May 01, 2006 17:07
So I ran all the four miles... after a bit of training, yay
I have joined the youth council, and am about to join the youthlink newspaper group... went to the meeting today, or tried to, but it was cancelled.
These days I am helping out subbing Airgear and xxxHolic. Muahahah, I'm proud of myself... >>
Well, other than that, I now work for Korean-manhwa... helping out translating... but we're running out of raws, so we might start a new project. ^^ I wonder....
Well, just about amonth and a half of school left...
The retarded thing is that our finals are about 2 days before school ends... That's just... =__= stupid... from all angles...
My fav. band is Panic! at the disco now.... moo.... or it's what I listen to the most these days... maybe the same thing...
My goal is to get my Bleach RP a featured RP on
I've been goofing around on MyHeritage Face recognition thingy.... uploading pics and getting them matched up to celebrities and stuff, and I find it VERY interesting that when I upload my sister's pic, she is matched up with the most pretty and famous asian stars, actors, and stuff.... Such as Song hye gyo, Choi ji woo, Hikaru Utada, Zhang Jiyi, Michelle whoever from Geisha movie thingy.... and etc.
While I'm matched up with Dalai lama, Kim jong il, Pablo Picasso, John Lennon and those fancy old dead dudes that are 200% uglier.. Not to mention the fact that they are men. Well, I do get matched up sometimes with Bae Yong Jun... which is an honor, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a man. It's even worse with the pictures that have me with glasses.... =__= I was laughing so hard that I was almost crying.... which is actually pretty sad... o_O xDDDD
Anyways, my life has taken a turn (other than the pictures) for a better I think, I'm busier and stuff.... and I like it. (Well, most of the time... <<)