Jan 27, 2008 01:02
I so have too much going on...
Today I started out with Hadzardus Materials class for Community Emergency Response Team. Given storm season in Texas is only a few months away, everyone is rushing to make sure we are as prepared as we can be. BTW, next Tuesday I will be at the ground breaking for the new Hurst Fire Station, Senior Citizen Center, and Retail/Residential center. I'll post pics...I promise.
Then I came home, was distant from Jenara because of stress and did some flying on Flight Simulator practicing landings and working on my turns.
Then Jenara and I went to Target for some shopping and I made Wheat spiral pasta with meat and mushroom sauce and we watched some of the South Carolina results hoping John Edwards would close to second. Then we soaked in the hot tub -- hmmm wonderful hot tub with all the hot water...
Relaxing after the hot tub we watched Breach on HBO which we have seen before but it's such a good movie we got pulled in again.
She just fell asleep and I caught a reply of Barrack Obama's speech from South Carolina. Wow.
Now I'm blogging, catching E-Mails, trying to relax enough to get some sleep but I'm already racing about tomorrow. I have to finish my performance review for GameStop, do another mission on Flight Simulator, start researching ports of call for the 10th Wedding Anniversary Cruise - and the weekend's almost over! AGH!
Then there is everything I want to blog about but haven't: Project Runway, The Celebrity Apprentice, NeverWinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, Rockband, Pro Football, the Stars, Politics, working on a pilot's license, my soon to be changing role at GameStop - Ack, just thinking of it all is ticking up my stress level...I need to vent, NW2 here I come!