sabrinakay tagged me in a meme where you will be assigned a number between 15-50 of facts for you to share. This was in January and I'm doing it now! She gave me 30 but I'll do just 20 cause everything else is written already, hehe.
1) I have worked in hospitals long enough to know how to read doctor's handwriting.
My boss (who was also a doctor) taught me that. Not all specialities though.
2) I don't like being touched
3) My favorite flavors are spicy and sweet
4) Sometimes I wish to be a boy, cause being a girl is not always bright.
5) I have a birthmark on my (upper) wrist. When I was little, there were 2 black semi circles on both of them.
Now, the left has faded away and only a pale mark is left on the other one.
6) I find offensive humor amusing to some point.
Just discovered it last year when I came accross a youtube channel with that subject and I was actually laughing.
7) Rain makes me gloomy but I like the smell of it!
8) I like my food to be cooked and steaming hot
9) Thunders & aging scare me!
10) I LOVE potatos! Boiled, grilled, baked even raw! Just kidding! Potatos + Kitchup = love!
11) My hearing and sight aren't even. I was hit hard with a ball on my left eye and got beaten with something on my left ear as well. I don't remember about the ear incident, but my mom told me it happened when I was a kid.
12) Watching cooking and craft videos on youtube is one of the ways I relax
13) Never saw snow in my life, it would be exciting if I can
14) I have trypophobia
15) My favorite outfit is sherlwar kamiz but unfortunately I only have like 2 of them cause making/ordering one takes time and the ready-made is expensive. Most of my cloths are skinny pants, shirts, skirts, short skits & jeans. Plus, they are fit size. Right now, I'm more comfortable wearing stuff I can grow/shirnk in.
16) I don't like the crust at the bottom of cheese cake, I want to eat the cake without it
but I know that's silly since it's what holds it together - or so I think?
17) I'm an organized and super discipline person
18) I have a slight interest in religions specially Christianity
19) I don't know my own native language well as I know other languages!
20) My full name is a real historical character's name as well, who is known for her bravery and every time people see/hear that, they ask me: (Is that your real name?!) and I'm like (No! It's my stage name!) Well duh! Of course it's my real name, what else would it be?! a nick name?! Haha!