A Wolfwood in Sheeps Clothing

Dec 08, 2009 11:38

Well, it really is amazing how having a wonderful new world of Internet abilities eats away at your time! I've discovered that I can play the various Flash based games over on Facebook (ie- Farmville and Vampire Wars.) I've discovered I can make use of those “Free trial for Music Downloads” that come with thumb drives. I can do all sorts of things!

And yet, half of the time I still find myself just off and visiting fan fiction ^_^ How sad.

And having speeds like this, well, I shouldn't admit to it, but I'm itching like a mad woman to tweak my website again. I mean, I already had to go through and adjust a freakin boat load of links after the death of GeoCities.

On to other things though.

Wheel of Time Report:

I finished the 12th book. I really quite enjoyed it! It started out feeling a little stilted at first with the introduction of the ghost author. There were a few characters (ie - Rand) who just didn't quite seem to behave correctly. The thing is, as you got further into the book, either I got used to the new author, or he got better at blending writing, or some combination happened. By the end of the book I was more than happy with the results.

There were times though... there were times when I felt a pang for Robert Jordan though. I could see his writing in some of the scenes, I really could. But in others I missed it. There was a certain lack of expansion on some details that left me wanting of my infamous author. Did these lack of detail do anything to ruin the book? Absolutely not - the flow was just fine with out them. I just know that RJ would have had them in there, and knowing that makes me nostalgic...

Anime Report:

Hah, I can watch anime online now! Novelty! And there are a few series I've been told about over the years, or that I've wanted to see that I just never had the opportunity to get too. Anyway, I found this website that has a number of anime on record and well pinpointed that I've been using for my viewing needs. This lace has all of the anime in Japanese with Eng. Subs. Its called AnimeSeason - just in case anyone else is looking ^_^

So. I went through and watched Black Lagoon on a good friend of mine's recommendation. Wow, what a fun and violent anime! And wow, what terrible English >.< One of the few times I wish there would have been subtitles for the English bit too... Any way, this is an awesome anime for those who like modern day pirates, politics, and frightening lady gun wielders!

And then, well, and then I had the urge to watch Trigun. It is one of those classic anime that I saw one or two episodes of AGES ago and always meant to watch. So... I did! And wow, does that anime go from happy go lucky to a dark sort of mental train wreck! I like Wolfwood though. A lot.

And, if you haven't seen the whole series but intend too, don't read this spoiler!

I watched all of those wonderful episodes with Wolfwood defending Vash, playing the devil if you will. I watched there interactions and smiled happily. I got to episode 23 and watched Wolfwood die --- and I freakin bawled my eyes out! Noooo, not Wolfwood!

For those who have seen the anime and really enjoyed it, you MUST read the manga! Wow, the Trigun comic is worlds away from the anime in the level of how dark it turns. And Wolfwood is so much a darker character too. Never mind that you get a load of back story that just sort of got left out of the anime. Things are so much clearer to me now as I'm reading the manga. I'm loving it though.

Looking for the manga online? Go to Bleach Exile's Online Manga Reader. They have a whole boat load of manga available, not just bleach. You'll find it translated and easy to read. In this case, scroll down to Trigun and Trigun Maximum. Enjoy ^_^

My next anime goal is to watch Death Note - I've been told it is a must see!

ch: nicholas d. wolfwood, blog: book, blog: tv

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