Title: John O' Lantern
Author: Azuhra
Rating: PG
Fandom: BBC's Sherlock
Characters: John
Summary: Digital Carved Pumpkin of John
Warnings: none
A/N: Lol, its John! Erm, it is Halloween, and it is focused on John... but its no woe. Oops. Still, this was set off by the art fill prompt for
watsons_woes Halloween prompt. I can't seem to write BBC verse and I can't seem to draw Doyle verse so... the pumpkin wound up as John! No that I'm complaining.
Not a real pumpkin --- I can't carve pumpkins to save my life. I can draw though, and I can animate. So... here you go! (And yeah, that really is an animated flickering! If you don't see it in post, click on it twice - the page where the image is all on its own with out the gallery surrounding it - and give it a sec to load.)
Edit: I also tossed this out on Tumblr and it flickers like it should on first sight there!
Catch it on Tumblr.
If anyone likes the icon, your more than welcome to use it :)