Guess I better do an update here before the craziness REALLY sets in!

Nov 09, 2008 23:02

So I had a whirl-wind of a week last week. Starting on Sunday when I had a going away party with the company I have been going to teach at during lunch twice a week for about 3 years. A lot of the guys are from Shizuoka, where I lived in Japan for 3 years, and so we formed a rather tight bond. I even taught two of their wives as well as helped name one guys two children (you know American middle names). So on the 2nd we had a big party at a Korean BBQ joint with like 30 people. I guess it was the biggest gathering they have had. Everyone came with their families. It was just like a Japanese enkai (drinking party) - only the best parts. The food was delicious and at the end of the meal I was gifted not one but two amazing presents 1. a new GPS navigation system, and 2. a brand new ipod nano chromatic. I was floored. I have to admit it was rather reminiscent of my going away part when I left Japan - though not have as crazy or drunk. It was hard not to cry, but I kept from sobbing and made it home okay that night.

Then on Monday I had another going away dinner that lasted TOO late and when I finally left I think they girl I taught (16) started to cry which made me tear up more than I would have and I just ran out to my car and left.

Tuesday I went over to another students house that I didn't really want to go to but felt I had to. Again they kept me way too late but at least there was no crying and I got a really good bottle of shochu (Japanese vodka) out of it.

Wednesday I talked to my dad earlier in the day and got the news that the house has been sold and that the closing is on 11/15. This was both great news and freaked me out. 1. I have been saying I will move to Chicago for months now on the 15th which is just weird that THAT is the day of the closing, and 2. that means it's not only me going through all the crap and packing. Later I went to eat over at the house of a little boy that I have taught for about 3 years (6th grade) and we've gotten along so well - most likely due to my own brother experience. At any rate he had taiko no tatsugin (Japanese drum game) and rock band and we battled it out until too late yet again. He seemed pretty down when I left and I was sad too, but I did get a $50 gift certificate for Trader Joes which is such a great gift - they gave me one last year for Christmas and I gushed about it so I think they new I'd appreciate it again.

Wednesday morning I had gone in for my final physical for at least a year (while I am without insurance) and while there the doctor told me I was due for a Tetanus shot and asked if I wanted the flu shot. Now I have never gotten the flu shot and I think they're dumb for the most part; however, with the looming threat of not having health insurance anymore along with the fact that I am moving to the city and will be using public transit (a huge contrast to my current life style) I decided that I would bit the bullet and get the shot.

Thursday I was finally free from dinner plans but did plan to go and meet a friend later that evening to have him help me with my separate hard drive to see if he can get it to show up on my mac's desktop again. However, buy 3 pm that evening I felt as though I had been hit by a train. I left work early and was unable to drive all the way home and ended up at my home away from home there in Farmington. My Japanese little sister come home to find me passed out in her bed. When they took my temperature it was at 100.2. So the goddamn flu shot gave me the flu - though the doctor insists that it was not the flu and perhaps it was a cold but STILL it sucked. And it lasted until about Saturday morning. SO I missed my last day at work - how appropriate.

Today I have slowly been trying to get my stuff in some kind of order and packed in boxes that won't weigh a ton as well as try to strategize how to get all the stuff I want and need in my little car. I have a feeling my little Scion will be loaded to capacity and I'll only have the side mirrors to guide me!

I am so utterly overwhelmed by all the stuff we have to do, but at least Tom got the rest of the week off to help so there will be 4 people working most of the week. But still it is SO scary - I can't think about it too much or else I won't sleep again like last night.

And finally my result for Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test...

Your result for Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test...

37% Logical, 12% Spatial, 45% Linguistic, 41% Intrapersonal, 20% Interpersonal, 47% Musical, 6% Bodily-Kinesthetic and 27% Naturalistic!

"This area has to do with rhythm, music, and hearing. Those who have a high level of musical-rhythmic intelligence display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones and music. They normally have good pitch and may even have absolute pitch, and are able to sing, play musical instruments, and compose music. Since there is a strong auditory component to this intelligence, those who are strongest in it may learn best via lecture. In addition, they will often use songs or rhythms to learn and memorize information, and may work best with music playing in the background.

Careers which suit those with this intelligence include instrumentalists, singers, conductors, disc-jockeys, and composers." (Wikipedia)

Take Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test at HelloQuizzy


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