The Ackles Live on Stage Part 2

Dec 10, 2011 17:49

“Your show isn’t doing very well. With last year’s rating… they aren’t going to give a guest star ten thousand dollars an episode.”

“I know, I take a pay cut. Sandy covers for me.”

“So it’s a hand out that he is unaware of.”

“Maybe it will help the ratings, Jen, it could revamp it. This is the last season after this it will just be specials. He’s a good-looking guy and he’s fun. He could draw some people in who would stick around once he’s gone. It’s not like I need money. I’m worth millions and millions of dollars, I’ve done one hundred and ten episodes of my show, I own a very lucrative restaurant and I have several lines of cookware. What’s eighty or a hundred thousand dollars more? To him it’ll save his business and charities.”

Jensen smiled, “I love you, Jared, you’re a wonderful man.” He kissed Jared gently. “You’re my wonderful man. He needs help and you can help.” Jared felt squishy inside and felt himself smiling. “The twins are due during the shooting schedule.”

“Sandy said we can be flexible.”

“No, what I’m saying is he could take over for a little while. Make the whole seventy and give you some time.” Jared kissed him, this time more deeply. “Glad you approve. I have to get my makeup done.” He opened the door and got into the makeup chair. Jamie was already done and standing at the side of the stage, watching the opening act. The girl started to do his face. “Hey, Misha,” he waved Misha over. “Jay was just saying how you’re going to be on the show.”

“Yeah, cool, awesome I’m really excited.”

“So, Jared’s been thinking about paternity leave. What would you feel about maybe taking over for a little while? You could learn the show with him and then deal with it for a little while? If you can take the time off from the restaurant?”

“Dude,” Misha smiled, it was bright and sunny. “That would be awesome! I’ve always wanted to be on TV.”

“So, Jared was telling me about your charity. Random Acts? How’s that going?”

“It’s okay,” he paused, clearly it wasn’t. “We’ve been doing little things recently. Lightly used shoe donations, blanket collections, painting murals in a children’s wing.”

“Does Random Acts take donations from overseas?”

“Yes, we do. Why?”

“I like two kinds of charities: ones for kids and ones for food. I like little ones big ones can be corrupt. I hate the Red Cross, I think they’re crooks. Jared tells me you’re a good guy you seem really nice. I trust you not to misappropriate funds and to do cool things. You’re accredited, right?” The girl finished his makeup, “Thanks, hon.”

“Yeah, we’re a fully licensed non-profit organization. You can donate on the website.”

“Great.” Jensen and Jamie were announced, “Please excuse me.”

As he walked out to the stage Misha said, “He’s nice.”

“I’m partial,” Jared agreed. They started to play and Jared and Misha went closer to the stage to watch it.

“Jesus, they’re great,” said Misha.

“Yep,” Jared sank into the music, enjoying watching his boys have so much fun. It made him happy deep inside. As they finished their first set they came to them. Jamie was sweaty and Jared held out the tee-shirts. “Play Your Heart Out, a Kane tee or the Rock God in Disguise one?”

“Rock God in Disguise,” said Jamie pulling off the Hard Rock Rocks Hard shirt and gently dabbing his face with it. The Rock God in Disguise was a tee-shirt Chad had made him. Underneath the legend there was a piano with wings wearing a pair of glasses with a fake nose and a mustache.

A guy from craft came over with fruit salad, a few bottles of water and little rolled up thin ham and cheese on toothpicks Jamie dove into the food as Misha gushed at them. The makeup girl came over and fixed Jensen’s hair and Jamie’s makeup. “Jamie, how are you feeling?” asked Jared.

“I love being outside it’s cooler than usual and I really like the crowd. People have lighters. It’s fun. I slept so much on the tour bus that I’m not at all tired. It’s really fun out there.” Smiling Jared ate a couple of the ham rolls, they were good. Then Jamie said, “I hit a bum note on Texan Hearts.”

Jensen shook his head, “No one noticed, it was only infinitesimally off. I’m the only one who knows enough to know that it wasn’t what you wanted. I promise no one knows.”

Studying him Jamie said, “Are you being nice?”

“Jared you hang on every note,” said Jensen. “Was Jamie off?”

“No, where? I didn’t hear it.” Jared was telling the truth. “You’re doing great, no lie.”

“Okay,” said Jamie. “I believe you.” He drank water until it was time to go back out.

“It hasn’t gone to his head,” said Misha. “It would totally go to my head I wouldn’t be jokingly wearing a rock god tee-shirt I’d be introducing myself as one.”

Jared laughed, “No, Jamie has a very even head. I’ll talk to Sandy, get everything cleared.”

“Thank you, Jay, so much. I wasn’t expecting it. I just wanted to see you.”

“I know you weren’t. You couldn’t have possibly known. But it’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it.”

Jared allowed himself to slip back into the music. He loved it. When they came off the stage Jared caught Jamie, who was grinning, up in a hug. “That was awesome, Baby. Knocked it out of the park.” He handed Jamie a bottle of water which he began to gulp down.

“Don’t mess up the makeup, Jared! I have to go back out,” but even as he said it Jamie was hugging him back. The crowd was going wild. “Isn’t the stage cool?”

“Really cool, baby.” Jamie cuddled closer. “Kind of reminds me of the Delacorte Theater in Central Park.”

“We’re playing there,” said Jensen.

“No way! I love that place! You guys are going to love Central Park,” Jared felt himself get excited.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Jay. We have four weeks until we get to the east coast. But we’re also playing on the Great Lawn the next night.” Jensen was sipping his water. “You ready, baby?”

Jamie nodded and Jared put him down. “Have fun.”

Jensen shot him a wink over his shoulder. They launched into their encore and Jared said, “They’re really awesome right?”

Misha nodded, “It’s amazing music. Jamie’s really impressive and Jensen is clearly enjoying himself. It’s so cool to be back here.”

They finished and Jensen said his usual bit, thanking the warm-up band, thanking the orchestra and telling the audience to get home safely. Jensen might make fun of Jared’s catchphrases but he apparently had his own. They left the stage and Jamie yawned wide. “Ready for bed?”

Jamie looked at his new watch, “It’s not nine yet and I slept late. Can I stay up a little more?”

“Okay,” Jensen nodded, “We’re going to go to the bus, change into PJs and then we’ll watch a little Food Network until nine thirty. Okay?”

Jamie nodded then he said, “It was nice to meet you, Misha. See you later.”

The makeup artist came and started to take off their faces Jensen said, “It really was, Misha. If you guys want to go off that’s cool. We’ll see you in a bit, Jared.”

Misha said, “No, it’s fine. Jared, LA maybe?”

“Yeah, and I’ll email you after I speak to Sandy.” He hugged Misha.

“Later, boys,” Misha put his hands in his pockets and walked away.

“I like him,” said Jamie. The artist finished with Jensen and moved on to Jamie.

“He’s nice,” said Jared. “I have no idea where your parents went.”

“They’re probably in the casino.” Jensen shrugged. “They aren’t going to watch every single show; it’s vacation for them too. You don’t need to watch all of them either.”

“I love them,” said Jared. “I want to watch them.”

“Okay then,” said Jensen. Jamie thanked the girl once she was done.

Back in the bus they changed into PJs and watched a Throwdown. Just as Jensen said it was time to bed his parents came in and the bus started to move. That night once they were getting into bed Jensen said, “I feel great. I feel adjusted to the tour.” He smiled, “Take off your pants.”


Jared did as he was told and Jensen proceeded to rock his world. He needed to rock his world after tonight. He’d liked Misha, honestly. Who wouldn’t like such an amazing humanitarian and all around nice guy? And he was totally fine with him working with Jared. Except that Jensen hated his handsome altruistic face. How can you dislike an altruistic, nice, smiley, friendly guy? If your boyfriend calls him Meesh. He knew it was stupid. Jared was his. Jared was in it to win it. Jared was going to be the father of his unborn twins. But he hated the way that during dinner Misha would finish Jared’s sentences. He hated the casual way they touched. It was stupid but he hated everything about Misha. So now he was making Jared moan and buck and ramble about how much he loved Jensen.

Then the worst thing that would happen happened. Jared was talking, rambling without a filter, the way he always did and he said something about Misha. Jensen pulled back as though he’d been burned. “Wha?” Jared was muzzy.

“You can’t… you can’t do that.”

“Do what?” Jared reached out to play with his nipples but Jensen brushed his hands away.

“You can’t talk about Misha while we’re having sex. I know you don’t have a filter but you have to find a way to be just with it enough to not mention him.”

“Jen, are you okay?”

“Right before I go on stage you could ask me if I would enjoy being castrated and I would say yes. I get so pumped up that you could punch me in the face and I would say thank you.”

“So you’re saying I ambushed you when I asked you if you would be okay with me asking Misha to come on the show? That I, in essence, tricked you into saying that you were okay with it?” Jared was clearly getting pissed.

“No, I know you weren’t.”

“So, what, Jen? What are you saying?” Jared’s words were clipped and it was weird because Jared never got angry.

“I never thought I was a jealous person.”

Jared looked full on mad now, “Jensen, I would never cheat on you. How could you-”

“I know that.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“How would you feel if I was friends with an ex?”

“You’ve slept with all your friends and I’m cool with that.”

“That’s different.”

“How, Jensen, how is it different?”

“You’re telling me, honestly, that you’ve never slept with Mike?”

“Well, that was only once. On that date Chad set us up on. He paid; I was being polite.”

“Right, and you’re just friends. So when you start talking about him during sex I just roll with it. But you can’t talk about Misha, you loved him and you can’t talk about him when I’m inside of you. It’s rude. I love you, when I’m with you intimately we’re the only two people in the world. I love the rambling during sex but you can’t talk about him. I’m trying to be cool about you’re almost angelically nice ex. I’m trying really hard, I was friendly, I didn’t flinch when he - a stranger - hugged me, I said that it was cool when you offered him a job and I very nearly meant it because I want you to be happy. But you can’t talk about him during sex. I don’t like him, he’s a great guy and he’s done nothing wrong, but the way you smile at him makes me hate him. It’s not his fault or your fault. I’m a jealous bastard. I’m trying because you’re my partner but I loathe him because you like him.”

“Jen,” Jared wasn’t angry anymore

“You’re my partner, Jared, you’re the one person I talk to about everything, not my parents or Jamie or Annie: you. And I don’t like that he finishes your sentences. That’s my job and I’m not always very good at it because sometimes it’s hard to predict what’s going to come out of your mouth. He’s better at it but it’s not his job. He went to France; he’s not your baby daddy. I know you’re here for the long haul. I know that because you stick around when I’m jumpy and when I’m a dick. We’ve just waded through weeks of adoption papers to make sure that the twins are yours. I know you’re with me. I know that if Texas would get its head out of its ass you would be my legal partner on top of everything else. I know that. But when you say his name and I’m in you it makes me feel three inches tall.”

“Hey, hey,” Jared hugged him close. “Jensen, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“I didn’t either I actually met him.” Jensen cuddled closer his anger going out. “I know you wouldn’t cheat on me, I know you love me.”

“Do want me to say I couldn’t get the job for him?”

“No, that’s mean. You shouldn’t kick the humanitarian when he’s down.”

Jared chuckled, “I could make a huge contribution to his charity. It’s the charity that’s having problems.”

“I was thinking of contributing, just to make me feel less guilty for hating him.”

Jared chuckled again, “So I’m going to do my damnedest to not talk about him during sex even though I never know what I’m saying. But what else can I do?”

“Nothing, nothing. I’m being stupid. It just freaked me out.”

“No,” Jared shook his head, “it would probably freak me out if you were friends with an ex. So guide lines?”

“Don’t tell him I don’t like him.”


“I don’t want to hang out with him.”


“And I don’t really want Jamie to hang out with him and start thinking he’s awesome… I am such an asshole.”

Jared kissed him gently, “I knew that before we started dating, Jen. I love you and I don’t want to make you unhappy. I wouldn’t have offered him the job if I’d known.”

“I like that you did. It’s a very Jared thing to do… I killed the mood, sorry.”

“No, I killed the mood by talking about an ex during sex.”

“You’ve talked about him before but I hadn’t met him yet, it didn’t bother me before… I’m sorry.”

“Can we go back to fifteen minutes ago? I’ll be good and not talk, just keep kissing me. It shuts me up.” Jared leaned up and started to kiss him and Jensen fell into it enjoying the closeness and the feeling of Jared against him. He started to finger Jared and Jared broke the kiss and said, “Skip ahead, we did this already, then we took a break, want to get back there.” He started to stroke Jensen back to hardness. “Please, Jen. I want you.” He went back to kissing as Jensen entered him. He moaned in the back of his throat and Jensen swallowed the noise. It was fast yet gentle. He held Jared close and caressed his face as they kissed. He came with a groan and then slid out of Jared. He crawled down the bed and sucked and licked Jared into coming. Jared was stroking his hair and moaning, “Jen, Jesus, love you.”

“Love you too,” Jensen settled down next to him. Jensen was starting to drift off but Jared was awake as always so Jensen wasn’t shocked when Jared started talking.

“How tired are you? Can we revisit baby names?”

“Sure,” said Jensen. “We’ve got the ultrasound coming up. Do you want to know the gender?”

“I don’t mind either way as long as they’re healthy. Do you want to know?”

“I’m not good at spontaneity. I would rather know.”

Jared nodded, “Favorite name for a boy?”

“Ashley… but that might be a bad call… it’s very Sothern nowadays, we could call him Ash? I don’t know. I like Ashley Martin but I can be swayed. You?”

“Tristan Ross. Too much? Is I douche bag-ish to want to names someone after you?”

“No, I like it. I wanted Jamie’s first initial to be a J so, I get it. Girls?”

“Elizabeth Rose. You?”

“Alexandra Patricia. Jamie wanted his mom’s name but I think it’s a little morbid to have it as her first name.”

Jared chucked, “He picked Rose.”

“Where are we on the last name debate?”

“I want them to be Ackles, same as Jamie. I’m sure; stop arguing about it. How’s all the adoption stuff?”

“Everything is done, and redone, redrafted. Signed in triplicate and sorted out. They’re legally yours too.”

“You spoken to Jamie yet?”

“No, not yet. I’m going to wait until we’re alone on the tour. I want him to think about it without the pressure of having people around. Y’know?” He yawned wide.

Jared made an agreeing sound. He uncurled himself slowly and reached to the floor for their pants. They pulled them on slowly and Jared said, “Go to sleep, Jen. It’s a big day tomorrow. You know why it’s a big day?”

“Because every day is a big day.” Then he was quiet but he was thinking about the day as a whole. “Are you going to ask why I freaked out when Bobby told me to ‘pray on it’?”

“You’re dad told me, about after Tricia’s death.”

“My dad’s covering for me.”


“No one knows this okay? Momma, Dad, Mack, Josh and Christian they know but no one else. Tricia knew but her family doesn’t. It’s something from my past that I don’t talk about.”


“No questions while I’m saying it. You can ask after it. Okay?”


Jensen took a deep breath, knowing it was a long explanation and knowing that it would be distressing to both of them. “I was really religious once upon a time. I mean I was a Jesus Freak. Not in a bad way, not really, I wasn’t mean to non Jesus freaks or anything. After Kerr outed me and his dad said I was going to hell and so was my family I started to hate myself. I knew all the bible verses that said I was sick. I started to think it was God who outed me, using Kerr. I thought it was a punishment for being an abomination. I didn’t want to drag my family down with me. I ‘prayed on it,’ Jared. I spent hours on my knees praying. I prayed to stop sinning. But I couldn’t. I could stop doing things with boys, I could stop masturbating but I couldn’t stop the thoughts. Then I would get drunk, sad and, have sex with my friends and then hate myself afterwards.
“I glossed over it for you, called it a slutty period because I don’t talk about it. I don’t even like thinking about it. But, it’s a lot like your diving: we’re having kids so you should know about my crazy period. You told me that you were ashamed about being gay when you were in high school. But this was so much more than being ashamed. It was extreme self-loathing; I was disgusted and I prayed to be fixed.
“I couldn’t bring myself to kiss girls, to be straight. The bible says that gay people should be sentenced to death. I started thinking that maybe suicide would be okay. I knew it was a big sin but I’d be getting rid of a sodomite and maybe God could forgive me. I planned it all out. Remember that old building out by Ryan Field? The one that was condemned back in the early seventies but only knocked down ‘bout five years back?”

Jared said, “Yeah. It was here when I moved here.”

“No one ever went there. Not even drunk kids. It was too creepy. I was going to go out there with some booze and pills and a razor. I had it all planned out and written in a notebook. I read it later: it was a fucking crazy man’s writings filled with bible quotes and half written suicide notes and apologies and the plan written down in step by step instructions. Josh had broken his leg a few weeks before. He had pain pills; I stole them little by little as well as Chris’s mom’s antidepressants and a lot of aspirin. I was getting enough, storing them. I didn’t know that my parents were worried about me, that they’d realized something was very off. I was out, hanging out at LeAnn’s and my parents searched my room. They found the razor, the pills and the book. My dad came over and got me from LeAnn’s place. I knew, from the look on his face, I knew.” Jared held him tighter and Jensen was grateful.

“My momma and dad held me between them on the couch all night, we talked until well after the sun came up. Josh was sent to Jason’s house Macky to LeAnn’s for the night. I cried, sobbed. Explained that God wasn’t helping me, told them how much I’d ‘prayed on it’ told them He hadn’t helped, that He’d closed His heart to me. I begged them to see reason, that my plan was best for all of us, explained that it was for all our salvations. I talked about how much I had disappointed our pastor who I had really liked and respected. My parents always say that they left the church but really they were forced out. The church said it was me or God. I told them that God was going to abandon them too.”

He sniffed realizing he was having problems breathing because he was so lost in the memories. “Three days later they drove me to gay Christian camp.” He saw Jared’s horror. “No, not like that, nothing like that. It was a really nice place for really religious gay kids who were afraid of themselves, afraid of who they were. It wasn’t to turn you straight. It was to make you realize that God hadn’t answered your prayers to be straight because there was nothing wrong with you. If He was a good God, if He was the kind loving God of the New Testament, then He could never abandon His children. It was kind of like continual fun, interesting Sunday school which, as everyone was really religious, we all liked it. No one used the phrase ‘pray the gay away’ yet. People would say that they’d ‘prayed on it’ to become straight so we got rid of the term. You didn’t ‘pray on it’ anymore when you prayed you ‘talked to God’ you ‘prayed your heart out’.
“It was about studying the bible in a modern view. It was talking about how the bible is the word of God as seen through men, that even prophets were human. A lot of it was looking stuff like working on Sunday, about not eating shellfish or pork, not dancing or touching pig skin, about poly blend shirts. We sort of encouraged to break those rules. You didn’t have to if you didn’t want to but I mean, on Fridays there was always fish but there was also always pulled-pork. There was always Christian rock music playing for you to dance to. And touch football was always going on. Repainting walls on Sundays, or washing floors, or cleaning up around the area’s woods was work you could volunteer to do.
“Our leader was a gay Unitarian minister, Ben Edlund, he was nice and funny. My parents had called him and faxed him a copy of my notebook so he knew the score. He wasn’t condescending or one of those stupid ‘youth ministers’ he didn’t try to rap about God or ride a motorcycle. He made fun of those guys. He’d shout, ‘Are you down with D.O.G?’ and then say, ‘I may have gotten that wrong. I’m dyslexic.’ It was really wholesome but it was also really relaxed. He would talk about taking the concrete words of the bible with ‘a pinch of Lot’s Wife’ instead of salt which always made me laugh.
“When we called home we weren’t allowed to talk about other people’s problems but we could talk about our friendships, only first names. It was a safe space so it wasn’t to be shared. When I first got there he said all the campers, ‘Let’s be honest. There aren’t many Jensen’s in the world, let alone famous ones who’ve just been outed. It’s not anonymous if you’re parents can figure it out in one little logic leap. So when you call your parents you should refer to him as Jen. That an okay name with you, Jensen?’ everyone at home called me Jen anyway. And I was so pleased for that anonymity and to just be treated like another camper.
“It was Christ and love and God all the time. I felt happier there than I had since Kerr’s mom had found us. You didn’t leave after two weeks, there was no deadline. You were there until you were ready not to be there. I was there for nine weeks. You were encouraged to call your parents and family a lot, wherever you wanted to not just at set times, and to have good, positive friends visit once you were stable. But I didn’t want anyone to know. Once I got less crazy I was embarrassed by how crazy I’d been. My parents and Minister Ben kept encouraging me to call Chris, to tell my best friend, so that someone in my friend group would be there for me once I went home. Eventually I saw what they meant. Chris came, he stayed for two days. He liked it and he was really supportive and not judgmental. I was pleased that he liked it there; it made me feel more normal about being there. He was part of a really liberal church; I think his parents wanted him to be more religious so they went to a cool one. After I left camp Macky, Josh and I went to church with them. Chris and my parents told his parents that they were worried about us losing our connection with God since we’d had to leave our church. But really, I needed a church. I needed the organization.
“Once I left I would go back sometimes, just for a tune up. When the bigotry got to be too much or when I just wanted to feel totally protected from the outside world. I brought Tricia there to volunteer the summer after junior year once we were engaged to be engaged. Just for a week. When I introduced her to Minister Dan he was horrified and he said that he loved me too much to hold his tongue and that we couldn’t talk about straight rebirth but then Tricia told him that she was a lesbian and about our plan and he was happy for us.
“We talked about our plan a lot with the campers. Some of the campers worry about having families. We talked about adoption, surrogacy, having a baby with a friend all of the options you have to create a family. Minister Ben talked about the fact that he and his partner fostered kids. It was a fun week. He came to our wedding and he came to her funeral… I don’t know how I feel about God or His existence now. I don’t think He’s real. I just feel angry when I think about it but I still donate a lot of money to that organization, it’s a charity, and it’s kind of run down, it’s awesome but it’s not well funded. I might not be religious anymore but I know what that program did for me. So that’s my very, extremely long explanation as to why someone telling me to ‘pray on it’ made me pissed off. Just so you know.”

Jared cuddled him so close, “I love you, Jensen. I’m so sorry you went through that.”

“I loved it there though. It was a good thing. And I’d rather have that breakdown then, in high school when I was being home schooled, instead of after Joshua. I was a grown up when Joshua broke my heart and the camp had made me more stable and it was during the school year so it would have been harder to go. I talked to God a lot, talked about why it had happened. I didn’t get any answers but I still felt loved. In some ways I’m almost grateful for what happened. Not what Kerr did but I’m grateful for my time there. It made me happier and more secure in who I was. So when the Westboro Baptist Church protested my next tour… did you read about that in your googling?”


“Well, when that happened I knew that there wasn’t anything wrong with me. I knew it was their problem and we had talked about them a lot at camp. They’re not a church; they’re one angry family who are lawyered-up. But I didn’t tour for a while after I left camp. I didn’t want the publicity of a tour. That was when I did Titanic.”

“Did you have a boyfriend there?”

“No, there were pretty strict rules against dating. Minister Ben would say, ‘Your families sent you here to get settled in your own skins not laid.’ Romantic relationships aren’t helpful when you’re in that mindset. In fact, we had coed rooms to safeguard against it. My first roommates were a lesbian called Alona, she was on her way out, and a guy named Chad. His grandma sent him. His parents had kicked him out for being gay and when his grandma found out that he was really ashamed of being gay she brought him to camp to get his head clear. They made sure your first roommates had been there a while to show you the ropes and help you find the lake and stuff. Alona’s brother sent her a care package with weed in it on the same day that Chad’s grandma had sent Girl Scout cookies. That was awesome.” Jared laughed, “Whatever, Genesis 1:29 says it’s cool.”

“So it was fun there?”

“A lot of fun; one of the best camps I ever went to. I’d stopped doing sleep away when I was fourteen and it was fun to be back at one. Especially one where I had so much in common with everyone. Once I stopped planning to kill myself it was a really fantastic camp. I never ate pork on Fridays because at home we had fish on Friday and it felt weird not to. In fact even after college, until Jamie got allergic to it, we had fish every Friday. But I did all the volunteer stuff on Sundays, I learned some really great football moves, I danced a lot. Minister Ben gave really good services on Sundays. And all the adults there were great.”

Jared was still hugging him tightly and he kissed Jensen’s forehead, “I love you and I am so glad your parents searched your room.”

“Yeah, at the time I was really angry at them, for getting in the way but… It was a really efficient plan, I’d be so dead.”

“I’m glad you’re here.”

Jensen chuckled, “Me too.” He leaned forward and kissed Jared. “It’s getting really late, Jay. Will you be able to sleep?” Jared pulled him really close.

“Yeah, I have you to cuddle with, I’ll sleep just fine. You need to get some sleep to be pretty and vivacious tonight on stage.”

“I laid a lot on you tonight.”

“I’m glad, I’m glad you told me about disliking my ex, I’ll keep him away from you. And I’m glad you told me about summer camp because I love you and I want to know all the important stuff in your life.”

“I think that’s the last of my fucked up stuff.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you. You know that right? When God made you He called all the angels together. He said unto them, ‘Behold Jensen Ackles. He is perfection. Let’s knock off early.’” Jensen laughed, “I’m serious.”

“I know. That’s what makes it so funny.” He kissed Jared deeply. “I know there’s nothing wrong with me. I like who I am and I like my life.” He looked at his watch, “It’s almost three.”

Jared stroked his back, “Go to sleep, Jen. I’m right here and I always will be.”


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