Nov 15, 2007 11:23
Oh, right. I am so excited about my pay that I just spent a lot of money on lolita. *^^* I was under so much stress, seriously lack of sleep and food from mid Oct until last week. I got good grade for the last quiz and test so I bought a cute Baby pink OP on JYA to reward myself. I just got Mai to bid on some <1000yen stuff because bidding service charge too much fees for cheap auction like that.
Personally I'd rather go through a person that offer shopping service than a company for cheap auction because no way I am paying $7.5 charge +shipping fee for a 500yen auction. Yes, with bidding service company I bid on my own but the fees are much higher, but at least I don't have to worry people forgot to bid for me or doesn't accept bid war, or package poorly and crack my stuff.
Anyways, I just notice Christina is selling that lovely Baby snow motion OP black version, so I bought it. *^^* It's a $240 dress, as much as I'm willing to pay for my dream dress Baby Sugar Bouquet OP. But that OP is selling for 42000yen, no way I will pay that much for a dress with all other bidding service fees & shipping on top of that 42000yen. So I bought Christina's under an installment plan, so it isn't that bad, esp. I sold the Malice Mizer fan club magazine and Versailles single for more than I thought, so I got extra money to pay off what I need to pay. ^^ I just put down a $90 installment, when paycheck comes out I'll pay her more, hopefully it'll arrive in time for christmas. ^^
The Anna House group order extended! So I will be trying to get white tea party shoes there for a cheaper price. After that all I need is white sleeve stopper, a alice bow hair band. Then new black mary janes to replace my dying pair, but 5-7-9 doesn't have any. I should go to Payless. ^^