Jaz came through his teeth cleaning with no ill effects. You worry, because there's always a risk with a general anesthesia procedure, but he's fine. I'm picking him up after 4:00 to admire his pearly whites. The vet nagged me again about brushing his teeth, so we will stop by PetSmart for a fresh tube of toothpaste. He loves the taste of the toothpaste, he just has a lazy mom and dad who forget to brush his teeth for him.
freeshredder feels that his interview went fantastically well. He was able to converse intelligently with the Big Poobah Partner about the open position and really was able to give a substantive answer to all his questions. He would never lie, but you know how it is in interviews, when the interviewer asks you something that you're a little weak on, and you have to stretch your achievements a little to cover the answer. There was little to none of that going on in this interview. We are both very hopeful that this will come through.
I had two good doctor's appointments today. My persistent fatigue and wacky hypoglycemia was discussed. They're going to run some blood tests and see whether there might be a medical cause. And even though this might turn out to be bad news, such as the beginnings of hereditary diabetes or a thyroid problem, I feel better about it all. It's probably fixable. I'm fairly young and pretty healthy. Even if it's just hypoglycemia, which is fixable by eating small, frequent high-protein meals, I need someone to help me plan my eating, because doing it on my own isn't working well. The GP I went to specializes in obesity counseling, so I can get some sane help with weight loss. We're going to take it in stages, rule out everything we can first, and I think it will be OK.
The sun is shining, the crocuses are blooming, and I was able to ditch my jacket for most of the day. The Cutest Dog Ever is waiting for me at the vet, and we will celebrate Husband's great interview tonight. Pretty good day, all in all.