Fun fact the first: Jax experiences physical reactions to dust. And by "physical reactions," she means "headaches, burning nose, and potentially upper respiratory infection if dusting happens when there hasn't been dusting in awhile."
Fun fact the second: She's also reasonably certain that the previous tenant(s) of her room have never dusted or vacuumed before because guess what her room is now filled with because she kicked it up in a vain attempt to clean up before she leaves tomorrow.
On another note, she's also rushing to finish AEM 24 by noon tomorrow because she's meant to leave at 1 PM to make it to Logan for a 4:30 PM flight. She's only a few lines away from finishing.
She also plans on having something new up on
Keeper, providing all works out A-OK.
Either way, things will either happen before she leaves for the airport tomorrow or on January 2nd because it looks like she won't have time to do it on Bill's birthday proper. Frownie-face.
She also wants to throw in a post full of ~*~FEELINGS~*~ and maybe if she's feeling adventurous a fanmix which you may or may not have to blame on Jax's ability to be easily influenced + Kay (Paraphrased: "You should do that, Jax!" "OKAY! \o/"), but these will definitely happen in January instead of December 31st due to lulzy traveling. Fourteen-year-old cousins with no senses of privacy and a lack of a stable internet connection are not conducive for fangirl activities. (Although, really, fucking Filipino New Year's. It's full of awesome and tasty things, guys!)
In the meantime, have a music video she can't believe she forgot all about on Christmas. Because oh Fountains of Wayne. Also, oh things that are actually on the playlist for AEM. (This was also totally the title of the entire Christmas audio play, incidentally. Not that you really wanted to know.)
She is also not sure why she's speaking in the third person.
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Also! Have a meme stolen from Scott!
Retroactive Continuity, probably. Mostly because I got to write "LOL EVERYONE IS CRAZY HERE HAVE SOME CRAZY SHENANIGANS INVOLVING ALTERNATE UNIVERSES FUCKING PEOPLE IN THE HEEEEEEAD." Also, it made me suddenly like Leaf. And Mars. And a little bit of Courtney. And maybe N but only if N is so sane he's fucking crazy.
The complete rewrite of
Intellectual Tango gets honorable mention because oh damn did it give me new headcanon.
Retroactive Continuity. Besides a little glitch about which dragon is which (because lol), it's probably the one that was best received. On the other hand, Intellectual Tango also turned several readers into prodigyshippers, so… there's that too.
Most underappreciated by the universe:
Anyone else know that I wrote Creature Tech and Sherlock Holmes fic this year? Yeeeeeaaaah.
Most fun to write:
Intellectual Tango. In part because it was fifty sentences (a piece) full of me going "YAY OTP" and in part because to do it, I read and reread a lot of entries to the 1sentence comm. It is, in general, a lot of fun to do as a challenge because it encourages you to look at your pairing in fifty different ways in one go or to at least be creative with each prompt.
Mary Sue Must Die. Because yes. (Oh, incidentally, that's the new fic I released on Christmas that I never told you about! :V)
Man, I was about to say
Don't Tell, but then I remembered I did that last year. :( I could also probably say some of the one-sentence fills on pokanon, but I can't off the top of my head remember which ones. (Unfortunately, as for longer fills, I'm one of the ass holes who keeps trolling the meme with crackfic.)
I suppose some of the prompts on Intellectual Tango count too.
"Holy crap, that’s wrong even for you?":
For whatever reason, I'm now squicked out by the ending of
...So the Woman Gave Names To What the Man Didn't. I think it's just the idea of the symbiote always there. Watching.
…Hilariously, this is the plot to AEM anyway, but it doesn't squick me as hard. I don't know why.
Fic that shifted my own perception of the characters:
O hai, meme fills on pokanon. Someday, I'll dig you up and cross-post you!
Hardest to do:
A Game of Cats. Hilariously, I know next to nothing about Mary Watson or Irene Adler, and I feel like I couldn't fully capture the essence of either character. Not to mention the plot sort of went nowhere.
Biggest disappointment:
Oh hey, plot bunnies that I mentioned in January and October and epic original fic that I was supposed to write for NaNo. What's up?
Biggest surprise:
"Whoops! I wrote an eleven-page fanfic about this obscure fandom that I just joined instead of writing a paper!" Also, the fact that Intellectual Tango was so well-received on FFNet. It features the flipping epitome of rarepairs, and somehow, it not only got reviews and subscribers but also people who converted to shipping Bill/Lanette too. lolwut.
Most telling:
Other than the fact that I suck at meeting goals? Probably
(Untitled) if you look at it long enough.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?:
Less. Seriously, how did I manage to fail at writing more? I only had classes two days a week, I had a desk job, and I had long commutes every single day. Where did my time go?
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?:
Creature Tech. I hadn't even heard of the book at the beginning of the year, and whoops!
Also, trollfic,
but that was a commissioned bit.
Did you take any writing risks this year? (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.):
Started in on humor. Keeping in mind that I normally write creepy-as-fuck or srs bsnss fics unless I'm trolling a kink meme or MSTing something, humor's pretty much a new thing for me. In some cases (like
lol, Stratholme and
Guitar Hero: The Beggining), I got the feedback I'd expected, but for MSMD, I was pleasantly surprised, especially since the first chapter's literally only two pages long.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?:
Finish AEM (book one, anyway). Stick with MSMD until it's done. Blitz the commissions. Write Demodokos & Lila, you bitch. Attempt that Nuzlocke comic.
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