Nov 24, 2010 01:22
The first instinct I have is to scream, yet again, "This is not happening!" The second is to scour emails that I've overlooked to find the single one that actually told me when and where that I, of course, didn't read. There really is something to be said to falling off the schedule--it's hard to get back on it and this just illustrates that in spades. I thought I felt impending doom a while ago and here it is. I knew I forgot something and the ugly is here. I want to go back a month and undo all this but alas, time isn't rewindable by any earthly means that I know of, so I'll just scramble and wing it as I usually do. *Sigh* This is highly reminiscent of another incident of shooting self in foot, figuratively again of course, but the sensation is just as unpleasant. Ah well, with age comes the ability to talk the panic down. Panic is flagging, plan is in place, peace is reigning once more, somewhat. Shall I sing hallelujah?
Can't even properly contemplate the whole idea of the Black Friday mad dash that the parental unit is suggesting. And the footage of people camping out a week earlier certainly dampens down any newbies aspiring to join the crazy shindig/scramble but there isn't that much appealing to begin with about waiting in the cold all night long just to run at slashed-priced electronics....Although browsing has gotten me unexpectedly into the research mode. I guess I just love researching all those specs. So many gadgets, so many details...
And I know I shouldn't be so happy about it but the library's expanded the number of renewals allowed from twice to a whooping 5x! That's twice as long as before that my pretties get to stay with me! Plus a good way to stop some of those fines that I've been a little too happy racking up with forgetfulness/necessity. That's 10 cents a book you won't be getting from me, library! (Should I actually remember to renew the damn things.) And I loved the little NaNO sign someone posted on the courtyard door. Good luck to all you crazies trying to make the 50k deadline. Next year maybe when all this hooha has been straightened out and it WILL be straightened out if I have to twist someone's arm because enough is enough. I need out.
And to segue onto something a little less crazy-worthy, how bout them...television shows...on hiatus? I do hate the sweeps, remembering it seemed every single time school break rolled around, so did the telly! It's like the week you could actually get away with staying up late and watching whatever, whatever decided to not air new episodes that very same week. Very mean. Of course this doesn't apply for now but when I get back, it'll be the same tug of war between studying and watching/reading for fun. Still, it'll be nice to back on a schedule, even if it's only for a few months. And better yet, the thing from down under is to leave by the 7th, of December, not January for the sanity of my non-sane nerves. (They've already been stretched to the limit with a recent fiasco regarding religion and...blergh.) Joy to the world! I shouldn't rejoice too loudly but I really want to. Instead, I think I'll get out the lights and let their merry luminance wash over me. Fight the darkness! I mean, let there be pretty lights, pretty colorful, dancing lights!