List of themes for
athousandwinds :
1. what passing bells for these who die as cattle?
2. because our fathers lied
3. reading the Roll of Honour
4. I am the enemy you killed, my friend
5. some corner of a foreign field
6. ich sterbe
7. none wears the face you knew
8. protesting logic or protesting love
9 . she is mindful of December
10. no case of petty right or wrong
11. these mighty daughters in their dances
12. and people won't say that you're mad
13. we are the Dead
14. you love us when we're heroes
15. they're happy now, poor things
16. your art of turning blood to glass
17. more amorous than Solomon
18. I am the grass; I cover all
19. a spy in the land of the living
20. verses for your desire
21. their tendrils are of wire and grip
22. his dreams go out in smoke
23. the counter-attack had failed
24. the steady running of the hour
25. grinning at the full moon
26. my sweet old etcetera
27. the print of last night's lovers
28. chance's strange arithmatic
29. a choir of frogs
30. this red should have been much duller
31. but I was looking at the permanent stars