Title: Feeding the Ducks
Author: Azuhra (
Daughter of Chaos on FF.net)
Prompt: Park
Rating: K
Word Count: 200
Character(s): Sanosuke
Summary: The further away you are from home the more your thoughts will wander there.
A/N: This came out more melancholy than I was planning on. Poor lonely traveling Sano...
Word a Day Prompts: Park
Feeding the Ducks
He found it interesting to see that English ducks were a lot like the ducks he knew back in his native Japan. There were differences, of course, but the noises and the behaviors were essentially the same. You didn't feed Japanese ducks bread crumbs often, but bread was a commodity there. He didn't see any of these English gentle folks tossing rice at these guys either.
Sanosuke knew he was suffering of a strangely nostalgic moment, sitting in a park near central London and comparing ducks. He should have been out roaming the streets and exploring one of the great cities of the western world. He had been until the rolling yellow smog of the industrial district had chased him out. It was here too, that smog, it was all over London, but it wasn't so thick.
His wandering thoughts suggested of how Kaoru would have loved to see Big Ben. She had a thing for modern contrivances and even though the giant clock wasn't so modern it was still an impressive contraption. Yahiko would have been taken with stories of knights of old. And Kenshin, well, he would have been content to sit there and feed ducks with Sanosuke.