Apr 09, 2009 18:49
I studied for a computer science test for hours. I made up fake problems to practice before hand. And I knew, before going to sit it, that I was, in fact, about to fail. I just knew it. So I got out of bed, restudied for an hour. Then I put a fake tattoo on my face. Y’know, the ones little kids wear. So, I go to take the test. In the middle of said test a tour group goes by with a sophomore tour guide, she shouts a lot, and the information she shouts is incorrect. I leave the test and knowing which ones I got wrong but not how to get the right answer. I hate math but I do a quick equation in my head and decide I got a seventy-two. I’m not happy about this. I call my mother she does not pick up.
I also realize that the story I wrote to hand in for an assignment needs to be read aloud to the class. The story ends with a scene with a blowjob in Canada. This is awkward to say the least. Plus the story is so clean up until that part that my entire class is shocked. The scene goes from someone being offered a beer to hallway blowjobs… in Canada. We laugh, a lot, NellyReifler, the professor, ends up with her head on the table. Because it’s the most graphic thing anyone has read aloud. It’s not even fiction it’s vague pornography.
So then I call my mum again; get a pep talk about the test. I sit on the lawn for a while. I came home to burn podcasts of Jsquared porn onto a CD for my dear friend and wife, Aiden. I realize I should eat something but can't be bothered because today has made me feel physically ill. I got really stoned. Then I went to the bathroom and found out the tattoo is still there.
How was your day?