May 16, 2006 03:14

"chibi=pink so I bought it. I saw a clear one too, but my friend and I both think the pink one looks better so I bought it." Wow, I'm so moved! I never tell anybody, about I want a fancy rosary, and here I get one! So this prove a thing: If it's yours, it's yours. If it doesn't belong to you, even you get it it won't do any good. It's some destined thing, so this rosary belongs to me, so it caught Yamiyo's eyes and she wanted to buy it for me. ^^ I'm so suprised when I saw it in the parcel. I almost had to kneed in front of it. Yup, I'm a christian-- 60% Catholic 40% Protestant. Though I have my time being bitchy evil and fancy about Manaism, and didn't really able to give up something for lent but I am a christan. I went to Catholic school but went to Protestant church with my Protestant relatives. David and his family are Protestants, and my elder sister went to church with them, so I'm the only Catholic in the family. It seems like most of the Christian in America are Protestant, there aren't any Catholic churches in my area so I don't go to Church since I move to Houston. But going to church is not required, it only makes Christian a better one. So I don't feel totally guilty about that.

Now THIS is the real OMG. The result just posted up in the UH site. OMG I got 2.83GPA for this semester!!! Can you believe that? I can't believe that!! I thought I'm going to get a D or even fail the Speech class, but I got a C! OMG, it is a C! OMG I got a C by screwing up the 3 major speeches, failing 2 out of 3 major quizzes with a 40/100 and 20 mintues late to the Finals! I just CAN'T believe this! I got 2.24 last semester and this semester I got 2.83!! It's 2.83!! Though the cumulative GPA is still low, right now it's 2.34... but hey, I worked hard! Last Spring it was 1.66, last Fall it raised to 2.24, and this semester it is 2.34!! It's a 0.1 average within a semester!! This Fall I'm taking class with Ayumi and her friends and Econ with Yuki-kun. See, after I stop thinking about taking damned Government course at UH and took that 5-hour Japanese class for 2 semester with my choir class taken in my Sophmore year instead of Senior, it makes my life easier and my grade goes UP! You know now I can't handle hard classes beside English, Maths and Hotel. Well, that's not my fault. I'm a working type, not a person that study well and make good grades. Going to the same school as your best friends and cousins are what it is good for!! You get a chance to register some difficult classes with them so that you get notes if you sleep in class and you get help on lecture in your mother language. I guess I'm going to work even hard and get the gov class done and over with this summer and a much better CGPA for the Fall! So that dad will shut up, sis will stop boss around (yeah, my younger sister and I don't get along with her, she's too bossy and troublesome, stupid on some particular things and absolutely narrow minded! Occasionally seriously insult us without realize what her words sound in our ear too!) and my chance going to A-kon increase dramatically! God, I'd LOVE to meet Hak-chan! Of course Chisato too. ^^

life, school

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