This is not my homework/sleep.

Jul 24, 2012 00:23

Is there meant to be some connection between Bill and the fact Team Rocket guys are thick on the ground here? Dunno. Could also just be unsubstantiated rumor, where one person says he sure is obsessed and the next person speculates on how far someone obsessed might go, and before long everyone's heard Bill is murdering children every full moon for new pokemon.
- Farla

*watches a plot bunny hop on by*


School projects coming along swimmingly. Sketches done but need to be scanned. Images need to be finalized. Master pages finished. Magazine layout ready to be shipped. Starting early tomorrow for work + two hours of going, "OH SHIT OH SHIT MUST COMPILE WEEKLY PACKET TO E-MAIL PROFESSOR."

I'm just here to share with you the mental image of Bill finding out about some of the more outrageous rumors and going, "False. False. Children? Seriously? False. False. False. Pretty sure that's not even physically possible. False. False. False. False. False. Fa-- actually, wait. I did pull that off with three of the Unovan gym leaders and a box of glow sticks, but I didn't do it for rare pokémon. Does that still count?"

Which will one day probably be a one-shot.

Because the fics about/including Bill being a (violent) psychopath are already trite. And because I've always wanted to know what kinds of rumors are flying around Cerulean. (Especially thanks to the edit FRLG made to one of those lines.)

And there you go. My first solely-Bill post in literally months. This is probably a new record.

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plot bunny, don't you have something better to do, !fandom: pokemon

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