
Oct 12, 2008 19:39

Fanart for schnickledoogr2 's fic A Con To Remember!

“TAMAKI-SENPAIIII, DON’T GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” screamed a congregation of Ouran Host schoolgirl cosplayers as they maintained their deathgrip on Wolf’s jacket which Yuuri noted was light blue and suspiciously remembering his mother insisting the blond wear that day.

“HE’S NOT TAMAKI YOU IDIOTS!!! HE’S QUATRE-KUN!!!” shrieked an array of Gundam Wing fangirls in pilot attire as they played tug-of-war with Wolfram’s limbs with the other group.









It's kind of sad that there aren't any actual Gundam cosplayers ^^ Though Wolfram does make a cute Tamaki :333
I hope you like it Schnickledooger-san! And hey, I think I even got your hair right! XP

Ok, so halfway through drawing a bunch of fangirls and not making icons for the icon challenges that I'm way behind on, I got distracted by this little art bunny:

If it weren't for this piece, I would've finished the con art a few days ago... ^______^
Kind of strange and a bit out there for me, but I like how this turned out. I think I actually got most of the shading right this time, and the flame kinda sorta looks like fire too!
This was mostly experimenting, so I know it's not that great, but I can't help being a bit proud of it ^^;

Comments are <3!

fanart, kkm

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