Hey, guys! I found Carmen Sandiego!

Mar 29, 2011 14:27

So, where the hell have I been these past few days? Funny story about that! I apparently have three jobs right now (Job #1 being an event job, Job #2 being my regular job that schedules me for fun hours, and Job #3 being an eight-to-five job that requires things like ~*~orientations~*~ and ~*~drug screenings~*~ as part of the whole before-you-work kinda thing). Moreover, I'm right now in talks with a friend-of-a-friend for a fourth job, which required me to edit the crap out of one of Act's manuscripts to show that I can copy-edit because I apparently can't find my portfolio anyway. Or, um, the USB cable to my scanner. WTF. In any case, Act, you shall get the manuscript back soon with comments! Once I actually beta-fy it! But e-mail sent!

...And then I realized he asked me for examples of copy writing, which I actually have never done. Um, oops. (Yes, kids. There's a pretty big difference.)

But nervousness aside, also! I finally got Pokémon White! And I earned back the money I used to get it too, so I'm now in the GREEEEEN~! (Well, with loan payments, anyway. Going to have to figure out deposit for grad school later, but hey.) Thanks, guys! Will be back to writing requests soon, I promise!

Also, will put up a game log eventually. I do have to say I'm pleasantly surprised about Pansage. It's one of the Pokémon I never thought I'd actually want to train, and now, it's my best 'mon. You will also be amused by my nick theme. I promise that.

Still have to tackle a long-overdue beta and BBS stuff. BBS stuff especially because there's a few event activities I need to take care of. I've also made the decision to drop out of PD altogether for the time being, and actually, it's for completely legit reasons. *motions to the above several paragraphs* That and it seems like crack RP in this fandom amounts to lots of shipping and ship-tease bantering. Which is okay if you like that kind of stuff, but for me... eh. (I'll be completely honest, guys. I'm just a little butthurt that things like this will most likely never actually happen. Or this, for that matter. Or for whatever reason, this, even if it is in the same fandom.)

But why am I in such a good mood besides the fact that I just finished a major project and actually have this magical thing called FREE TIME? Because I need to tell you about this really awesome fandom-related dream I had last night!

I had probably the most amazing dream I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

First off, dreams about my pet characters come less frequently than one would think. Believe it or not, Bill isn't on my mind 24/7, and I'm glad he's not because most of my dreams involve being chased by demons or trapped in decrepit buildings or carnivals. In other words, my dreams are kinda terrifying normally.

But when I do dream about him, it's usually kinda awesome.

So, I was working/shopping/goofing off at Job #2 when this guy shows up and asks for my assistance. I get a good look at him, and I immediately know who he is. Weirdly enough, it's not the green-haired Bill I normally use in my fics/RP but rather the red-haired one in the games (although he had what I usually imagine to be Bill's "street clothes"), and on top of that, he looked like a real person. Already, I started fangirl flailing, and because I seemed like a nice person to hang around (apparently… or Bill's just the kind of person who would say, "HEY, I LIKE YOU. LET ME SHOW YOU MY RESEARCH." …which actually isn't too far from canon, come to think of it), he took me by the wrist and led me quickly to a layaway desk in the corner. Usually, it's unmanned and whatnot, but this time, there was someone behind it and a line going from it. We waited for a bit, during which Bill explained that he'd have to give the person at the desk a password and that whatever I was about to see was top-secret. I literally couldn't respond because I was still fangirl flailing. And also, I wouldn't know what to say in real life anyway. Kinda quiet like that.

But anyway, we eventually got to the front of the line, and the woman recognized Bill right away and said something a little weird. (Still could be passed off as a normal customer-associate conversation, but it was different in ways I can't really remember.) Bill replied with something equally odd, and the woman motioned for us to follow her. So, we did, going behind the counter and through the door where bunches of stuff for layaways were being held. The woman pushed aside a large shelf full of stuff and showed us to a door.

Past the door, there was this massive storage room full of shelves with different kinds of products on them. Like, some shelves were boxes of cookies, others were children's clothes, still others were plush toys. And in this room, there were tons of people moving things around and a catwalk where there were other people observing. Bill explained that this room was actually a laboratory of sorts. It looked like a warehouse (in case someone who wasn't authorized to enter managed to find it), but from an aerial view (i.e., the catwalks), one could see that they were actually designing a pretty complicated computer chip. Yes, really.

I said that was pretty amazing, to which Bill responded by saying I should tell that to the head of the project. Then, who should show up but Lanette.

Only Lanette, I swear, was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. She was in this suit, her bright ginger hair was cut short, her smile was perfect, her eyes… oh god I swear she was gorgeous. I literally stopped right then and blushed and mumbled something about who I was and how awesome I felt to be there and whatnot, and she smiled and told me to go ahead and look around because apparently, I was chosen to be an assistant. (Which apparently later meant that I was supposed to do odd jobs that the scientists called for.) And then she walked away to go oversee something else, and I once again descended into fangirl flailing, which particularly amused Bill. He told me to have fun and do my best, and then he got to work, leaving me to wander around the warehouse.

The rest of the dream was spent with me helping to move shelves and getting to know a few of the other workers. Also, protecting one of them from being killed by following her out of the warehouse (through a door on the opposite side of the room) and into a jungle and then playing Neopets-esque minigames to stop this weird Dr. Sloth-like character from stealing the project secrets and murdering aforementioned worker with poisonous berries. It was kinda weird.

Needless to say, some people are waiting for their letter from Hogwarts to tell them they're a witch. Other people are waiting for Luna to tell them they're a Sailor Scout. I'm now waiting for Bill to tell me I'm an assistant.

Also, I now want to write fic in which Bill randomly chooses a Poké Mart worker for no apparent reason to help him on top-secret projects that involve ADVENTURE and whatnot.

other, !fandom: pokemon

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