Cat continued, Other Small Worries

Oct 06, 2016 15:54

So I've reached the point in the moving process where there isn't a heck of a lot I can do, so instead, I sit and I worry about all the things that could go wrong. In my experience, the bigger the move, the bigger the things that could go wrong.

Cleo's paperwork is... well, it is. The only real information to update is that I've got the Consulate in the LoL on my side - they've sent several emails to State's Authentications folks explaining the situation and what is required, not that the Authentications folks have responded. I did call them back on Wednesday, and this time spoke to someone who was MUCH more sympathetic, and while I still don't have an appointment, he indicated that I should be able to get what I need when I go in this coming Wednesday.

If nothing else, I'm bringing Charlie, who will be super adorable right up until he is Done With Everything. Bill says there's someone at the Consulate who got what she needed from the Authentications folks by crying. I figure the double whammy of both me and Charlie crying should get the job done.

I also found a company who can take care of the LoL Embassy's side of things for the grand total of $50. That would be $50 well spent, I think. I figure I'll take them all of the papers right after I leave the State Dept.

But until then... not much I can do, expect entertain the kids. Charlie's fine, except he's teething and therefore doesn't want to eat and therefore is hungry and cranky. Andrew has decided that he doesn't want to go to the LoL, possibly because his class is gearing up for a field trip to the recycling center which won't occur until after we leave. (I can't blame him for being mad; the trip sounds kinda neat.)

Pen's next books are currently going through what is hopefully their final reviews and edits, and then at some point I'll have to sit with a calendar and figure out when I'm going to release them. I haven't picked a day just because I'm not sure how internet is going to go with the LoL - I want to make absolutely sure I can upload them to Amazon before I say when they're coming out, or even put them up for pre-order.

(I'm trying to decide how much of a contingency plan I need to have. I'm trying not to think about how I have less than two weeks left to make a decision about that. I also have less than two weeks to decide if we're storing or selling the RAV4, and that's another decision I don't want to make.)

Currently addicted to Spirk fic. (Spock/Kirk.) I was never into it before, I'm not sure how the current bug got me. But it got me. Pon farr, baby.

In the meantime, Andrew's bus arrives in about 20 minutes and Charlie's still sleeping hard - he's going on 3-1/2 hours, so I won't feel too bad waking him up. Except he always gives me a look like, "Aw, Mom, why you gotta go and be like that?"

cleo, moving

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