Commissions are now OPEN

Feb 08, 2010 15:42

Okay, here's the deal. I'm going through a lot of financial problems right now. I've got two student loans that are pretty hefty as it is, plus another one that's kicking in come March. My job, as much as I have absolutely nothing to say about it otherwise, just doesn't pay enough to cover all of this, and I don't want to accept money without doing something for it in return. This is becoming a problem because I don't have money, and it's sort of hard to make more when I've got terrible hours and a paycheck that's only a couple dollars above minimum wage. Oh, and don't forget the part where my direct loan decided to debit my account twice this month instead of once, so I won't get a refund until after my next payment... which I can't pay because I have very little money left in my checking account because of them and a dismal lack of hours. Fun times, right, guys?

Not gonna lie. It's frustrating in so many senses of the word. Put it this way. This entire idea that I'm about to pull right now? My last resort before I start panhandling around my family.

Anyway, yes. I've decided to try commissions. For a small donation, you can get me to write one fic for you of a length that depends on how much you donate. To make it clearer, this is the rate:

$1 = 100 words
Minimum words for one fic: 100 (= $1)
Maximum words for one fic: 5000 (= $50)
Maximum donation overall*: N/A

* You can donate as much as you want in one sitting, but each fic will be a maximum of 5000 words. Hence, if you donate $60, that will be one fic of 5000 words and another of 1000. You can also split it up further so long as no one story is over 5000 words or under 100.

Confusing? Simply put, you can specify how many words each story is. It just can't be under 100 words or over 5000 words. This means you can donate as much as you want and split it up in any way you'd like.

You can also donate as many times as you want. Commissions will be open until I decide to close them, so you can come back to this entry (which will be stickied next week) to request another fic.

Once you donate, make sure you specify who you are and how I should contact you. After that, I'll get in touch with you, not only to verify that I received your donation but also to get the specifics for the fic you want me to write.

My fandoms are here. Here's a list of the other things/things beyond this that I can do:

1. Original fic. Just give me a premise, and I'll take it from there.
2. Poetry. Theme, prompt, whatever you'd like.
3. Smutfic. I can't guarantee the quality (although I've been practicing using kink memes), but I can try. I'm also A-OK with a surprising number of kinks. See squick list for things I can't do, however.
4. Any pairing you want. Het, M/M, F/F, person x inanimate object, whatever. Just because you don't see it on the fandom list does not mean that I can't do it. So long as it's in a fandom I know, I'd be perfectly A-OK to give it a shot.
5. Any genre. Don't like romance? Make me do comedy or mystery instead! I really don't care.

Here's a list of things I absolutely refuse to do:

1. Anything that would get me in legal trouble (besides, you know, the whole fanfiction thing). This includes pedophilia (Aged-up characters or fluff involving minors are A-OK.), excessive and explicit hating on the government of the country I live in, and things of that nature.
2. Fic involving bodily fluid. No bloodplay (although I'm okay with bloody and violent fanfic... so long as, you know, it's not used for sex), golden showers, vomit, that sort of thing. I'm not sure how I stand on guro yet.
3. Anything involving the anus. No fisting, assfucking, scat porn, rimming, butt plugs, anal beads, sticking things in there that really shouldn't be there, et cetera. Sorry, but it's my number one squick.

Once we've settled on the details, I'll try to get it done as soon as I can. However, it can take a few days. (I'm still working on a request for another donation drive, for example.) I'll keep in touch with you as much as possible to let you know how it's going, so I hope you don't think I'm welching on you or anything. Because you're donating, you'll be my number-one priority (besides applications and work, natch), so rest assured that you will get your fic.

Lastly, if you do not want me to post your fic to this journal, please make it absolutely clear that you want it just for you. Otherwise, one copy will be sent to you while another copy will be posted to LJ for others to see.

It would be really awesome if people did this because, like I said, I'm going through a bit of a rough spot right now. It's not as earth-shattering as, say, the floods in Australia or some of the things I know some of you are going through. Still, the debts I'm trying to pay off are getting out of hand, and I want to ask my family for as little as possible because I want to work to get by. It's just that, as I've said earlier, it's sort of hard to work to get by when your job decides it doesn't need you as much as it needs someone else and when no one else is calling you back for interviews for steadier positions.

To the BBS: I've luckily had the foresight to deposit enough money for this year's domain charge back when I actually had money, so I can still pay the fee for one more year. So, there's actually no need to worry about it until next year. But donations for my student loans = more money to pay for the domain next year, so!

Anyway, you're wondering about that donation button, aren't you?

You can use this form or donate by logging into PayPal, hitting "send money," and putting as the recipient. You do not need a PayPal account for the donation button (because there's an option to donate by credit card at the bottom of the form), but you do if I screwed up and you end up having to use my e-mail instead. Let me know if there's any bugs!

And thanks in advance for any bits of kindness I get along the wires.

commissions, fanfic discussion

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