
Aug 29, 2012 13:29

So then I realized that the main reason why I haven't been getting e-mails on my phone is because I forgot that I disabled synching to see if my phone would magically stop having seizures. (Actually, no, it doesn't. I think I need a new phone.) So now I have an affiliation request and two betas, one of which has already been posted and I'm so sorry about that. orz

Moral of the story: Jax needs to check her fucking e-mail on a computer more often.

On a more fandom-y note, there is a new rec in le rec list. (Pokémon. Legend's End. Actually pretty awesome for a trainer fic.) Also, I'm not done with it, but I'm sharing this rec list nominee because hot damn good Sherlock fic. I have to admit I've been a bit apprehensive about delving too deeply into the Sherlock fic scene because... I don't know. I just don't really want to read fics that ship Sherlock and John (because I see them as being heterosexual life partners and not much more), and I know that the internet is full of slash fangirls (not that there's anything wrong with slash or being a slash fangirl). I guess I just have this really specific idea of the kinds of characters Sherlock and John are, and I've been worried that I'll encounter a lot of fics (like the Alpha-Omega scene, an idea that legit squicks me out for reasons I can't even identify) that don't make an effort to stick remotely to Sherlock and John's personalities in favor of ~love~. On the other hand, if much of the fic is actually more like this one instead of like, say, the ones I've encountered where John has psychic powers, is a wizard, or is a dog-like creature capable of becoming pregnant (all of which are unfortunately actual things in this fandom), then I don't know why I was worried. ...And also, I would need to stop looking for Sherlock fic on anything but AO3.

Side point for obligatory Bill fangirling (because I'm making up for a month of "PHANTOM~!" and a week of "oh hey not going to be online at all"), but it actually reminds me of this plot bunny I've had in mind since writing Retroactive Continuity. I think I'll actually do it as my yearly one-shot because why not, but it's a heavily shippy one and would end up in the shipping fics forum.

Also, these are the plot bunnies I've had in mind since 2010, and, um... yeah.

1. The one where Wes and Bill end up sharing an existence.
2. Moonglow. (I'm so sorry about the delays on this one, Kay. ;_;)
3. An original fic idea that I've actually started writing with the intent on someday publishing... and I don't hate it after having written the first chapter.
4. A rewrite of My Reasons that makes more sense. And possibly a sequel from both siblings' perspectives.
5. All the requests I've gotten.
6. This.


This entry was cross-posted from http://mercoledi.dreamwidth.org/104486.html.

!fandom: other, plot bunny, fanfic discussion, housekeeping, !fandom: pokemon

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