Title: Strange News from Another Star
Summary: 15 songs for
my story of the same title. Spans the three parts, so you’re getting a little hint, maybe?
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these songs. I’ve just chosen to play with them a little bit and make my own sound for the fic whose character’s I also do not own
Notes: First attempt at a fan mix and boy is it harder than I thought. I hope you enjoy it
1. Strange news from another star - blur
2. Who feels love? - oasis
3. Blue jeans & white tshirts - the gaslight anthem
4. Daddy’s gone - glasvegas
5. Lose you - pete yorn
6. For you - tracy chapman
7. Spread your love - vibrolux
8. Ulysses - franz Ferdinand
9. Beautiful - goldfrapp
10. I know the weight of your throat - sunset rubdown
11. Charlie Darwin - the low anthem
12. Wandering star - portishead
13. Roslyn - bon iver
14. Hurt - Johnny cash
15. Erik satie - gymnopedie no 1