Beating Back Spring Fever

Mar 26, 2007 15:53

Arg. ARGGGGGG!!!!!!

All I can say is that the weather is bleaten beautiful outside (which is saying something for March in Wisconsin.) The fat rolls and the flip flops are out in force today. Gorgeous, we're talking 78* F and cloudless blue skies. The birds are chirping, the maple's are budding. All is well!

Yeah, except some of us are in school today. Shame. Shame. Horrid Shame.

I shouldn't complain, having just got back from spring break. For which, if anyone cares, i did very little. Including homework. I'm here today trying to download a flash tutorial (Which, geeks, is set up in ActionScript 1 and I need to convert to AS2 as well as work on building functions...) But as of right now the tut isn't downloading and I think I'm screwed... Double damn, because next week is a scripting quiz and I've still got no clue about what's going on.

On the brighter side of things, Spring Break was prosperous on my behalf for nearly completing the newest version of my fan based web site. All I have left to do is link up the fan fiction. Problem? I wrote a lot of those stories back in 2000, and we're talking 2007 now, soooo..... you can understand my cringe-y-ness about it all. I should just give it up and post as is though. It's been up that way for seven years now, after all! Also of note, I have the fourth chapter of my RuroKen fic "A Truth in the Darkness" nearly re-written (I had it written to begin with, but I wasn't as fond of it as I liked.) Who knows when I'll post it.

Ah, well. Time to fight the download again, and then see about enjoying this lovely weather I've been missing all day.

blog: rant, blog: school

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