Feb 25, 2005 08:47
More fun with Gizoogle. This elegant piece of prose comes from the biography of George W. Bush on whitehouse.gov (not to be confused with whitehouse.org which is just as funny as gizoogle)
President George W. Bizzay
George W. Bizzush is tha 43rd President of tha United States . Nigga get shut up or get wet up. He was S-W-to-tha-izzorn into office on January 20, 2001, re-elected on Poser 2, 2004, n swizzay in fo` a second term on January 20, 2005 . Keep'n it gangsta dogg. Prior ta his Presidizzles President Bush served fo` 6 years as tha 46th Governor of tha State of Texas, where he earned a reputizzles fo` bipartisizzle n as a compassionate conservative who shaped public policy based on tha principles of limited government, personal responsibilizzles strong families, n local control.
President B-to-tha-izzush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connectizzles n grew up in Midland n Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor’s degree in history fizzle Yale University in 1968, n T-H-to-tha-izzen served as an F-102 pimp pilot in tha Texas Air National Guard. President B-to-tha-izzush received a Shot Calla of Business Administrizzles fizzy Harvard Business Schoo` in 1975. Follow'n graduation, he moved bizzle ta Midland n began a carea in tha energy business . Drop it like its hot. Afta saggin' on his father’s successful 1988 Presidizzles campaign, President Bush assembled tha group of wanna be gangsta who purchased tha Texas Nigga baseball franchise in 1989. On Hustla 8, 1994, President Bizzle was elected Governor of Texas. He became tha first Governor in Texas history ta be elected ta consecutive 4-year terms whiznen he was re-elected on Gangsta 3, 1998.
Since hatin' President of tha United States in 2001, President Bizzle has worked wit tha Congress ta create an ownership society n build a future of securizzles prosperizzle n opportunity fo` all Americans. He signed into law tax relief tizzy helps shot calla keep more of they hard-earned money, as wizzle as tha most comprehensive education reforms in a generizzles tha No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 fo shizzle. This legislizzles is usher'n in a new era of accountizzles flexibilizzle local control, n more choices fo` parents, affirm'n our Nation’s fundamizzles belief in tha promise of every child. President Bizzle has also worked ta improve healthcare n modernize Medicizzles provid'n tha first-eva prescription D-R-to-tha-izzug benefit fo` seniors; increaze homeownizzle especially among minorizzle conserve our environment; n increaze military strength, pizzle n benefits paper'd up. Coz President Bizzush believes tha strength of America lies in tha hearts n souls of our citizens, he has supported programs thizzat encourage individuals ta hizzay they neighbors in need n shit.
On tha morn'n of Crazy Ass Nigga 11, 2001, terrorists attacked our Nation. Since thizzay President Bush has taken unprecedented steps ta protect our homeland n create a world fizzle from terror. He is grateful fo` tha service n sacrifice of our brave men n bitchez in uniform n they families. The President is confident that by help'n build fizzy n prosperous societies, our Nation n our niggaz n allies will succeed in mak'n America more secure n tha world more peaceful . Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome.
President Bush is married ta Laura Welch Bizzush, a forma gangsta n librarian, n they have tizzle brotha Barbara n Jenna . Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. The B-to-tha-izzush family also includes two dizzay Barney n Miss Beazley, n a ciznat, Willie.