Wee~ I got tagged by
twyxdust! I feel so special XDDD
And I'm sure grammar mistakes abound:
o1◢ How has LJ changed your life?
Hmmm... I've realized how far I can get with a pen and paper? Really, I don't know.... besides the obvious couple of more hours I spend on the computer and my overflowing favorites folder, I don't think my life's changed that much. I mean, I obsess a bit more... but... yeah...
Oh, and I've come to realization of how many talented people there are and how little people know about them. Besides the fandoms, that is ^^ God, since I've been here, I've been so inspired by all the artwork and fics being posted. The artists give me something more to aspire to, I suppose...
o2◢ What do you do before bedtime?
Shower and brush my teeth. Then I turn on the fan and I'm out just like that XD (I could fall asleep anywhere)
o3◢ What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
Probably some beef noodles. Depends, seeing as I just stopped choking on my ramen 5 minutes ago for no reason and I'm kinda scared to start eating again... I guess I'll just have take-out. And noodles are supposed to be my comfort food too :3
o4◢ What is the city of your dreams and why?
New York. I like living in big cities and New York is THE big city ^^
o5◢ Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Introvert. Sometimes I'd just prefer to be alone than with other people. I like the peaceful atmosphere that exists when I'm by myself doing whatever I want.
o6◢ Name something you wish you could do in your free time, but don't actually do.
I wish I had time to excercise more. I'm starting to become fat and more lazy!
o7◢ Do you trust easily?
Nope. I wish I could though... I guess I've rubbed off on my pessimistic mom, which is a shame seeing as I really do want to trust people more. It's one of those things I just have to work on. Though there are some people that I feel I can trust and those usually become my closest friends :)
o8◢ What personal belonging do you have with you everywhere you go?
What every other woman has ^^ though purses are a pain... really. Also, my iPod and phone, and I've been taking to carrying a stress ball around to help me loosen up my fingers.
o9◢ Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
The US economy. I'm already "pinching pennies" and now gas is f***ing $4 a gallon!! Besides that, ignorant people just always piss me off...
1o◢ What is your best quality?
I'd like to think it's my open-mindedness.
11◢ Do you plan on changing questions in this meme, or are you too lazy for that?
LAZY = me.
12◢ How do you see yourself?
A carefree and optimistic Asian girl in love with music and life and trying to make the best of everything.
13◢ Who are currently the most important people to you?
My family (grandparents, parents, little sister...) and closest friends. They're all dear to me <3
14◢ What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A talented individual. The kind that everyone likes and would want to befriend ^_^
15◢ Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
As long as I"m HAPPY, I don't give a damn.
16◢ How many children do you want to have, if any?
I love kids, so definitely gonna have some. More than one though, because I'd probably spoil the kid and he/she'd be lonely... I'd prefer a boy because I don't think I could deal with the hormonal, teenage faze if it were a girl... XP
17◢ What's better to give or to receive?
Receive, duh :P NO! It's better to give. You feel good about yourself and you might get something in return XDDD
18◢ If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Woah that's like some twisted soap opera!! The one that treats me better and would never cheat >D
19◢ Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
HELLS TO THE YES!! Do you know how many electric violins and gallons of gas I could buy with $10,000,000?!
2o◢ What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite gender?
They'd name me the same thing because my name is both fem. and mas. in Vietnamese. And it can literally mean "BOY" too... V.V
I tag everything and everyone. ^^