Y'know, I have to say dA's better than I thought it would be. See, I was actually feeling pretty down about AEM (again) because I keep feeling like it's not really getting that much attention. I know, attention whore and everything, and I certainly don't blame anyone for getting behind. (I know there's a lot of fics that I need to catch up with myself, including and especially Nando's... which will take me awhile because I had the brilliant idea of going back to the first one and reading through everything due to having realized it might be a good idea to get the background for what I was trying to get through.) It's just that I have this habit of comparing my writing to some other people's. And a lot of the time, I see things like random people saying "OMG YOUR WRITING CHANGED MY LIFE" and "YOU'RE SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER" and putting fics on rec lists, and the fact that I very rarely have completely random strangers or people I can't otherwise guess just pop up and rec my fic is sort of discouraging, you know? It doesn't really help that my readerbase all across the board has gone down. On FFNet, I don't get many reviews except for Momentum (which I seriously need to update... and which only gets reviews because it's a submit-your-own-OC story); same thing with PC (which is why I haven't updated the thread in a month). On SPPf, I'm not sure if anyone realizes I'm back besides, well, five people, probably. And I'm not sure if I should even make an effort there because it's just not my kind of scene after all. (Read: There was drama, and I may or may not be welcome back by certain people. You know how the internet goes.)
So, I decided to Google the title, just to see if there was anything -- anything -- out there about it that wasn't by me or someone I knew. You know, like a rec or something.
And then, I stumbled across a dAer who mentioned she was reading it in one of her journal entries. And I flailed because I had never met this person before. So, then I sent her a note because my confidence went from a serious low to "OMG PEOPLE ARE READING I SHOULD WRITE MORE." And then, she responded by flailing right back! (Apparently, the old version of the fic? Totally helped her writing out. WHICH IS ALWAYS AWESOME TO HEAR, CAPSLOCK NECESSARY TO CONTAIN THE EXCITEMENT I GET FROM KNOWING THIS.) And now, I'm sitting here, thinking of what I should say because my mind is going, "OMG I'M FLAILING~!"
And, of course, there's a lot of other nice people I've been meeting through comms, too. There's a creepypasta writer, who I need to respond to because I feel like I need to brofist him for his views on creepypasta. And, of course, a bunch of BBSers and someone I met months ago who I need to catch up with and TANYA, who I met back when THE MASAKI FAN CLUB EXISTED and who just RANDOMLY FOUND ME ONE DAY. Seriously, I have no idea how she managed to track me down, but there she is~!
All of this has made me realize something. dA's not as bad as it was six years ago for writers, when I left the first time around. It's actually pretty nifty, and it's full of awesome people who make me feel awesome to hang around. So, I think I'll bring AEM there next. I've got a few comms picked out to send it to, and the first chapter or two should be up once I'm done with writing other stuff.
And as always, it's still available at that bunch of other links I usually post. And yes, I know an extra is long overdue. Maybe once all my writing stuff settles down.
Speaking of which, the to-do list of writing:
1. Grad school stuff: resume, personal statement, and writing samples left. The latter two I'm planning on getting on Christmas because I also plan on tweaking some of my old papers to do it.
pokeprompts's Christmas exchange. About 50% done with it.
The Advent Calendar Challenge. 12 7 fics. You can still request if you're a sadistic ass you'd like.
4. AEM 14.
5. Momentum 3.
6. RP poses. RP poses everywhere.
So, in all, that's fourteen-ish things I have to write by the end of the month, in order of priority. Go me! ...Wait.
At the same time, let me knock something else off my list:
If I wasn't too lazy to create art to go with my fic, I would totally make a joke involving AEM and Bill here. Except I am, so unfortunately, Bill cannot be my answer for this question.
When I was first starting to follow BW news (as loosely as I did), I saw this image. My reaction in a nutshell:
"A Pokémon shaped like mechanical gears? YES PLEASE."
Because it tickles the fancy of the sci-fi geek in me, just because it's all ~*~mechanical~*~. Yes, I'm that lame.
And for lulz, doing what Bay did by recapping the list:
Day 1: Normal -
FURRETDay 2: Fire -
ARCANINE and HO-OHDay 3: Water -
SQUIRTLEDay 4: Electric -
RAICHUDay 5: Grass -
BAIBANERADay 7: Fighting -
BRELOOMDay 8: Poison -
NIDOKINGDay 9: Ground -
MAROWAKDay 10: Flying -
NOCTOWLDay 11: Psychic -
GARDEVOIRDay 12: Bug -
HERACROSSDay 13: Rock -
SUDOWOODODay 14: Ghost -
MISDREAVUSDay 15: Dragon -
FLYGONDay 16: Dark -
ABSOLDay 17: Steel - GEAR
And so ends that meme! If you'd like to challenge me to another meme, feel free to send it my way, and I'll try not to fail so hard on it.
For example, because I could always use lulz:
What Am I Hiding In My Closet?
Only one of you is allowed to say Bill, and yes, it'd be cool if there was more than one answer. :|