Title: Keeping Vigil [2/5]
Summary: Four times Wilson finds Cuddy at House’s bedside and the one time he finds House at Cuddy’s.
Characters: Wilson, Cuddy, House & some others.
Pairing: House-Cuddy
Rating: K+
Previous Chapters:
1. Hesitantly Guilty (
Solitary Penance )
Comments 8
I still love the fic, obviously, and can't wait to read more, but I'm glad your x-posting to Ff.net because the light color of the text on your lj sight makes it hard for me (with old bad eyes) to read.
Which is my problem, obviously, but since I'd miss the fic otherwise I'm grateful for the x-post.
I'll stop spamming you now. ;-)
Yah, the light text gets frustrating especially at twenty to two in the morning when one's eyes are on the verge of falling out of one's head :P lol. But, as it happens, the layout was made for me by someone else and all I did was copy and paste the code. I've been meaning to change the colour for ages but have no idea how ;) lol.
As for cross posting to ff.net... You're lucky. It's normally weeks before I post on ff.net - a result of my OTHER fandom pairing being lj based rather than ff.net. Ah, the downsides of rare-pairings :(
Thanks again!
that's just too perfect for words. ^^ Can't wait for more!
Hopefully next part will be soon :) I have the whole weekend off from work and my last exam is on Friday :)
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