Jun 17, 2010 15:55
The sun is shining and I’m finding it very hard to work! Boss has gone home, so-called supervisor is stuck in the lab and I want to be outside eating an icecream. I went for a walk at lunch with some colleagues and we sat in a field and ate our lunch and watched nifty military aircraft flying by. One girl is a serious aircraft geek (having military parents and a brother in the RAF) and was very excited by some helicopters. I was more excited to see some bird (looked like a thrush but wasn’t sure) mobbing a jackdaw that had probably got too close to her nest. There was a lack of interesting wildlife but lots of bees which was nice, and the breeze was making the distant fields of green wheat ripple in the sunlight in a very pleasing manner. I didn’t want to come back indoors after that!
I made my hair go curly this morning. I am quite pleased with it. Since getting it cut I have been playing around with it, and have found it looks quite nice if I shove some moose in it and let it dry on its own - it even copes with being tied back for lab work! I like this kind of hair maintenance - it’s easy and doesn’t take up too much time.
Last night we had a power cut. I’m not sure what caused it, but the trip switch to the whole house was off. The cupboard which contains the switches and fuse boxes has a light on a separate circuit which is apparently not affected by the mains trip going. It makes me wonder if it has a trip or a fuse at all and if not where is it wired to? It’s just one lightbulb so I’m not overly concerned but hey, would be nice to know. I only discovered the power was out because Maya decided that she was awake and full of energy and hence we needed to be awake to pay her attention and play with her. After she woke me up I tried to see what the radio clock said but couldn’t read anything, so had to grub about at 4.00am (it was at least light and the birds were singing) to find Tom’s phone to set an alarm for the morning. I wouldn’t have slept late without one - quite the opposite; I’d have been too worried about sleeping late to sleep at all past about 6.00am! Knowing I have an alarm set I can sleep happy.
Maya, as I said, wanted to wake me. She’s a suckler - always has been and we’ve never managed to get her to stop. She sucks Tom’s jumpers in particular, but is also fond of the duvet. Last night she settled down next to me, found a corner of duvet and started purring, suckling, and pawing. Cute, but noisy and her paws kept going worryingly close to my face. I rolled over so she moved to be next to my face again. I retreated under the covers and eventually she stopped, settling into a washing routine before heading out of the bedroom. I dozed off, and she returned maybe half an hour later with something to play with. There was a lot of scrabbling about in my discarded jeans, and I had to get up to make sure if wasn’t anything dead she was playing with. Thankfully it turned out to be a bit of foil - I think it was a wrapper from a cheese triangle that she must have fetched out of the bin! Delightful creature. So far the only things she has brought to the bedroom to play with have been paper balls, foil, twist-ties (all retrieved from our paper bin) and, occasionally, moths. Larger prey such as feathers and whole birds she keeps downstairs as they are evidently too good to share. This, I am grateful for.
Earlier on in the night she caught a moth, which Tom rescued at put outside. This morning it was still there - I let it crawl onto my hand and then placed it high up, on our house number sign. It was a beautiful hawk-moth, and was still fluttering its wings so it may be okay but then again it may not be able to fly. At least it’s safe from the cats now.
The entry has been written going back in time. Interesting!