Nov 03, 2006 14:37
I just read an article on Yahoo News concerning a pretty touching story. I found when I read the end, however, that I wanted to vomit into the lap of the person next to me. (Currently in Management class). The story details a box of letters found on the shores of New Jersey, letters that are prayers to God. The article lets the reader in on some of the more comical ones, like asking God to win the lottery twice. They also move to the more difficult testing the limits of the human spirit, such as praying for forgiveness for guilt over abortion. And then the end of the statement: "Lacovara said he is sad that most of the writers never had their letters read. But he hopes to change that soon: He is putting the collection up for sale on eBay"
Have we as a people become so morally bankrupt that we can profit on a person's private letters? Is it ok to put someone's private reservations or cries for help on the auction block? I feel truly sick right now. I can't believe that someone would sell someone's prayers for a quick few bucks under the premise that "others should get to read these". If he wanted, truly, to let these letters be known, he'd have them transposed onto a website, or compile a book. Granted, some money would come for a book, but at the same time, it's a more legitimate way to show others what was found. And still, it shouldn't be sold anyways. It should be kept secret, and sent back to the church from whence it came.
I feel a bit like crying right now...