Sep 04, 2012 16:00
I get frustrated when I see pictures of people wearing 4th Doctor scarves that have OBVIOUS color flaws, like.... blue?? Please, people, find me a single picture where Tom Baker is wearing a scarf with blue in it! I know the gray tends to look ever so slightly blue when beside the other earthier colors, but it's still not blue. Period. Granted, I have an all-blue version of the scarf in the works (was going to be a secret, but I need the example, lol), but I'm talking strictly about the original. If you really want to have a Doctor Who scarf, why would you opt for laziness rather than accuracy?
Anyway, this weekend at Dragon*Con, I saw MANY scarves, and I think one or two of them looked like the knitter had done his/her homework first... The rest were atrocious. I kept telling my husband, if I had any more self-confidence and salesmanship (*shudders*) in me, I would march over to all these people and give them my card. As it happens, I'm a shy little scaredy cat (lol) so I merely clicked my tongue and said aloud to myself each time I'd spy a bad one (which was a LOT), "Oh, no no no, honey, let me give you my card!" I probably said that twenty times over the duration of the con.