Aug 24, 2005 12:47
Alright... I give in. My nickname is Mosquito... thanx to a couple of my friends... =____= bite me. Actually, no, please don't... @_@
Well, I go for my orientation for school today.... Meh, my mom wants someone to pick me up for the orientation.... and it's right across the street, damnit. She still treats me like the kid I am. What's so bad about treating a gal like an adult for once... I am a teenager and much taller than her, in case she's forgotten. Meh.
I luv all the sato :D and I will come back for another journal entry... >> I missed LJ while I was gone... Moving, broken computer, family over, Los Vegas, Family come back, broken computer, and then Otakon... >> I didn't have much together time with my comp. I've been depraved.