Welp. On another unofficial slowatus from
pokedressing as I teeter between "oh fuck work started," "oh fuck I have to write bunches of stuff," and "oh fuck my application for those summer programs are due in a couple of weeks." Might actually make it official soon because, oh real life.
In the meantime, guess what just went live in the past couple of days.
Anima Ex Machina: Sixteen
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
View it on:
Studio-Revolution.net |
Pokécommunity |
Serebii.net In which...
- Ellen is the only sane one there.
- Thom is an idiot.
- Veronica is an alcoholic.
- Lanette is a bitch.
- Adam does something incredibly creepy.
- Bill plays into the author's kinks. Again.
In other words, pretty much the same thing as every other chapter.
I need to do another AEM extra, by the by. I think the next one up is a profile for Thom, just to clarify that Thom is not the gym leader Wattson. Also, because Thom is an idiot and amazing and potentially going to be a major character.
I'm also thinking of having him steal Ellen's Chansey because while I like Ellen, I kinda like her Chansey even more. (I sort of want to train one now, just because Ellen's Chansey is that awesome.) And not all of the five-man band is going to go on the trip I have planned soon.
Other than that but still in AEM-related news, working on edits for the earlier chapters. Hopefully, they'll be up soon, and I'll be able to post more chapters to dA or FFNet.
Oh, also? The voting booth for the
SPPf's 2010 Fanfic Awards has been up for some time. I have to cast my vote, so this is partially a reminder. But mostly, my stuff got nominated in a bunch of categories, and it'd be awesome if SPPf kids out there voted for me. (♥ to those of you who nominated, by the by.)
Beyond that? A few other notes:
1. SRNet somehow managed to hit 10k views recently. I have no idea how that happened; apparently, I suck so hard at keeping track of that that it was only 8k when I last checked. But woot to all of you lovely people out there for taking the time to check out the site.
I feel like I need to do something awesome right now, but I've never made it to 10k before. So, I have no idea what I should be doing. Other than promising some pretty awesome stuff in the future. (I'm working on a guide to Mary Sues/character creation, for example. The plans make it out to be better than it probably will actually be.)
2. Finally updated all of the affiliates links. Sorry for leaving some of you hanging.
2a. And I got a pretty snazzy Italian affiliate that makes me feel all excited because I sort of want to start studying Italian again.
3. Fics! The Sherlock Holmes fic will be up later on today. And Matt's fic is coming along hilariously.
4. Stolen from
rainmage as an excuse to write about more headcanon and whatnot:
Give me a topic, preferably a fannish topic that I would be likely to have something to say about, and I will attempt to write you a few paragraphs of meta on what I think about the subject.