The Ackles Live on Stage Part 7

Dec 10, 2011 18:06

Jensen could understand why Jamie was ready to go home. But he was still having a blast. While he was excited to go home he really only needed two weeks off then he would gladly go back on the road. He knew they had lives to go back to but this had been his world for so long. Now he was back he found that he missed it. They went out to see Alexis, America, Michelle and Mattie were outside. Jared introduced everyone and Jamie and Mattie messed about dancing to the warm up band and laughing with each other. Jamie was wearing his Rock God in Disguise shirt and was happy and when it was time for them to go out Jamie was practically skipping. They plowed into their play list pure energy, skill and pleasure. It was the usual joy and rush and Jensen loved it while it lasted. It passed in a haze of endorphins. During the break they had some nachos with their friends and Jamie changed into an old tee-shirt with Jensen and Tricia’s faces on it. The makeup artist came over and touched up their faces. “Last half, baby. Then the pop part’s over.”

Jamie nodded, “Can we do this next summer?”

“Maybe, we have to see. Poor Jared hasn’t been in his kitchen in weeks,” said Jensen.

Jared nodded, “I have missed it but after this last season of the show I can spend so much time in my kitchen I won’t miss it as much.”

“See?” said Jamie.

“We’ll see,” said Jensen, “It’s a long way off.” They ate their nachos and Bobby came over smiling.

“You guys are awesome out there. The crowd is eating out of your hand.”

Jamie smiled, “Thanks, it’s fun.”

The three of them moved off from the group which Jensen thought was good because it gave Jamie a little time to recover without Mattie’s excitement before going back to the stage. “We were just talking about maybe doing a tour next summer,” said Jensen smiling at him. “When you showed us the bus you said that you wanted us to have a good time so that we would want to work with you again.” The man nodded. “You’re the best tour manager I’ve ever had. And I’ve had a lot of tour managers. You’ve paid close attention to Jamie’s work schedule, you’ve researched tourist traps for us, you’ve been laidback, there’s been no shouting and no stress. You’ve been great. If we decide to do a tour next summer I’m going to get your company and you specifically if you’re available. Thank you, Bobby.”

“Wow, thanks that huge compliment. Who was the worst?”

“The one who told me, when I was eight, that I was too fat to be famous and I needed to go on a diet to remain famous. I was a naturally chubby kid, I grew out of it but at the time I was plump. Craft had these amazing chocolate mousse cups on that tour everyone ate them and my momma noticed that I wasn’t having one during the intermission while everyone else was. When she asked me why I told her what he’d said, and I burst into tears because he’d really hurt my feelings. My parents were pissed and by the next morning he was gone and we had a new manager who sort of reminded me on a camp counselor, really nice, really fun, not very competent nor anywhere near organized enough to do the job. But he was a really enthusiastic and friendly kid, couldn’t have been more than twenty-two, he taught me how to play cat’s cradle and make lanyards and friendship bracelets all of which are good skills when you’re on tour busses for hours. I think the company was actually dealing with all the work they just sent the most personable guy on the staff to make up for his predecessor.”

The guy said, “That’s awful. Y’know this tour has been one of my favorites. There has been so little drama. One little blowup with E! which wasn’t your fault, that was it. No drug overdoses or eating disorders calling for hospitalization and being called ‘exhaustion’, no abusive relationships with cops getting involved, no drinking, or too much partying. And no rocker ‘I’m better than everyone else’ attitudes. I once had someone throw a chair at me because the continental breakfast in their hotel didn’t have the right brand of coffee. All of Jamie’s dietary needs are real and not just someone jerking you around because they can. It’s much nicer doing research on tourist traps than needing to know where I can get your stomachs pumped of speed quietly and quickly at three AM.”

Jensen smiled, “No, not something I ever really consider.”

“So, I know you need to get back out there but I just wanted to check that everything is okay for tomorrow. Any last changes we need to make?”

Thinking for a second Jensen said, “I don’t want to play the violin on the etude ‘As We Know Too Well.’ I’m going to play the cello. But as it’s a solo and the instrument isn’t printed on the program I don’t think it’s an issue, is it?”

“No that’s fine, don’t worry. Jamie, anything?”

“I’m gonna wear the tux for Carnegie Hall, Daddy says that it’s too fancy not to.”

“And you’re okay with that?” said the man.

Jamie nodded, “But I have to wear my sneakers. Because I can’t play the piano in dress shoes.”

“That’s fine, that’s great. I’m thrilled the tux gets a night out.” The warm up band were finishing up and Bobby said, “You boys better get back out there.”

“Thanks, Bobby.” Jensen reached out and took Jamie’s hand, “Come on, baby. Let’s go.” As they passed their friends Jamie hugged Mattie and Jensen kissed Jared. “See you in a bit.”

“Be awesome,” said Jared.

“Always,” agreed Jensen. Jamie skipped onto the stage and Jensen smiled. Switching on his mic he said, “You’re in a good mood.” Jamie bounced as he sat down on the piano bench. He said something but Jensen couldn’t hear him over the crowd. “Your mic isn’t on.” He crossed the stage and turned on Jamie’s mic. “What did you say, baby?”

“Please don’t call me baby in front of strangers, Daddy,” said Jamie. “I said I like skipping; it’s fun.”

“Good for you. You ready to play?”

Jamie nodded and quickly played chopsticks. “Yep.”

Jensen nodded to the conductor and they jumped into the playlist. Just like every other show it was fun and easy and not very organized. Jensen found that organization and children didn’t mix too well, planning never panned out. As it was they just played and sang. The crowd was hollering and cheering as they finished their last song and left the stage. Jamie was flagging and as they left the stage and Jensen turned off their mics Jamie burst into tears. Jensen picked him up and cuddled him close. “Baby, baby, baby, what’s the matter?” Jamie wrapped his arms around Jensen’s neck. Jensen rubbed his back. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t want the tour to be over. I don’t want to be done.”

Jensen smiled at Jared and the other adults who were around. Mattie had fallen asleep on Michelle’s shoulder. Jensen rubbed Jamie’s back and said, “I know, I know. But it’s not the last time you’ll ever do a tour and we still have Carnegie Hall. That’s exciting right?”

“Yeah, but I want to play more pop.” Jamie cried into his neck.

“I know, we can play as much pop as you like at home. Oh, baby, sweetheart. You’re really tired. It’s all the strain and excitement.”

“I don’t wanna be done!” Jamie almost wailed.

“I know, baby, I know. But guess what? We’re gonna see all our friends and sleep in our own real beds. That will be nice right?” Jamie nodded into his shirt. “You’ve been getting enough sleep but not at regular times. In the morning, this will be better, you need sleep and a cuddle.”

“I don’t want to go back on stage.”

Jensen rocked him slightly and said, “You don’t need to, baby, you stay right here.” He gave Jared a look and the man instantly came over. “Jared’s gonna take you and have a cuddle while I go out again, okay?” Jamie nodded, clearly already half asleep. Jensen handed him off to Jared who instantly cuddled Jamie to his chest.

“Hi, baby,” Jared kissed the top of his head. “Jen, ditch your jacket, it’s covered in snot and stage makeup.”

Jensen looked down and said, “Ew, that looks gross. Okay.” Michelle held out her free hand. “Thank you.” He handed it off and headed back out, switching on his mic. “Okay, Jamie’s not coming back. He had a little bit of a meltdown backstage. Touring is emotional. He’s sad because we’re almost done with the tour, he’s happy because we’re going home and he gets to play with his friends and he’s tired. That all adds up to a meltdown. So he’s cuddling with Jay. He’s just done for the night. Being seven and on tour can be hard. As he isn’t here I’m scrapping our planned encore.” Walking to the edge of the stage he spoke to the orchestra, “You guys can book if you want. I’m going to play acoustic.” Then to the audience he said, “We’re going to take a walk down memory lane if that’s okay.” People cheered. “Y’know,” He set up a mic for his acoustic guitar and started to tune it, “When you’re teaching a child to play piano you go with classical music, either stuff you’ve written or old classical. And when you have friends like mine, well, they make fun of my teen idol years. So I haven’t really played any of my really old pop, the stuff from when I was a teen idol. Pop is fun. I like it. Do you like it?” They all screamed. “I’m gonna miss that.” He played the opening cords to his first big hit as a teen idol. People screamed again, recognizing the song. He sang it, shutting his eyes, just enjoying the feeling of being on stage in front of a cheering crowd. As he finished the screaming got louder. “One more and then I’m out y’all.” He played one more of his big hits, dancing as he played. As he was finishing Jared came out onto the stage, carrying Jamie who was in PJs and holding his lion. As he finished he said, “Hey, gorgeous, baby, what’s up?”

“Wanna say goodnight,” said Jamie but he was half asleep. He wasn’t mic’d and Jensen smiled as he pulled off his headset.

Speaking into it he said, “Say it again.”

“Goodnight, everyone,” said Jamie into Jensen’s headset.

Jensen smiled and up the mic to Jared. “Goodnight,” said Jared smiling.

Holding the mic to his on mouth Jensen said, “Goodnight, y’all, get home safe.” They waved as they walked off stage. Jensen and Jared said goodbye to their friends quietly as both the children were asleep. Jensen said softly, “I’m going to get changed, I’ll see you in the bus.” He changed quickly and had his makeup taken off. He apologized to the wardrobe guy for the snot and makeup on his jacket but the guy said not to worry and that he could get it out easily. “Thank you, that’s awesome.”

He walked through the stadium and out to the back where the bus was parked. Inside Jared smiled, “He’s out cold. Glass of wine?”

“Red,” said Jensen.

“Then would you fuck me stupid?”

“We can skip the wine.” Jensen leaned in and kissed Jared slowly. “Did you like coming on stage?”

“I like you on stage, love watching you all happy and bubbly. And I love that with all the lights, and fans, and everything else you never stop being Jen. None of it gets to you. You’re all celebrity glitz and then the minute he’s upset you’re just a daddy whose tux can be used as a tissue.” He slid his hands under Jensen’s tee-shirt.

“Well, my real life is always more important. Poor Jamie, so tired. The concerts come second to my tearful seven year old.”

“He wouldn’t come first for everyone. That’s why I love you. I love the famous, bouncy exuberant you. I love the sarcastic, quiet funny you. I love the sexy you who puts out and makes me babble. And I love the Daddy who stays calm and cuddles babies when he’s wearing a tux and should be on the stage.”

“Life always comes first.”

“Are you tired?”

“Well, I’ll fuck you and we’ll see if I fall asleep on you.”


Jensen leaned in to kiss him slowly. “Bring it to bed.” He grabbed glasses and headed up the stairs when Jared didn’t follow him he turned around and saw that Jared was watching his ass. “Are you gonna leer at my ass or come to bed?”

Jared grabbed the open bottle of wine from the counter and followed Jensen to the stairs. He gave Jensen’s ass and gave it a quick grope, “Is it really an either or situation?” Jensen moaned and speeded up the stairs. Jared laughed, staying right behind him and kissing his neck. “I love you, Jen, you know that right?”

“I know, love you too.”

“I love our lives.” Jensen turned, walking backwards as they hit the landing. Jared grabbed his hips, pulling him close. They made out as they walked to the bedroom; both the dogs were trailing behind them. Jared pushed them away slightly shutting the door behind them. “I don’t like them watching.”

“They’re perverts,” agreed Jensen pulling Jared’s shirt over his head. Jared unbuttoned Jensen’s jeans and dropped to his knees. He started to lick and suck Jensen to hardness and Jensen played with Jared’s hair.

“So pretty from this angle, God, so pretty. Jay, love your mouth all stretched and wrapped around me. You look so pretty when you’re mine.” He was hard and panting within minutes. “So talented, such a fantastic mouth. All that talking, it’s good exercise for this. Jesus, Jay, gotta stop you’re gonna finish this before it’s started. Please, Jay. Want you, so pretty.”

Jared pulled away from him saying, “Fuck, you taste so good. It’s all the lights making you sweat over clean skin. You’re like a delicacy, so salty and good.” He kissed a path up Jensen’s body, pushing his tee shirt up. “Want you so bad. I want to get you moaning. I love hearing your voice that no one hears. So famous, and totally mine, love it when no one’s around and no one else gets you.”

“I am yours.”

“Awesome. Y’know who I am?”


“Wrong, I’m your biggest groupie.”

“Do you put out?”

“Totally, for Jensen Ackles? I totally put out for that guy.” They kicked off their flip flops and striped out of their jeans. Jensen pulled off his own shirt and then pushed Jared to the bed. “Fuck I love it when you manhandle me.”

Jensen stroked him hard and said, “How’s that for manhandling?”

Jared laughed, “Oh, God, Jen. That is the lamest thing that has ever come out of your mouth.”

“I once gave a kid with a fake leg a blow job. So, technically, he was the lamest thing to come out of my mouth.”

Jared laughed, “Seriously?”

“He was a nice guy.” Jensen got the lube out of the bedside drawer. “It was during one of my slutty periods.”

Jared laughed again but then Jensen started to stretch him and Jared groaned. Jensen leaned in to kiss him. “Jen, love, feels so good.” Jared stroked his nipples as Jensen tangled his free hand in Jared’s hair, loving the feel of the silky, soft strands. Jared nuzzled against him. “Jen, I never felt so close to anyone. You know that? I’ve never felt this close. I never thought I would have a family. I can’t wait to go home and have you and Jamie all to myself. I can’t wait for our girls to come.”

“For a groupie you talk way too much about your feelings and not enough about how awesome I am.”

“Oh, fuck, that’s my prostate. You’re totally awesome, a god amongst men, oh Jen. So awesome, so amazing, most wonderful man on earth.” Jensen chuckled, “Please fuck me, please. I want you.”

Jensen leaned over Jared and reached into the bedside drawer. He groped around in the drawer and swore. “Fuck. We’re out of condoms.”

“I don’t care about drip dry. Makes for easier clean up but I like the closeness. Do you? I mean, we can wait. I can make a run if you want, go buy some.”

“No, as long as you don’t mind dripping. You’re my partner.”

“It’s not groupie sex though.”

Jensen laughed, still finger fucking him, “You have to wrap it up if you fuck a fan, you don’t know where they’ve been.”

“Please, I’m ready, Jen.”

“Yeah, yeah, you feel so good.”As he slid into Jared he kissed him slowly. “Beautiful, you’re so beautiful. You are amazing, Jay.” Jensen bit and licked his way into Jared’s mouth. Jay wrapped his legs around Jensen.

Jared was rambling about the city and college and how much more fun it was with Jensen. They moved together, fast and hard, making each other moan. Jensen rubbed Jared into coming, Jared dug his heal into Jensen’s thigh, “Harder, c’mon, wanna feel you lose it. Harder, God, Jen, so good.” Jensen pounded into him and Jared moaned, “Yeah, like that uh-huh.”

As Jensen came he slumped against Jared. Jensen kissed Jared slowly. He cuddled into Jared, “I can’t wait to do that to you in our bed.” They made out lazily, running their hands over each other’s bodies. They’d been kissing and groping for twenty minutes. Jensen was about to pull away and he said, “We should clean up.”

But Jared held his hips and rolled against him, “Or, or, or,” said Jared. “We could go for round two.” Jensen moaned, feeling himself getting hard again. He was still inside of Jared and he started to move slowly. “Stay slow, please, all sweet and gentle like this.” So they moved against each other in slow writhing motions, sharing breath. Jared rambled softly, something about poached eggs which may or may not have been a metaphor about love. Jensen kissed him and ran his fingers over his chest. Jensen came with a soft exhale and stroked Jared through to completion. “When we’re old and saggy and vaguely gross looking will you still do awesome things to me in bed?”

“Even if I need Viagra to get it up,” Jensen promised. He looked at his watch, “God, it’s late. We need sleep. Carnegie Hall tonight.” He slowly detangled himself from Jared.

Jared climbed out of bed and said, “I’m going to go clean up. I’ll be right back to clean you up too.”

Jensen allowed himself to doze. He wasn’t sure how long Jared was gone but then Jared was licking him and cleaning him with a warm, wet wash cloth. “Feels nice,” he mumbled. Jared started to put pants on him. “I’m almost asleep already.”

He didn’t open his eyes but he could hear the smile in Jared’s voice as he said, “Lift your hips for me, gorgeous.” Jensen did as he was told. “Open your eyes for me?” Jensen did and Jared quickly removed his contacts. Then time got away from him again but he felt the dogs climb up onto the bed and then he felt Jared settle in next to him and curl around him, pressing his chest to Jensen’s back. “I’m so glad I get to be your only groupie.” He kissed Jensen’s neck. “Go to sleep, Jen.”

Then daylight was streaming in the windows. Jamie was cuddled up to his chest. Jared was sitting next to them, dressed and reading a cookbook with different colored pens in his hand. “Time is it?”

“About noon,” Jared whispered.

Jensen reached for his glasses on the bedside table and saw that the glasses were still clean and the wine bottle was still corked. “We forgot about the wine.” Looking at how put together Jared was Jensen said, “You’ve been up for hours.”

“Yep, ran the dogs, took a shower, ate breakfast, called my parents and the restaurant, did some orders for the restaurant. Spoke to Sandy about the up coming shooting schedule. I need to come back in three weeks, just for the day. I’m doing Iron Chef.”

“Awesome,” said Jensen. “I want coffee. When did you come back to bed?”

“After all my calls. Knew my boys were up here all cuddly.”

“Had to be quiet.”

“For hours,” whined Jared.

Jensen chuckled, he gently nudged Jamie, “Baby, it’s time to get up.”

“No,” said Jamie.

Jensen smiled, “It’s twelve o’clock. Time to get up and have brunch.” Jamie struggled up. Jensen rubbed his back, “Big day, right?” Jamie nodded. “And why’s that?”

“Because we’re playing at Carnegie Hall,” Jamie’s voice was teasing.

“And?” said Jensen prompted.

“Because every day is a big day.”

“There we go,” Jensen picked him up. “Jay, you want to eat?”

“Yeah, but for me it’s lunch.”

Jensen didn’t get dressed and he didn’t dress Jamie. They stepped into flip flops and went down to craft which was set up in the hotel where the orchestra were staying. There was still breakfast food and Jensen knew that it was specifically for Jamie and him. Sometimes it was weird to be catered to so much but as it only happened on tour so he didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. There were fresh scrambled eggs, and crunchy bacon, and non wheat toast and cold cucumber soup that was to die for good. As he woke up Jamie babbled about Carnegie Hall and how they were going home and asked if he’d fallen asleep on stage.

“Almost,” said Jensen with a laugh. “You got into PJs while I was doing the encore.”

“I don’t remember,” said Jamie.

“You came on to say goodnight on stage in your PJs. Mattie was already asleep so you didn’t miss anything.”

They spent the afternoon quietly. Jamie did his summer reading list book, Jared went through a couple of cookbooks and Jensen tuned all of his instruments. He went upstairs to play the cello, practicing ‘As We Know Too Well’ but after his run through Jared called up the stairs. “We’ve stopped reading and are listening so you might as well come down here and impress us in person.”

Jensen carried the cello down stairs and saw that even the dogs were watching him. “I haven’t played it in a long time, it’s going to be a little faltering at first.”

“If that was faltering I can’t wait to hear it by the time you’re ready to go on stage tonight.”

Jensen laughed and sat down. “Is that Mommy’s cello?” asked Jamie.

“I like Mommy’s more than I liked my old one. I sold mine after Mommy died. I wrote this song for her. I feel close to her playing her cello just like you feel close to her when you hug her lion and you talk to her through him.”

“I told her all about our tour, and Jared adopting me, and about the twins being girls and about how I wrote a concerto so we get to play at Carnegie Hall.”

“I bet she’s happy about that. I know she’d be really proud of you.”


“Yeah.” Jensen went back to the cello, playing the song and then playing a couple of other songs just to loosen his fingers a little then went back to playing the etude. Jared was just watching him and Jensen said, “What?”

“Nothing, you’re amazing. My amazing boys, both of you. Jamie wrote a concerto and you play an incredibly complicated song after not playing the cello for ages. You’re amazing.”

Jensen smiled and said, “And you are the biggest chef in Texas.” Jared laughed and Jensen went back to playing.

“I want to learn the cello next,” said Jamie.

“Really?” Jensen felt himself beaming. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I like it more than the violin and the base and those are the ones I want to learn.”

Jensen nodded, “Okay, well, you keep practicing your guitar and once that is solid we’ll add the cello.”

“Can I practice the guitar now?”

“Sure, I’ve gotten this down.” He put the cello back in its case as Jamie ran to get his guitar. Jamie was getting wonderful on the guitar, so quickly, kids could learn a lot faster than adults. Jensen wanted to get Jamie going on all of his instruments before he turned twelve. To Jared he said, “Being a prodigy isn’t supposed to run in families. I mean, it was easy to find out he was good, at three and four he could play music fifteen year olds couldn’t have mastered in their wildest dreams but it’s not supposed to be genetic. And now, I mean, my God, he wrote a concerto all on his own. And he’s so eager to learn more. I’m just so grateful he’s our, y’know?”

Jared nodded just as Jamie came back with his case. “I’m gonna do the contero on the guitar because I haven’t really played that bit much. And I know the notes without looking it’s just the actual playing.”

Jensen nodded, “That’s a great idea, baby.” He sat next to Jamie sometimes correcting his fingers slightly but mostly just listening. Jamie switched over to low country rock, playing Chris and Steve’s music. He really was mastering it, playing it adroitly. Jensen sang along with Jamie’s music. He was sad that they wouldn’t be singing tonight but Jamie was playing Carnegie Hall and that excitement was in the air. They played for the afternoon, warming their fingers up and they had a light dinner before heading to Carnegie Hall they were too excited to eat anything big and Jensen said, “If you’re still pumped after the concert we’ll have waffles with ice cream.”

They were driven over to the Hall with their instruments in the evening for one last sound check, to get into their tuxes and to have their makeup done. Waiting for them there was a surprise: the Palickis, Annie and Chris were backstage. After tons of hugs and exclamations of “What are you doing here?” They calmed down a little.

Then something struck Jensen, “Chris, aren’t you on tour?”

“Yeah, whatever, it’s a small venue tonight. Steve can handle it. My boy is making his triumphant return to Carnegie Hall and my godson is making his debut. I wasn’t missing this for anything.”

Annie said, “Your parents wanted to be here but they didn’t want to leave so close to Mack’s due date.”

“It’s fine, it’s cool you guys are here. It’s so cool.” Then he and Jamie were being herded to makeup and dressing while the others were still talking. Jamie left makeup first, going back to their family. Once they were done with Jensen’s face he said, “Can I have a few minutes? I just need to get my head together.” He was left alone and he breathed slowly a deeply.

A couple of minutes later Jared came in, “Hey, babe, I just want to-”

“I miss my wife,” Jensen broke in. Jared crossed to him, hugging him tightly while avoiding smearing his makeup. “Chris’ comment about a triumphant return. The last time I was here I was playing with Tricia and Jamie was four, it was a few months before she died. And Jamie was talking about how badly he wanted to play and begging to come out on stage with us. Even then he was excited about being in Carnegie Hall. And Tricia said, ‘Someday, baby, it’s gonna be your show and we’re gonna be so proud.’ She should be here. I miss her. I don’t think of the twins as hers. They’re ours, she’s their mother but she’s not their mom. It’s different with him, the baby, he’s hers and she should be here.” Jared rubbed his back. “I miss her so much.”

“Do you want to run away?” asked Jared without a joke in his voice.

“No, I’ll get it together. I just needed a second.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

“No,” Jensen hugged him closer, “no, stay with me, just another second.” Jared rubbed his back. “Thank you.”

“I love you, Jen. I’ll give you as long as you want. But keep in mind that the curtain is supposed to go up in five minutes.”

Pulling back Jensen said, “Yeah, okay. Thank you.”

Jared slid his hand into Jensen’s, “Want to go get a few last hugs from your family?”

“Yes please.” They went out together and spend the last couple of minutes talking about how amazing the tour had been and then, finally it was go time. “You good, baby?” Jamie was bouncing and nodding. They went out as the curtain rose to loud applause, no cheering or whistling, a different breed of audience. They played several of Jensen’s classical pieces and Jamie’s rearrangements. Jensen’s favorite was a rearrangement of one of Jensen’s concertos. Everything was rearranged, pace and rhythm everything but the strings had been cut out but the violin had been left alone completely. So while Jamie and the string section played something only almost recognizable as his Jensen himself was playing his own work. He lost himself in the music, enjoying it as he played. As it finished he caught Jamie’s eye and mouthed, “Beautiful.” Jamie beamed at him and then skipped off the stage as it was time for Jensen’s etude. Jensen knew that boys stopped skipping between the ages of eight and nine and he wasn’t looking forward to when Jamie stopped.

There had been a lot of talk since the beginning of the tour in the entertainment news about the fact that the cello had been on stage at every show and yet Jensen had never played it. People wanted to know if Jensen had any intention of playing it or if it was an homage to Tricia. Now there was a collective breath in the Hall as he picked the cello up off its stand. He moved to his chair and took a deep breath. The conductor had asked Jensen if he’s wanted visual cues but Jensen said no because he never played the cello with his eyes open. He allowed himself to relax into it, not thinking, just playing it and enjoying the feel of playing. As he finished the applause was deafening. He smiled at the audience as he finished. The curtain came down for the intermission. Jensen walked back stage and saw that his family had bite sized sandwiches and cupcakes.

As he ate a sandwich he said, “I promised Jamie an ice cream waffle sundae after the show. But with all the grownups we should pick up a bottle of champagne.”

“May I still have the ice cream?” asked Jamie around a sandwich.

“Of course you may,” said Jensen. “Are you having fun? You look like you’re having fun.”

“I’m having so much fun, Daddy. Are you?”

“I love it. I’ve always loved this Hall.” Jensen had another couple of sandwiches. Then they were being they told had four minutes and needed to have their makeup touched up. The lights weren’t as harsh as a lot of the places they’d been but Jamie still wanted to change his shirt then Jensen redid his tie. “Ready, baby?” Jamie nodded. “You excited to play your concerto?”

Jamie bounced his way onto the stage, “That comes last.”

“Yeah, because it’s a show stopper.” Jamie laughed as he sat down on the bench. He smiled at Jensen and started to play Middle American Saturday Night. Jensen put his finger to his lip. He heard the music ring out, “Baby, the piano is mic’ed.”

Jamie was laughing as the curtain went up. He kneeled on the bench to speak into the piano’s mic and said, “Sorry, I forgot that the piano was mic’ed. I’m having a really good time. I was just playing some happy pop but this concert’s not for pop it’s for happy classical music.” Jensen started to laugh too the audience was laughing too.

Jamie sat back down to play. He played the opening notes to one of Jensen’s capricci. Jensen joined him on the viola which was the star of the piece the orchestra joined two beats after him. As they finished he looked at Jamie. It was go time. He put down the viola and picked up his violin.

Just before he started he gave Jensen a thumbs up and then he started to play his concerto. Jensen was so entranced that he nearly missed his cue. He glanced over and saw that Jared was watching them with a huge smile. Chris had an arm around Annie and his parents in law looked proud. He focused on the music again, sinking into it. He thought his heart might explode with how proud he was of Jamie and how good it felt to be back in the Hall. There had been so much hype around the concert that it had sold out in under an hour. The main hype had been for Jamie’s concerto. Jensen would never set Jamie up for disappointment or embarrassment, it was a beautiful song. He looked at Jamie but Jamie had his eyes shut, also enjoying the music.

As they finished the crowd clapped raucously. There wasn’t anything restrained about it. They were on their feet, clapping. He smiled, and crossing to Jamie, he leaned down and whispered, “That is what is known as a standing ovation. Enjoy it, baby, it’s all yours.” Jamie turned smiling and hugged Jensen tightly. “Come take your bow, baby. You deserve it.”

Jamie jumped off the bench. He took Jensen’s hand as they bowed and then they both waved to the audience. Leaning into the mic that was set up at the level for his violin. “Thank you very much, get home safe everyone.” They were still clapping loudly. “Goodnight.” Jensen had never done an encore for a classical show and he had no intention of starting now.

As they walked off the stage they were both hugged by their family. The curtain came down and the clapping went on. Bobby came over and said, “Take another bow: let them know it’s over.”

So Jensen and Jamie went back out to take one last bow. Going backstage Jensen said, “So sundaes and champagne?”

“Yes!” said Annie, “I would love a sundae.”

Jensen smiled, “Fantastic, Bobby, do you want to come? We’re having champagne and ice-cream.”

“I’m going to cry off,” said Bobby. “I already arranged your rooms,” he said to the Palickis and Annie. “Chris, you’re staying on the bus, right?”

“You knew about this?” asked Jensen.

Bobby rolled his eyes. “I’m the tour manager it’s my job to know about, and facilitate, all sorts of things you don’t know about.”

“Thank you, Bobby, seriously. You really are the best tour manager ever.”

“You’re flight is at ten tomorrow morning. Don’t party too hard.”

“We won’t.”

“See you tomorrow, then.”

“Good night, Bobby,” Jamie said.

“Congrats, Jamie, the concerto is beautiful. And you were both fantastic.”

“Thanks, Bobby.”

“There is a stretched waiting for you once you guys get out of your tuxes.”

Jensen smiled, “C’mon, Jamie, let’s get you out of the suit.”


Jared watched them walking away. Nancy put her hand on his arm and he turned to her with a smile. She was smiling too but slightly less brightly. “Would you wait with me in the limo?”

He nodded, “Of course.”

They walked together out to the car. Jared was still smiling, couldn’t help it: his boys were amazing. As they got into the limo Nancy said, “I wasn’t sure about you when you first landed on the scene.”

“Oh,” said Jared, not sure how to respond.

“Handsome, young, famous, blithe and hanging around my sad son-in-law and my very impressionable grandson. They both had such huge crushes on you and Jensen, he was a mess for so long after Tricia died. It seemed like it was doomed from the start. Then the first time I actually meet you is in the hospital with Jamie in a coma. It wasn’t your fault at all but I thought that it was a sign that things were going to end badly. And now here we are over a year later and you’ve adopted Jamie and the girls.”

Jared nodded and said, “I would never purposefully hurt them: I love them. And I’m not trying to steal them away from Tricia.”

She reached out and took his hand, “Oh no, Jared, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m apologizing for thinking so little of you. I’m thanking you for giving Jen and Jamie a family. You can’t take from the dead. I grieved for my daughter. I wouldn’t want my boys to spend the rest of their lives missing her. Tricia wouldn’t want it either. You love them so much anyone can tell that just by watching you watching them. And they adore you. I can’t wait to see you with your babies.”

“I am so excited.”

“Me too, I want Annie to give me three more.”

“You want six?”

“Donna’s about to have six.”

“Donna had three kids.”

“True,” she agreed. Then the door opened and Jamie climbed in, still smiling and bouncing. Jensen and the others climbed in behind him.

He lunged at Jared. “Jared, Jared, Jared. I got to play Carnegie Hall. Wasn’t that cool?”

Jared pulled him onto his lap, kissing his cheek. “It was so cool. Your concerto was the coolest bit, hearing with the whole orchestra in that huge hall with all those people watching. It was amazing. It’s a beautiful song. Are you proud of yourself?”

“Yeah, it’s a pretty great song, right?”

“It’s beautiful, baby,” He cuddled Jamie close. But as the limo pulled away from the curb he put Jamie down next to him, “Seatbelt.”

Jensen was smiling and said, “I’m buzzing. Champagne and waffle sundaes?”

“Yeah!” said Jamie bouncing again.

“Good tour?” asked Jared.

“Best ever,” said Jamie and Jensen in unison.

THE END (well not really, but y'know)

ackles live on stage, the food network presents..., fic, spn fic

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