I tried to add another class today, only to waste several hours and be told, in the end, that I couldn't do it, due to dumb administrative restrictions. Bummer. Now I'm stuck with only three hours this semester. I am itching to get through my patent bar hours as soon as possible! It's kind of my own fault for not thinking about my options a little harder back in December, when I was registering. But, on the other hand, the way things are scheduled at NOVA this semester, there was nothing useful I could take that wouldn't land me in class three nights a week, and I wasn't prepared to go there yet. Two nights would be about all I could handle. There were sidestep options that wouldn't count toward the bar, like another math class (necessary for eventual completion of engineering degree, if I decide to go for it) or auditing basic chemistry to go on and take organic next year. But those wouldn't count toward my bar requirements, because the classes have to be taken for a grade, and math doesn't count at all, even though you have to take it in order to go on with the engineering courses. So what's the point of burdening myself at this point, when I'm just trying to get through hours for the patent bar? I could have taken chem or biology for credit, but then I'd be looking at an extra day of lab per week, which would take me to three nights a week. I'm not feeling up to that right now. Plus it would take me to seven hours, and we already know from past experience that I don't do well above six credit hours, on top of my job. Physics III (Modern Physics) was out because it would require me to leave work early every Tuesday to get to class, and my firm has already told me they aren't thrilled about that. My current class will require me to leave early every other week, and that's bad enough. I could have tried for a distance learning course, but my record with those is dismal, and there is no reason to suppose I'd improve. I need the structure of regular class meetings.
So, frustrating day. Plus, it got cold again, after many days of fairly mild weather. Some comfort in the fact that I got to wear my new cotton-candy-pink fuzzy sweater that makes me look like Annette Funicello's kid sister, but I was so demoralized by the day, I came home at my usual time and went directly to the Internet. Here are some things I found that you may enjoy.
wicked_wish posted this, and I thought it was pretty funny. The lament of the gamer's widow.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1329362959167995041 I found four new blogs I want to read consistently. Opinionista gives the real scoop on what it's like to work at a big NY law firm, although she recently left the firm and is going to open up www.opinionistas.com as of January 18th. But you can read her archived blog posts here:
El Guapo in DC is fairly new, and blogs the daily life of, well, being guapo in D.C.
The Anonymous Lawyer is a fictional hiring partner at a large, big-city California firm. His posts are a brilliant satire of large firm partners. You think he's kidding, but I assure you he's not kidding as much as non-lawyers think he is.
http://anonymouslawyer.blogspot.com/ And finally, this guy made me laugh out loud. He is a software guy who, apparently, really wants to be a dancer. I am considering buying his T-shirt. I'm sure everybody cool on the Internet already knows about the Daily Dancer, but I was delighted to discover him and I am going to check him EVERY day from now on.
http://dailydancer.com/ I hope all the links work. I am going to go do some statics homework now. Let me tell you, it's gripping stuff. Calculating the forces on a metal weight from two separate strings from which it is suspended, that kind of thing. Good times. At least I can listen to the lecture notes on the Internet.