1. Charlotte
2. Sarah
3. Gray
4. Jesse
5. Sara
6. Colby
7. Nick C.
8. Eric
9. Diana
10. Mishy
11. John
12. William
13. Wilson
14. Letara
15. Anna
16. Bryan *sexy couscous* (don’t ask)
17. Jessie
18. Spanks
19. Chris W
20. (I’m running out of people I know) my mom!
What if you discovered you were carrying #3's child?:: wow… Gray remember that time at band camp? Lol no, uh, I’d think it was kinda funny.
What is #4 was actually...your uncle?:: I’d be devastated. Lol I dunno, I wouldn’t be surprised. All black people are related to each other some type of way.
Have you been friends with/known #1 since childhood?:: No, I’ve only known charlotte since 8th grade
What if you found #8 living in your basement?:: Wow, Eric… uhh you can move upstairs to MY room if you want! Lolol
What if #9 was reincarnated as a giant Panda?:: maybe it’s an Asian thing… lol
Do you know # 2's phone number by heart?:: no. I think there’s a 6 and an 8 in there somewhere.
Would #2 & #16 make a good couple?:: actually yeah. Maybe.
Is #3 related to you or any of your friends?:: Gray? no
Where does #3 work?:: working musician
Have you ever stalked #4?:: Oh gosh. NO! of course not!!
How far does #5 live from you?:: around 20 minutes
What type of music does #4 listen to?:: classical. R&B, rap.
What is #16's one true love?:: music. And really hot black girls that play viola.
Have you ever seen #15 drunk?:: Oh heavens no, she’s 14.
A good joke you and #4 shared?:: “you know what jesse? F*CK YOU!”
Does #1 have any secret lovers?:: I’m sure! All those cute German boys she’s always bringing home…FROM GERMANY. lol
Does #13 have Xanga, LJ or Myspace?:: His brother does.
When is #6's B-day?:: March 12
Do you have anything of #7's in your room?:: Oh gosh I wish!
Give #15 a super power?:: uh fingers of steel that always play in tune so teachers can’t give her crap? I dunno
How tall is #7?:: 5’6 or so. He’s a little guy.
How old is #20?:: 56
If #9 could visit any country in the world, where would they visit?:: France or somewhere… with Corey.
Who would #8 make a cute couple with?:: Eric… hmmm well I’d say… gosh this is hard. See I can’t answer that because I don’t know what *type* of person he’s into right now!
Can #10 drive?:: she has her license. But I’ve never been to her hometown so I wouldn’t know. Oh wait! I saw her driving this child molester’s car in Vermont last year!!
Have you ever snuck into #4's room?:: Me and Colby did once at a party at his house. lol
What time does #9 usually go to bed?:: probably whenever she feels like it.
Do you have any pictures of #2 in your room?:: tons! She is one of my best friends
When is #18's Birthday?:: I dunno. I don’t even actually know her, I was running out of people I knew.
What's a magazine that #9 reads?:: Seventeen. All girls read that… right?
What if #14 had the power to destroy the world?:: lol I don’t know.
Does #12 have a website?:: yeah. Livejournal and myspace.
What type of movies does #10 enjoy watching?:: romantic comedies I guess.
Soemthing that #6 did that will always make you laugh?:: lol when she left me with this fugly guy at the mall and make me talk to him and give him a fake number.
What if #11 married your brother/sister?:: well, john IS my brother
Have you ever had any classes with #11?:: No he’s 3 years older than I am, so we’ve never even gone to the same school .
Is #12 in your address book?:: yeah, I have to keep in contact with him in case I have a viola crisis.
What if #1 & #9 shared the same mother?:: Charlotte and Diana. Lol so Charlotte is either half Vietnamese or Diana is half White.
Have you ever met anyone from #12's family?:: His parents and Big Willy.
What is #20's favorite sport?:: she’s not really into sports.
Has #11 ever broken a bone before?:: uhhh he sprained his ankle once.
Has #13 met anyone/know anyone in your family?:: I think he met my mom and brother once.
What is one thing you want to do with #1 before you die?:: go shopping in Atlanta.
Give #6 a hug?:: of course!
What is something #14 enjoys doing?:: singing
Is #8 in your cellphone contacts?:: yes, but I don’t call him much.
Have you ever seen #8 dressed up?:: OMG that ONE time that everyone freaked. Lolol that was soooooooo funny
Who did #15 take to their senior prom/any dance?:: I’ll let you know in four years.
Have you ever had #19's cooking?:: YES! He makes the best veggie food
How often do you talk to #11 during the week?:: Everyday when he’s in town, a few times a week when he’s on campus.
How old will #16 be in 2010?:: like 23ish.
Does sugar have a bad effect on #2?:: lol, not that I know of. But she doesn’t need sugar or caffeine to be crazy hyper.
Something #17 would never do?:: be really girly just because
Does #17 have any siblings?:: I think 2 or 3 but they’re a lot older
Name a random thing that #8 owns?:: Just one? An old lady cardigan. A LOTR lunch box he uses as a handbag….I can keep going.
Have you ever pictured #1 nude?:: whoa! No. lol.
Has #13 ever been to your house?:: no
Name something crazy you and #5 have done together?:: went to the mall to find Nick’s cologne just so I’d have a little sample of it.
Does #17 speak any different languages?:: Spanish or French I think.
What if #2 proclaimed their undying love for you?:: wow sarah… uh, you’re my friend, and I love you dearly, but YOU’RE a GIRL!
how many lovers does #13 have?:: many! He’s a playa!
Does #4 wear contacts or glasses?:: don’t think so
What if #6 gave you a $200 gift certificate?:: I’d cry and be really happy. Then we’d split it and both go shopping.
Has #12 ever fallen out a window before?:: haha who knows. I wouldn’t be surprised.
What kind of car does #18 drive?:: uhhhh I dunno
Imagine you're destined to marry #7, would you prevent it?:: well… if it’s fate…can’t go against that lolol
If #1 & #8 were on a island together, who would be the first to eat the other?:: Charlotte would eat Eric, lol because he has more substance. lolol
Does #5 + Sugar=good thing?:: she wouldn’t freak out or anything.
Ever have a dirty dream about #2?:: lol oh yes all the time
Give #3 a nickname?:: sexy white chocolate? lol