Shorty post because I've apparently managed to disappear off the face of the earth these past few weeks.
Basically, to start things off, I'm sorry, guys. I gave up on NaNo because I just have too much going on. Since the end of October, I've worked six days a week, and I've gone four nights a week to grad school. Consequently, my schedule has looked like this:
Tuesday to Sunday: Work mornings, 7/8 AM to 2 PM
Monday to Thursday: Go to class, 3:15 PM to 7 PM (including commute and dinner)
Every night: Homework until I fall asleep, 7:30 PM to roughly 1 or 2 AM
Any time I had a spare moment, I was really too tired to do much of anything at all.
These past couple of days, I've actually had off because I scheduled myself days off, but I really didn't do much in the way of writing because I just didn't feel like it. I've worked on school projects, mostly, but I've also been out and about the city for the first time in a long while. The only other time I've been out was to check out Wreck-It Ralph with friends, which I highly recommend if you get a chance.
And I say this all in my fandom journal because this also explains why I haven't written anything new, period, save for something I might post up later tonight (a Halloween fic, really). But I'm thinking that if I get enough revisions on this one file that I'm working on right now done, I'll probably finally use the docs for something, and I want to use the docs I set up either way because they're cool.
Luckily, work's easing up on my hours this week, so I might be able to pull off getting enough energy to get a good chunk of my school stuff done in order to finish at least something for Keeper's anniversary. Fingers crossed, anyway. It shouldn't be too much, though, considering it's really just something I've been putting together since the thing opened in the first place. But we'll see.
So, yeah, there's where I've been.
Also, because people have been asking, I'm kinda sorta back on PC. Let's just say bobandbill is very persuasive. But Serebii and The BBS spoiled me, so idek.
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