I have spent most of this morning reading and signing petitions via links from Facebook, go figure, I’m not even close to a social butterfly so to speak. However, it had me thinking a great deal on all the views and stereotypes that society has placed on their peers. For instance, religious views, sexual orientation, gender, social class, and the way someone dresses the people they hang out with, the grades they make in school, the number of friends they have, the job they have. Will it ever end? Most likely not. Does it bother me? A great deal.
But, and bear with me here, I know all of these things and can easily say that I wasn’t overtly bullied in school for the two more ‘controversial’ choices I made or inborn attributes I have. I was picked on in school for being ‘the teacher’s pet’ ‘the nerd’ ‘the bookworm’ ‘the Goth’ or classified as being a bitch because I didn’t tolerate being picked on and bullied and certainly didn’t stand idly by when a friend or someone else was bullied. In fact I made some really great friends when I took a stand against them being picked on or ignored.
I will contend that I am a bitch and make some pretty mean comments to my friends and while it is in friendly jest it is wrong but that’s really my business. What I can say about not really classifying myself as anything or anyone other than me I learned a great deal. I learned what it means to have good friends that can be relied on who will accept me for who I am. That is valuable, irreplaceable, and a priceless treasure.
Everyone has obstacles in life that they must overcome and I stand here with more hurdles I must jump through to get to the next one farther down my path. I’ve hit potholes, bumps, run into trees, had the air knocked out of my lungs, and have had everything tipped over on its head and torn to shreds, all metaphorically more or less. The point is, with every new trial that I managed to pull through I learned even more about what it takes to ‘live’ and gained even more strength to survive whatever comes next.
I have compassion for humanity and for all living things, beings, species, everything that is part of this great Earth in which we live. Those abused animals commercials make me cry, which is actually pretty hard to do, and all the ‘equal rights movements’ out there I agree with because we are all part of this world and everyone deserves to have the freedoms and opportunities that sadly only a portion of this world’s population have.
This is the first ‘first person’ journal I have written in this format in a while and I don’t expect any comments or that anyone will actually read it at all. I just want to get these thoughts out of my head so I can get some sleep. But what brought this about were the issues with society. Discrimination against anyone for their views, religion, sexuality, gender, age, class, race, or any other reasons society comes up with to discriminate against others is wrong, period.
My friends and I may have plenty of things in common but we don’t share the same views, the same religious beliefs, the same gender, sexuality, race, class, or the same interests in movies or music or books, or even reading and education. Does that make them any less of a person, hell no it doesn’t anymore than it makes anyone any less of a person for these reasons. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is, where you come from, what gender you are, what your sexuality is, what religion you follow, where you stand economically or socially, what movies or music or hobbies or views you have. What matters is that you are a person who is deserving of the same rights as me. I’m not going to sit here and type up some debate against any of the arguments those who follow whichever religion have against the LGBT community or the Pagan and Wiccan communities even though I am part of both because it simply doesn’t matter to me what they say. What does matter is that they seem content and feel justified with their discriminatory acts and the fact that their ancestors fought for the very freedoms they are denying others today.
I will say that history should have taught us not to make the same mistakes as those before us, this is the real reason history is documented and taught after all. I will say that regardless of what country, church, gender, race, sexuality, or class we are that we all deserve the right to live our lives with complete sincerity and honesty. Where has the compassion for humanity as a whole gone?
We have to do more than debate and talk and post on the internet if we want anything to change. We have to remember that every single one of us on the great planet that allows us to live and prosper are in essence human. We all bleed, we all get sick, we all struggle, we all live why does any of the other things matter? How does anyone have the right or authority to refuse someone their rights? How long will it go on that others can feel justified in their actions against other human beings because of whatever reason they tell themselves? There is a great deal of evil and good in this world and it occurs on all kinds of levels in all kinds of ways and that is beyond depressing, it’s wrong.
Well we can’t all change the world, no but we can do our part to stand up when needed, speak out when called for, and even the little things count. As for me, I’m in the Criminal Justice program, which needs a whole lot of change and refinement but it isn’t going to get there on its own. I overcame a hell of a lot of obstacles to get to where I am today and have a lot more to get through but I won’t give up. I am trying to do my part to help things change and that I am trying counts for something. You never know until you try. -Take a step towards change. -To Learn More
Oh, one more thing-