Feb 09, 2011 13:40
Trying to find out the answer to a moral/ethical question on the internet is impossible. I read something the other day about a woman who breastfed her dog and how she went on the internet and found support groups for women who breastfeed their dogs so she decided it must be normal. Bottom line, if you're doing it someone out there has made a support group saying it's okay. Honestly, who the fuck am I to throw stones? I wrote porn about real people. That's weird, but I'm fine with it because it's my thing. And I love reading it and I love talking about it with like minded individuals.
But the problem is finding answers to those questions when you want to know the party line the "normal" stance on it. So I figured, fuck it, I'll ask my like minded posse.
Jensen wants a baby. Jared is very on board. There are still embryos frozen from Jensen and Tricia were doing in vitro. Jared's cool with that idea too (the kid is Jamie's sibling, Tricia's got good genes, Jared's not really that picky as to who the father is so long as he's a daddy). The question is how you would feel about it as the extended family? I need help! Please have opinions.
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