Wil Wheaton just posted two great videos on his blog. For those of you who are of a certain age, or if you are married to a man of a certain age, these videos are gold. Remember how important Star Wars action figures were to boys in the late 70s/early 80s? Yes. My husband and I enjoyed these videos immensely.
I'm linking to Wil's blog rather than just embedding the videos because I think Wil's awesome, and I want to direct you to his site. So, here is part one:
http://wilwheaton.typepad.com/wwdnbackup/2009/01/blue-light-mash.html and here is part two:
http://wilwheaton.typepad.com/wwdnbackup/2009/01/blue-light-ma-1.html Enjoy, children of the 70s.
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