Hello! I'm still alive! how is everybody doing here in LJ? and it's been a while that i visit my LJ too! anyways, I'm just so busy with stuffs in real life and i'm always stranded in my twitter for my own arashi-goto updates. (^o^) anyways, I translated Arashi's 24hrTV part wherein they give a message to us:
You can check it over here:
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Chikara - means Power, Strength.
Arashi: Chikara! a very important thing that I have.
"What is the most powerful word that you received?"
Jun: "Thank you!" is a word that gives me strength which I received from a lot of people.
Jun: And as much as possible hearing that makes me happy.
Sho: Matsujun, ARIGATOU for saying such a wonderful thing.
Sho: Arigatou.
Nino: Arigatou.
Arashi: Arigatou.
NOTE: They are making fun of Matsujun since it seems that Matsujun takes over the whole scene for that message part. (laughs)
Jun: No, no.. but also, ARIGATOU (Thanks!) to you guys for saying it to me as well.
Arashi: No, no, no.
Aiba: We don't have any goal, coz this is like a thank you hell.
Sho: Let's stop it. stop it.
Arashi loves to make fun of it xDD Jaa ne~ (^^)/