Uni Boo

Mar 16, 2009 12:41

*yawn yawn stretch stretch*

Sitting in the library (where I've been perched since nine am) I am beginning to rethink this uni thing. Lol. Who thought it would be a good idea to study history? Who thought it would be good for me to write an essay on Scottish Nationalism in the nineteenth century? For sure, I did. Seriously rethinking that now, lol.

But, I'm at ~2000 words of 2500, so it can't be all bad can it? Except for the fact that about, oh 2000? of those words are absolute drivel.

*le miserable sigh*

Still, I  must plough on, eh?

The national celebration of Burns’ Night is also an example of ‘national heroes’; for a state that was defined by its religion and sobriety, it’s most celebrated night, paradoxically, is that of the poet Robert Burns.

Edit: Eek! Just got my 3rd Year English Options form out... I don't know what to take, and not because there is a lot to choose from but because... I don't particularly fancy any of them.

America in the 1920s

Lect: Mon 11am. Sem: Mon 3 or 4pm, Tues 2 or 3pm

Children's literature

Lect: Mon 12noon  Sem: Mon 2pm or 3pm

Cultures of Transgression

Lect: Mon 3pm. Sem: Thurs 3pm or 4pm

Detective Fiction

Lect: Mon 1pm. Sem: Mon 3pm or 4pm

The Glasgow Novel

Lect: Tues 2pm. Sem: Wed 10am or 11am

Journalism and Popular Culture

Lect: Mon 2pm. Sem: Thurs 1pm or 2pm

Language and Media

Lect: Thurs 10am. Sem: Tues 10 am or 11am

Language and Society

Lect: Thurs 1pm. Sem: Tues 1pm or 2pm

Literature, Culture, and Technology

Lect: Tues 3pm. Sem: Thurs 11am or 12noon

Meaning in Language, Literature and Culture

Lect: Tues 10. Sem: Tues 2pm or 3pm

Philosophy and Literature

Lect: Tues 1pm. Sem: Thurs 11am or 12noon

The Private self: forms and traditions of life-writing

Lect: Fri 10am. Sem: Fri 12noon or 1pm

Revolutionary Cultures [see note §]

Two-hour seminar: Friday 10am

Scottish Literature: Enlightenment to the Present

Lect: Wed 9am. Sem: Wed 11am or Thurs 9am


Lect: Thurs 2pm. Sem: Fri 10am, 11am, 2pm, or 3pm

Theatre studies 1

Class hours: Tues 11am - 1pm

Ways of Reading

Lect: Fri 11am. Sem: Fri 1pm or 2pm


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