Way to miss three days, self.

Dec 10, 2010 21:14

Lots of RL stuff going on. Just realized I let it be the tenth of the month, and I still need to dredge up examples of my work/a third reference to apply for Emerson's publishing school. And work. Oh, work.

Anyway, random fandom thoughts:

1. Remember what I said about Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt a couple posts ago? I just want to say that although I still can't decide whether or not I like it, episode 6 has officially been cemented in my mind as the most epic episode ever animated. Like, thirteen straight minutes of it were a massive, violent fight scene, culminating into what must have been millions of dollars of property damage. Oh, and it wasn't between two massive mechas or macho men or even people with significant superpowers. It was between four teenaged girls (and their dog-things) with guns and blades. And their cars. Playing chicken in school hallways. And you know that kind of thing floats my boat.

Also, Scanty and Kneesocks! I already love them (although I've read they're going to be like a more violent and scantily clad version of Jessie and James in that other fandom), and I'm of the opinion that their transformation sequence is more awesome than Panty and Stocking's. Demonic chanting over this? Yes, please! (Actually, Panty and Stocking's transformation music annoys the hell out of me, so this might have something to do with why I prefer Scanty and Kneesocks' transformation to the one with the angels on stripper poles.)

2. Speaking of which, the music video? Saw it, and it's awesome as well. Just leaving at that because you kids need to go YouTube it. Seriously.

Or, hell, let me help you with that:

image Click to view



3. Is there a kink meme for P&SwG? If not, why? It's like the perfect series for it! (And I want kinky fic of Stocking! She's a goth loli into bondage!)

4. I don't know why, but I keep having plot bunnies for fic exploring Bill's gender/sexuality identity. (Yes, plural. And yes, "keep having." Because this is, quite literally, something that keeps crossing my mind for some weird reason or another.) Because although I know that he's pretty masculine in the sub (thank you, Onosaka Masaya), I keep getting this vibe from the dub that he's a little more androgynous. ...Although this probably stems from the fact that his voice actor was a woman, so... yeah. And I don't even know if he'd be questioning his gender at all in other versions (although Zenshou seems to poke fun at the idea with the entire Nidoran debate). Part of me feels like it's possible he'd simply be genderqueer (more accurately, rejects the idea of labeling things as male or female except on an obvious biological level), just because my headcanon version of him feels like he's a person, not someone to whom the conventional associations of either gender (or, well, conventional associations of anything at all) should be applied.

As for sexuality, I keep going back and forth between the idea that he's pansexual (i.e., doesn't actually feel attractions based on gender) and asexual (i.e., more concerned with his work than anything sexual -- I mean, he lives in isolation, for God's sake). It's a little weird, but with Bill, it's either that he doesn't feel like conventions should be applied to him or that he just doesn't care at all (although he certainly acknowledges biological fact -- like he was born with a penis and a Y-chromosome in a species that requires sexual reproduction to continue). I just can't figure out which way it goes, and I can't imagine Bill seeing things according to strict black-and-white definitions. Well, except for morals and ethics and science, but that's sort of given.

...And yes, I just wrote three paragraphs about this. In all, I guess I just want to write fic that explores identity issues (because that's always an awesome subject to explore with literature... for me anyway) with a character who would, in-character, be "lol you just asked for my sexuality OKAY HERE'S A LONG STORY." And while most of my other characters are flailing around with questioning their sexuality, I don't think I could justify having a character who questions gender with anyone except a very specific version of the character I write most about anyway.

Or maybe I just need a better cast of characters in my headspace. *facebothpalms*

4. The entry title is based on the fact that I went, "ololol not going to update for three days," which means I'm now three days behind on the Pokémeme. So here we go!


Let me preface this by saying I hate Rock-types. Hate them with a passion. It's the one type I will outright refuse to train if I can get away with it.

I don't hate on you if you adore Rock-types, but let me just say that the reason why I hate them is because a lot of them suck. Onix? One well-placed Water Gun, and he's down (even if he was a bitch and a half for you to catch in the first place). Geodude? Almost as annoying as fuck as Zubat in caves. Graveler are even worse because they have this tendency to go, "olololSELFDESTRUCT." Tyranitar and Aggron? Everyone seems to adore one or the other, and as someone who's trained both, I was left going, "You know, I could keep you on my team or go with something that makes me want to bash my face into a wall less."

Sudowoodo is probably one of the few Rock-types I don't mind. (The others are pretty much limited to Golem, Corsola, Aerodactyl, Cradily, Kabuto, Rhydon, and maybe Aron. That seems like a lot, but I mean those specific Pokémon, not their evolution lines or whatnot.) And even then, sometimes, I'd just like to punch it if it wasn't made of rock. The reason why is because I trained one in Silver, who saved my tail several times over from Karen by actually being able to withstand a few hits while Low Kicking her in the ladybits. Also, Sudowoodo + Houndoom = "IT REALLY FEELS NICE TO ROCK SLIDE THE MESS OUT OF YOU, PUPPY." Because I also hate Karen's Houndoom with a passion. All of Karen's Pokémon in GSC, actually. Not so much in HGSS for some reason. Probably because I'd stopped abusing STAB all the time by then.

Anyway! Sudowoodo! It's goofy, it actually does its job without dying (75% of the time), and I probably want to hurt it the least while attempting to train Rock-types.


Ghost-types, however, I adore. They're probably my second-favorite type besides Water, and it's almost completely because of the ASB. See, a few years ago, I participated in an ASB league (for those of you who don't know, basically a forum-based RPG where the entire point is to battle against other members) where I ran a Ghost-type gym. This stems from the fact that my main Pokémon at the time was a Misdreavus.

Why was she my main? Because she did things like phase into walls/objects/THE OPPONENT, had an awesome movepool to choose from, and generally made the game pretty fun (for me, anyway). And to be honest, I chose her in the first place because of design, but I walked away from my first battle with her thinking, "Holy crap, Ghost-types are awesome!"

Then, when the ASBN came to be, I got a Misdreavus for my team again in order to participate in the first tournament of the league. My opponent was another vet, and using completely legal means (carryovers from the original ASB league, really, although without the entire phasing thing), that Misdreavus got me a victory within three rounds. It was awesome.

In all, yes. For once, I love a Pokémon not because I trained one (which I never did, really) or because of the anime. It's completely because the ones I had in RPGs rocked so hard it's amazing.


You know, I don't really care that much for Dragon-types. It's not that I hate them (especially not to the level of Rock-types). It's just that they're rather hit-and-miss with me. A lot of them I've found annoying to train (lookin' at you, Dragonite and Salamence lines), annoying to battle against (Altaria, Kingdra), or just plain annoying (Rayquaza). But Flygon? Flygon I don't mind.

Now, I've never trained Flygon (except in the ASB, where I have to say it's pretty snazzy too), and I haven't watched the movies/episodes where it appears. So... uh, yeah. This answer is going to be very short.

I like a dragonfly-shaped Pokémon with nice colors and what appears to be goggles for eyes.

Yes. That's right.

This one is completely and utterly design-based.


plot bunny, meme, !fandom: paswg, !fandom: pokemon

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