Ultimate Crossover

Oct 01, 2008 02:01

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters that may appear in this insanely large crossover story. The ones that I do own I will be sure to point out when they appear.

Title: Ultimate Crossover-High School Sucks
Pairing: Too many to count-NaruSasu, EdWin, Future EdRose, TidusYuna, ShuyinLenne, SoubiRitsuka just to name a few.
Genre: Action/Drama
Series: FMA, Naruto, FFX, FFX-2, FFVII, FVIII, Inuyasha, GW, Loveless, Bleach, Detective Conan, Yu Yu Hakusho, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, DBZ-(Uh, Ultimate Crossover-Can't remember them all.)
Rating: Ranges from PG-13, R, MA, to NC-17
Status: On Going, Neverending
Summary: One world united through those originated from others. It will take everyone to save not only their home but themselves.



The city of dreams, of wonders, the largest and most sophisticated city in all of Spira. A city that never sleeps, millions of citizens, thousands of dreams . . . A city where so many were connected and where those who would change the world had no idea of their fate, their destinies. Right now it was just a city with a lot of students and a lot of teenagers. East Zanarkand High School, the largest high school, and most populated in all of Zanarkand. The grand city had seven high schools in all, all of which competed against one another in sports and academics. Not only was E.Z. High the most populated, it was the best school for academics and ever since the Benshi brothers enrolled they were undefeated in blitzball. Unlike most of the high schools, two of them had to be applied for. East and North Zanarkand High only accepted the best students. The two high schools only accepted the scholars and the star atheletes. Those who attended the two high schools had to maintain at least a 3.4 g.p.a. If you were an athelete you had to maintain at least a 3.0 g.p.a.

Zanarkand was a city that rebelled the ideals of Bevelle, they allowed those from Bevelle to live in their city, but refused to form an alliance with them. Zanarkand had a powerful force field around their city to keep the threats of Dark Ones, fiends, and shadows out of the city. But they still employed hunters to guard outside the city. The city is located on the other side of Mt. Gagazet where one thousand years ago a race known as the Ronso dwelled and once protected the grand city. There was a war one thousand years ago between Zanarkand and Bevelle, Zanarkand won their independence from Bevelle and since then they lived by their own rules and regulations. They are one of the two cities that are free from the grasp of Bevelle where the religion that worships Yu Yevon rules Spira.

Throughout Zanarkand were ancient temples that studied the old ways of fighting, older religions, and one temple in the center of the city was dedicated to those who wished to be summoners. Zanarkand respected the summoners that gave their lives to protect Spira and allowed the temple there to honor them and their ideals, even if they worshiped Yu Yevon. Zanarkand had a very diverse way of life, everyone was free to believe in what they wished to, and free to live as they wished. The government of Zanarkand was very much a Representative Democracy where the people made the decisions.

The Laws of Zanarkand

1. Live your lives as you see fit, do not discriminate, do not be callous or judge mental towards others. If you are caught breaking this law the penalty is being sent to Bevelle.
2. You must be a registered hunter to carry a weapon within the city. The penalty for doing so without a liscense as a hunter is imprisonment in Bevelle.
3. Murder is a capital offense. If one is tried and convicted of murder they will be executed three months after the crime.
4. Curfew for those under 16 is eleven p.m. Penalty is three weeks in the city juvenile holding cells in South Zanarkand.
5. Curfew for those under 21 is one a.m. If caught outside your home after this time the accused will be held in the city juvenile holding cells in South Zanarkand for three months.
6. Skipping school or allowing your gpa to fall to below 3.0 when enrolled in North or East Zanarkand High Schools is penalized by expulsion or one year in the city juvenile holding cells. When absent present parent letter or doctor excuse. Failure to do so will result in a trial to determine legitimate reason for absence.
7. Domestic violence among a household is not tolerated. If the parents are at fault then the child or children will be handed over to CPS and the parent will be banished to Bevelle to pend charges and imprisonment.
8. If domestic violence is suspected but the family does not co-operate charges of refusing to assist the police will be brought up. The members of the family will be trialed and all will be banished from Zanarkand.

Other than those laws, Zanarkand is the city of freedom and dreams. Many come to live in Zanarkand and many never want to leave. All of Zanarkand is involved with the schools, especially the North and East High Schools. The laws, however do not stop the crime and in a city with so many people, Zanarkand can be a very dangerous place. In the East part of Zanarkand there are slums, bad neighborhoods, suburbian neighborhoods, and high class neighborhoods. There are also families that live along the docks and piers in boats or houses. But the cities involvement with the high schools made the star players and scholars at each school popular and well known.

Therefore, any of the blitzball players and the top students were well known and very sought after. Among them were the Benshi brothers, the star players of East Zanarkand High School's East Wolves. These two brothers were Shuyin, a senior and captain of the team, and Tidus, a junior, and assistant captain. Both of them had straight A's in school and were praised and idolized by many. A scholar, and former blitzball star that everyone knows is Edward Elric, who happens to be Tidus' best friend. Tryouts for all the school teams and applications for the academic clubs are always done in July, one month before school started. So, naturally everyone in Zanarkand knew who was going to be involved in what before school even happened. The only down fall to living in Zanarkand was the fact that there was yet to be a university, there was a community college, but not a university meaning college bound students had to continue their education outside of the beloved city.

The High School teams and club members for E.Z. High have been released by the first friday in July. Most of the students looked it up on the school register at home on the com spheres that were placed in every home for safety measures. The com spheres provided as a satellite and a news network in case of disasters, war, or anything else that might come up.

Cheerleaders-Lenne, Yuna, Rikku, Winry, Sango, Kikyo, Arieth, and Relena

Softball team-Winry, Rose, Riza, Kairi, Kagome, Leblanc, Momo, and Sakura

Blitzball Team [Varsity]- Tidus-RF, Shuyin-LF, Tiffa-LD, Gippal-MF, Heero-Gl, Yusuke-RD

Blitzball Team [Junior Varsity]- Kieko-RF, Duo-LF, Riku-MF, Roy-LD, Cloud-RD, Trowa-GL, Sora-LD, Naruto-RD, Inuyasha-GL

Science Club- Ed, Sasuke, Hinata, Rachel, Misaga, Harvey, and Misty

Many of the blitzball fans were sad to see a favorite player leave the team his junior year after playing on the varsity team the first two years in high school. But they looked forward to the new line up. The life in the city was hectic and constantly busy, but the citizens of Zanarkand overall lived happy, peaceful, carefree lives.

work in progress, fan fiction, multi-chapter, crossover, fanfiction, insanity

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