hehe… told you we'd make it!"

5. Potatoes

Shadow had it upon opening the microwave door: "SONIC--for the millionth time, use a fork to poke holes in the damned things, or else you'll never be excused from cleaning the kitchen again!"


6. Rain

He watched the rain like one who had never seen snow his entire life; and like one's usual first encounter, he immediately fled back inside--but there was Shadow by the window nonetheless, watching the pure, salt-less tears of the sky: he didn't notice Sonic beside him, so enraptured in yet another experience missing aboard the ARK.

7. Chocolate

Action figures, comic books, even toothbrushes he could understand, but Easter candy… Shadow sighed as he opened the solid chocolate "Sonic" Cream saved for him, reluctantly nibbling at its ear--in alarmed disgust, the black hedgehog cast the barely-eaten sweet aside, having enjoyed the taste far more than he should.

8. Happiness

There was anger, there was jealousy, there was intensity, there was utter, seething hatred that boiled the nerves of the blue hedgehog like none other--yet Sonic lain himself on top of him that warm afternoon, and everything melted away: mad to glad, hurt to heal, rage to peace, envy to appreciation, rigidity to relaxation--Shadow's arms weren't an offense anymore, and they were welcome, oh SO welcome… the azure one's eyes closing gently, fingers exploring his double's chest, then wrapped around him--his head nuzzled softly, sighing as utter euphoria cast its spell and he slipped to sleep.

9. Telephone

"Hello, this is Rouge, the treasure-hunter… yes… yes I know… Shadow, I've worked with them before… I have the Project Shadow files right here… Sonic and Shadow--repeat that… mmm... now isn't that interesting… no problem, I'll look into it right away… I'll check it out--as long as you remember my jewels. *click*"

10. Ears

If there was one thing notable about the blue hedgehog's head other than his face, it was the ears: either they just stuck up there or were virtually ignored as he beamed at him, running up to him--he was saying something in his ear, whispering, whispering… whispering what, he--a peck on the cheek--a snicker--"Just wanted to see your reaction!"--must he…?


11. Name

Try hard not to think of the name: An area that is not or is only partially irradiated or illuminated because of the interception of radiation by an opaque object between the area and the source of radiation; See also: shade, silhouette, shape, gloom, darkness, phantom, dimness, outline, veil, dusk, umbra, specter, reflection, vestige, insignificant, shelter, mystery, vague, prophet, cloud, obscure, apparition, ghost, dominating, pervasive, influence, black, evil, power, lost--dammit.

12. Sensual

Hedgehogs generally had poor eyesight, but they did have a sharp nose--Sonic lay buried in a patch of wildflowers, sleepy from the perfume of lavender, wheat, clover, thistle and rosemary… hedgehogs were also brilliant listeners, so a constant click in the dirt whenever he tapped his fingers was beginning to annoy him quickly; the blue hedgehog blinked as he held up a pair of glasses, the beaded strap dangling before him as if to apologize--they belonged to a guy who rarely wore them, for he was a wanted man, and his glasses couldn’t keep up with him--it didn’t stop Sonic from smiling, though: glasses DID make his double look rather cool.

13. Death

There was red: the streaks on his quills and legs, of life's essence splattered carelessly in pure scarlet; of eyes, those scheming, crimson eyes that glared in sick triumph; there was seething rage and resentment in Sonic's own, refusing defeat and giving it all in one last lash--there was red and there was black: the colors the blue doppelganger saw before… and after.

14. Sex

She was a spy, so of course she wouldn't be caught--Rouge popped open her cell phone, a sly grin on the bat's face as she watched the ENTIRE scene again--either way, the two hedge--err, rivals wouldn't dare disobey her now, and on the Internet, the bids would be endless… sold or not, it made for some pretty excellent blackmail.

15. Touch

He was warm, so warm… Shadow's hands were gloveless, and he freely let those dark hands explore the blue double's body--Sonic's own fingers, for a start, then fawn-colored arms and shoulders that arched in response, repeating as Sonic murmured… fingers lingered quills, fingers caressed chest, fingers stroked sides and back and tail… Shadow pulled the quilt over themselves, Sonic curling against him in a contented sigh--and his smile was warm… so warm.


16. Weakness

To the world, weakness was forbidden, you see--they had a title to live for, and so much of a slip-up blew their cover and sent them crashing down: now the hedgehogs faced each other, about to prove their strengths, AND the expecting audience, to the other and what they were capable of, except they forgotten one thing: from Sonic to Shadow, from Shadow to Sonic, especially to the other combatant: they were NOT Hero and Ultimate Life.

17. Tears

Sonic refused to look his double in the face, too stubborn to let Shadow, let alone ANYONE, see the hideous blotched face that rarely, rarely crossed his eyes; especially not in front of Shadow… while a wet burning stained the azure one's cheeks, no matter HOW hard he tried holding them back, he waited for the cold, condescending remark he expected of his double: he had something to gloat about now, his rival broken and crippled and someone to be laughed at, to humiliate further before being kicked away and forgotten--puffy eyes widened as Shadow suddenly pulled him against his body, arms clasped desperately around him--the dark one shivered, a strained choke his only verbal response; Sonic's shoulder grew hot and damp, stinging a little while the blue hedgehog stared blankly ahead, puzzled and almost curious at this sudden turn of events--Shadow is crying… he actually CRIES… in spite this confusion, he buried his head in the doppelganger's chest, years worth of repressed grief that burst back even after that temporary numbness, and it just wouldn't stop--all this time, Shadow never questioned him, never belittled him… he said nothing, but he was there, and Sonic did the same in return… and for the first time in the years between them, a burden was relieved.

18. Speed

Whoever named him did it well; he was quicker than the speed of sound… Well then, thought the Ultimate Life as he hoverskated, Let's see if you really ARE the fastest thing alive.

19. Wind

It seemed he were apart of the sky, the swift breeze brushing azure quills as Sonic stood atop the cliff: it didn't surprise Shadow that the blue hedgehog could run on the wind (literally), but be no less astonished if one day, he had become one with it.

20. Freedom

That's what Sonic lived for: he lived his own path, and made sure others could too--in a way, so was Shadow, as it was his promise to make the people happy… except Sonic was free his entire life, while Shadow still had a lot to learn about others… and himself.


21. Life

A Hero Chao and a Dark Chao; a peck on the lips and a ritual dance; a patch of flowers and a speckled egg; a blue hedgehog and his black-and-red double; exasperated faces and pointing fingers: "That's MY Chao!"

22. Jealousy

Sonic tapped an impatient drum behind bars--it wasn't being framed that bothered him (an accident on GUN's part), but that Shadow came: there he was with his gadgets, and he was like a copy of him in every way; he brags he's the Ultimate Life-Form with skills he long had since birth, and overall a poser: it wasn't that Shadow was alike (but better) to the one they called Sonic, but that he could actually prove it; with that Chaos Emerald from Mission Street, he held power--Chaos Control--beyond anything the blue one could ever conceive, and it seemed he could run for miles but never reach him… the black hedgehog was a fraud, but with all the attention and glory he took away from the squirming has-been, it seemed that it was Sonic who was the left-over duplicate of HIM, and not the other way around--the blue hedgehog scowled, his fists tight and determined--Ultimate Life-Form or some fancy-schmancy title like that, Shadow, he growled at the name, was WRONG… as soon as he busted out, he'll prove just that.

23. Hands

Gloves, especially white ones, symbolized purity: they protected the hands in a number of ways, and were rarely taken off--after a blast from Eggman's ship, Shadow lain blinking after the explosion, noticing the odd black and red on his hands that wasn't soot or blood… another hand reached for his, also white, also grazed in burns and hurt, but the soft peach color he always remembered--while Shadow may not always be happy to see him, a jump of relief resided the dark one's chest as he was supported on his feet, a gracious "Hmph" in return for Sonic's presence.

24. Taste

Chilidogs were a treat, obviously; they were a common food mixed with a little spice--Shadow sniffed his nose upon them (much to his dismay), but if he could just get him to bite one… life would be grand.

25. Devotion

Maria was dead--it didn't seem he had anyone else to live for: one thing was for certain however, and Sonic knew it as he feigned sleep, the hand on his cheek that was no doubt his double's: having Shadow love you was like having the glow of the sunshine on you, while everyone else drowned in a torrential rain.


26. Forever

It was a gentle kiss, and Sonic nudged him only nearer: no matter how quickly, how sneaky, how innocent, how sensual, it never ceased to spark; a rush of peace overwhelmed the black hedgehog, and all trouble seemed to melt away when he was there--his arm was still around him as they've broken apart, and Shadow rested his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes as he done so; he wouldn't mind if maybe he could stay for--maybe not, that's asking a bit much for his nerves… but something similar.

27. Blood

He was bleeding, the other broken--combined wasn't exactly a pretty picture, but there they staggered, one hedgehog before the other in combat: Sonic's glove lined a stain of crimson as he wiped the blood from his lip, and his dark rival huffed as he kept his focus--both shot a determined glance, and charged at the other once more.

28. Sickness

With an ice pack on his head and thermometer in his mouth, Sonic had to curse himself catching cold in the middle of winter--the blue hedgehog curled beneath the sheets and shivered, swearing to whatever deity out there that Shadow will have that smirk smeared off his face the moment HE'LL get sick too--that is, if he were capable of being so… Lord, I hate that guy.

29. Melody

The blue hedgehog had to admit, Shadow was rather good playing the flute: no one really knew about Mystic Melody but himself and a few other friends--the dark doppelganger always played in a secluded corner of the Mystic Ruins, during morning when the mist would haze over the world; the tune always seemed melancholy and yearned for a spirit far away… yet, it seemed to bring a magical, calming effect over the one listener he didn't know he had, and brought many memories to light… wasn't this something that echoed long ago in the Aquatic Ruin?

30. Star

The black hedgehog always stared at those white dots in the sky, as if he felt at home among the limitless void of space--one of these days, Sonic agreed to himself, he'd have to drag him to Little Planet: let's see him brooding at Stardust Speedway now, hm?


31. Home

Sonic didn't have a home--home was everywhere; whereas Shadow did have a home, but he'd never come back--it was abandoned in outer space--between the two of them however, should they compete in plateau, Chao Garden, jungle, Tails's workshop, or in the sky aboard airships… it didn't matter, so long the other was there.

32. Confusion

Shadow had enough of a brain odyssey trying to figure himself out, yet he couldn't help but look at his blue double in another light: sure, anyone who knew him could tell you so, but what made him the cocky, mellow hedgehog he was was enough of a mystery for anyone--in all his simplicity, Sonic was complicated.

33. Fear

As the pink hedgehog giggled and held out her hand for cash after Sonic's humiliating defeat (or rather, drop-dead beat-down) at Monopoly, Shadow could see why the Blue Blur was so frightened of Amy Rose.

34. Lightning/Thunder

Like a battle between wolf and domesticated dog, the two hedgehogs tumbled down the cliff in the pouring rain, tackling the other in the mud as they hit, clawing and snarling--one punch was all the blue one needed, and the dark double was taken aback--another pounding, and his face really took the blow--Sonic stood over his foe, and before long he was staggering again, a light chuckle as his glove stained to wipe the blood away, a toothy smirk and a glistening fang all that was left--lightening lacerated the sky, seeking the victor, the one who would outrank its notorious speed… its thunder could only applaud as Wind and Spear shook the heavens.

35. Bonds

Amidst the crimson space, a colossal crimson being fell, the Prototype finally defeated… crimson eyes turned toward crimson eyes, and they floated amongst the crimson stars… they were heroes, they were friends--hands clasped in triumph, and the two ethereal hedgehogs glanced upon the Earth--they worked together, and the experience would never be broken.


36. Market

There were "Shadow" chocolates now, and make that solid white--which made the black hedgehog die a little more inside when he saw Sonic walking out of the store eating one.

37. Technology

Sonic was the most "natural" of them both--he was born amidst the untamed Mother Nature, defying Eggman and his robot army; Shadow was created by mechanical hands, developed in a test tube, a Child of the Future: back to back, side by side, Sycamore & Skyscraper were here to stay.

38. Gift

Space was a lonely graveyard, of ten billon carcasses with messes of unorganized tombstones; unlabeled slabs of rock swinging and hopeless and continually drifting away--the blue hedgehog would not forget that last look aboard the ARK, the Flame Ring in his hand a parting memento, a parting gift… a parting vestige to the other hedgehog who lived here half a century ago.

39. Smile

One had to wonder how much they hung out together… though often mistaken for the other, they were far too different: their outlook on life explained it all--one believed in the future of mankind, the other FAR more cynical about humans to be an understatement--but for Sonic to crack a smile out of Shadow that wasn't a smirk or cruel laughter, well… perhaps there wasn't a thing in the world the azure one couldn't do.

40. Innocence

Beheld the sky of blueberry juice, the ground of mint grass and brown checkers; the waterfalls whiter than crystal, the hills that spiraled like Wonderland; as the black hedgehog gazed at its beauty, Sonic had but two words for the place long reminiscent to him: "Emerald Hill."


41. Completion

Where there is Light, there is Darkness; where there's Yin, there's Yang; where there is Night, there's Day; where there's Black, there is White; where Sonic walked, his silhouette followed--in more than one way.

42. Clouds

It was funny how puffs of condensed rain could be interpreted in different ways: Sonic saw popcorn, cakes, jello, pudding and pie; Shadow saw yetis, bears and octopuses… somehow amongst the monstrous, demon-gray lords of hell, he witnessed sages and angels, and bears of another kind; peeking behind a teddy bear-like cloud, a little girl slipped out invisible, tiny golden wings guiding her before the pair of hedgehogs lain together on top of the hill--and Maria Robotnik giggled quietly, pleased they were at peace at last.

43. Sky

To run to the sky was to run to eternity, cosmic eternity; to come to the sky was the gateway to another world: one being Earth, the other which lead to further worlds, the last that was secret and led to Paradise; Sonic would give him that look: Come Shadow… come with me to where we'll fall, where we'll float, where we'll fly--we can go wherever we want, we can be free, we can see home, we can see beauty… let's travel together, come with me… wherever you turn, there'll always a place to go…

44. Heaven

Of course you'll see Maria again, he tells him--she'd welcome him with open arms, laughing, crying… Sonic winked, for he had but one piece of advice for uptight, bitter Mr. Immortal: "Ever tried Chaos Control?"

45. Hell

That mischievous grin was obviously bad news, and the black hedgehog's eyes widened in anxiety upon the faces of the chattering women in the room--it appeared they've quite… taken a "liking" to him lately, their voices from wispy gossips to high-pitched squeals, talking about how "HOT!" and "SEXY!" he is--"Well then, have fun, Shadow!"


46. Sun

The dark rival fallen, bruised, and barely breathing, the azure doppelganger pushed himself up, swaying until he stood steady and proud on his own two feet--the Ultimate-Life Form may call himself the Sun, but he was only a star amidst the giants of further galaxies.

47. Moon

A monolith awakened, the core exposed red and seething, the white dust of the moon shown a reminder of what Shadow had done, and could've been--Sonic knew it had to take yet another miracle, should his doomed double ever return.

48. Waves

Water wasn't something Shadow was quite used to, and Sonic avoided it whenever he could unless it was necessary, but it didn't stop the two hedgehogs as the azure one invited his doppelganger a seat in the sand, the sea bringing its own gifts as cymbals clashed upon the shore, leaving shells--natural discs, of their ballad.

49. Hair

The two hedgehogs landed inside the jungle, groaning and tangled amongst themselves and a Chaos Emerald they've shared--the BOOM of Eggman's ship snapped overhead, smoking and sizzling like a firecracker... only by a hair, they've managed to crawl outta there alive.

50. Supernova

Knuckles could only watch, gaping and not daring to blink: once from opposite sides, the two hedgehogs stood between the Master Emerald, their palms meeting in the air--the Chaos Emeralds lit in a rainbow: the lush red, yellow, green, sky, navy, violet & mirror colors he always remembered; the bellow of the Biolizard drowned in a determined flash, the entire room blind ablaze by white--shielding his eyes, the Guardian lowered his arm, seeing not Sonic & Shadow, but a pair of golden hedgehogs in their wake, a celestial aura in their seraphic flight, created as beings apart of the stars… they disappeared, teleporting outside the ARK, and Knuckles was still from the blank space before him--the ARK began to rumble, and the echidna lain his hands upon the Master Emerald--they were going to win.

X-Posted to 1sentence

character: sonic the hedgehog, fandom: sonic the hedgehog, character: shadow the hedgehog, rating: pg-13, challenge: 1sentence, pairing: sonic/shadow

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