Advent Calendar Drabbles 2017

Nov 18, 2017 14:31

It's that time of year again - and now that I've got my Nano novel out of the way (50K in 16 days, I think that's a record for me) - I can turn my attention to this year's Sort-of-Annual-But-Not-Really Advent Calendar Drabbles Hanukkah Holiday Drabbles, renamed because I'm paranoid I won't get more than eight prompts.

So here's the rules:

1. Leave a prompt in the comments on this post (Dreamwidth only!). Prompts received in any other way may not be honored via a Drabble, because this post is how I track them. Even if you're seeing this via LJ/Tumblr/Twitter/etc, please leave your prompt on Dreamwidth or I may miss it.

2. One prompt per person. That said, you may leave as detailed or as vague a prompt as you like. Be aware that I have been known to ignore various parts of detailed prompts, though, so prompter beware. Edited to add: just to clarify - I won't ignore the prompt! But if you specify Johnlock and I have the best idea for Mystrade with that prompt, Imma gonna write Mystrade. That's all!

3. If you have a preference on fandom/pairing/whatever, please let me know with your prompt.

4. That's it! Sit back and await your prompt. Posting will commence December 1 and run though December 24, assuming I get that many prompts. (Hey, it's been a while, I'm relatively unknown in my new fandom, I accept the reality that I might not get 24 prompts this year.)

To remind you: my main fandoms are Yuri on Ice, Sherlock, Harry Potter, and Check Please, but if I've got a passing knowledge of something else and inspiration, who knows what might pop out.....

Edited to add: Prompts are now filled! Thank you for playing!

Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment in either location.

advent calendar drabbles

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